I've been thinking about this a lot but I still haven't come up with a logical answer
The Question: if the Jews really are trying to eradicate the white race, what do they do after we are gone? Being stuck in a world full of Muslims will garuntee they all be killed, whites are Israel's only allies. They can't be dumb enough not to have a plan after we are gone, WHAT IS IT???
I've been thinking about this a lot but I still haven't come up with a logical answer
Other urls found in this thread:
the jewish conspiracy isnt true
Here you go m8
I know some of you are familiar with this information, but many newfags here are not so, today, I'm remind the oldfags and redpill the newfags:
The endgame of the jew is and always had been to establish a one world monarchy with a jewish king surrounded by a caste of rabbis, where the jews will rule over the world and the goyim (non-jews). Everything that you see, the leftists propaganda and shit, is part of the process in the creation of the slave race of goyim of tommorrow: the negroid-asian race.
When this has been achieved and the whole world is composed of a minority of ruling jews and a majority of negroid-asian goyim, they will freely rule according to the law of the talmud (the holy law of the jews) which states things like "a jew may not kill a jew but he can kill a goyim" etc etc.
Forget about left/right and all these pretty illusions. The only real dichotomy is jew/goyim. You are either a jew, a chosen human made to rule, or a goyim, a forsaken human made to be ruled over, like cattle.
This is the vision of the jews (and they hardly hide it) and their original and ultimate plan.
Arabs/muslims are a proxy army of the jews and when they have fulfilled their role, they will be destroyed too (they are too white to be allowed to exist for the sake of the negroid-asian race to come).
There, now you are "redpilled" and you may see the world for what it really is.
They breed us out of existence as revenge for getting Shoah'd. Everyone will be brown in the 2100s. Can't you see? Open your eyes, the Jews are behind it all. Jewish Hollywood directors, Jewish bankers, Jewish politicians, etc etc.
tldw, at work m8, whats it about?
the jewish conspiracy isnt true
it's work safe, just some music
Kek'd, noice m8
It's Australia dancing around other countries with ed edd and eddy saying "that's my horse" in the background.
But how would the Jews manage to do that? Muslims far outnumber Jews, there would have to be at least a massive race war
Mudslimes are low IQ barbarians, the kikes are using them as a proxy army to rid Europe and the west of Christianity. After that is done the low IQ subhumans will not be able to compete with kikes and their significantly higher IQ and European technology.
If your question wasn't dishonest then no bank would ever get robbed.
People's own stupidity has never stopped them from bad decisions, it is customarily the basis of bad decisions.
That said, white people organize and fight back. Every government worthy of the name was white.
Nonwhites accept governmental incompetence and overreach. Nonwhites might riot, but they don't do anything meaningful; they expect governments to be bad.
A subject-race with white skin can overthrow you and replace you, whether they actually do or not. A nonwhite subject world might hate you but will never do anything about it.
Muslims are pretty good at fighting among themselves, usually.
Whites are actually currently smarter then jews. Here's why...
there are about 16 million jews in the world. The Ashkenazi Jews (high IQ) are just around 8 million in total globally.
There are over 7 billion people on the planet.
The Ashkenazi jews total population is just a little more then one tenth of one percent of the entire human population.
The white population dwarfs the jewish population. As a Result we have a higher percentage of high IQ's in our midst. Its just numbers. Meaning the white population easily has more then 8 million whites with IQ's btwn 107-115. (which is the common IQ of the ashkenazi jews.
We are also generally physically tougher and stronger.
We are a huge threat to them.
Its not that they are pushing genocide as in death. They are pushing genocide in terms of interracial breeding, replacing slow population growth with other races, transfering of power, pushing us away from control. undermining us.
Jews are such a fucking minuscule portion of the human population and have lived so many places and caused so much bullshit. It just never fucking ends with them.
70 years after they get liberated from the concentration camps and they are all over everything again. The media, education, entertainment, banking. Fucking pissing everyone off again.
They think they have found the perfect deflection strategy this time with claims of anti-semitism and oppression but they really haven't. This is still the same human race that existed 70 years ago. People can always change their minds.
What is so often not examined is WHY. WHY the holocaust? Why would an entire country round up an ethnic group and imprison and murder them?
For basically doing a lot of the same shit they are doing right now.
The Jews are far beyond us. It's like an ant not getting why we burn them with a magnifying glass.
Source: My poor delusional brain
Most shit skins are well acquainted with war, violence, scarcity, and constant struggle and discomfort.
The modern european is acquainted with comfort, peace, abundance, and tolerance. Basically all the opposite things things and qualities that were needed to conquer the world.
If white men want to sit back and do nothing then I mean fine. There are no rules of engagement. There is no preferential order but that which violence or the threat of violence provides. If white people want to show up waving their little welcome refugee signs and patting themselves on the back because they have been brainwashed into thinking blind tolerance is more virtuous then self preservation then so fucking be it. If 50 years of kike lies (the 1960's onward) are all it took then we deserve to die. They can throw our little welcome refugee signs into our graves with us.
Their goal is to re construct the temple of jerusalem and expand Israel to a greater Israel, this is why they are desestabilizing the middle east so much, once the can wipe the moslems they will be able to destoy the Ummayad mosque and reconstruct the temple, then the apocalipsis will begin