Why won't Sup Forums support Palestine?
Why won't Sup Forums support Palestine?
its a signal topic. its used by leftists to signal underdog sentiment. the jews deserve a country. hey they deserve a country so much they should all fucking move there!
Given what a mess they've made every time they had power they really don't deserve anything
Look at the fucking picture.
Palestine supporters:
>Founder of Black Lives Matter
>Feminist Frequency Founder
to name a few.
It's basically a bunch of sandniggers in a wasterland anyways.
yeah cause Ian smith received so much support from Israel and ended up having his country oh wait no it didnt Israel best ally United Slaves for Israel CIA trained a nigger to whip his ass
oh i know. we need to cut ties with them for sure and get aipac money out of washington and jews out of politics/media all together, but i dont give a fuck if israel exists. i think its good they have a country we can deport them to.
Because Israel is white and us white people must stick together
The problem with the anti-Palestine mentality on the right is that it paints a sentimental picture of a war between civilized Jews and barbaric Muslims. The Jews are not civilized, they are devils. If you intentionally try to suppress the fact that all Jews are devils by nature, you are Sup Forums's enemy.
oh brother
that's not how you spell "jew"
>diaspora jews
>israeli jews
>the same thing somehow
Israel came from diaspora Jews. It's the same shit and double standards since Israel was created
No one likes cheering for the losing team, especially when the suck really really bad and are incapable of putting up a decent fight.
because they can't possibly win and they are more valuable as an open wound.
>reform Judaism
Try again m8. Reform Joos are like your cathocucks who support gay marriage.
This thread just seems to have a lot of complaining about Jews. I'm asking why won't Sup Forums support their greatest enemy.
Because you're trashy sandniggers that deserve to die out with the kikes.
>gaming equality activist
say no more senpai
I do
filthy jews have been stealing arab land for decades
and it's not because they are arabs, the jews would steal anyone's land given the chance
ordinary people would be disgusted if they saw how the jewish media paints palestinians
they are committing summary executions against Palestinian attackers, forcing palestinians out of villages then demolishing them, demolishing villages when palestinians refuse to leave
they are trialing Palestinians under isreali law, when they have no jurisdiction, kidnapping kids from homes at night
they are refusing to put Palestinian villages on road signs and maps
it's the level of persecution on par with the aparthite movement
The jews' strategy is to make us choose a side. You're pro-Palestine? You're Ahmed! You're pro-Israel? Schlomo!
Fuck off, both deserves to be removed from earth.
I choose Evropa.
>caring enough about Palestine or Israel to support either one of them
Hezbollah? They're great guys. Sup Forums would have been speeding through lebanon generals faster than an australian can call ya a cunt when they were pushing the IDF's shit in, if Sup Forums had been a thing back in 06.
Palestinians aren't an enemy, they're a punching bag.
Hezbollah seems to be having a bad time against farmers in Syria atm
Because no one cares about the Palestinians. This is South African apartheid part 2, and while the world looks down on Israel they continue to dig their hole a little deeper and a little wider each day.
Simple demographics proves that if Israel wants to maintain its "Jewish identity" it needs to drop all pretense of democracy since the Muslims will soon outnumber the Jews in Israel.
Where's your katana?
Funny fact: Most white Australians have Jewish ancestry.
>dumping ground for criminals
>Jewish ancestry
Gee, what a surprise.
so you support palestine and surrounding muslim countries, right? Don't worry, get it out.
oh mate, you forgot of ashkenazi
>±3 MM in Israel
>±5-6 MM in US
>8 MM is whole Israel
This is more white than a lot of European countries.
Israel has a more civilized, less sand up asscrack culture.
Yep, and pay jizya to them once they take over. Also, be ready for burkas, stoning of women, stone age mentality. And this is vs "evil" Jews with their civilized cities, bars, universities, top medical labs, computer sciences, much whiter looking women and European mindset.
Hezbollah is only good against ISIS and rest even more radical islamists and it is only cause Lebanon is allied with Iran and is following its interest in the region.
>British White Supremacist
>Anti-racism activist
>Child Murderer
>American Fascist
Al Jazeera, Gawker, Vice, Mic, Vox, AJ+?
Keep defending Ahmbomb Abdindu Al-Nuffin.
Because Palestine never existed and never will exist. Shit even Palestinian leaders recognize Palestine is a meme.
Look up Zuheir Mohsen for keks.
>"Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of ONE people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are ONE people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity."
Seriously, how people forget the fact that Palestine NEVER existed is beyond me.
Replace "Europa" with America and Iron Pill with a 300 pound spurdo and you have the answer.
Shill harder, dhimmi.
Nuke both kikes and mudslimes