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No fuckin way

lol trump is gonna break him in half like bane did batman

Holy shit it's happening

If this goes down, look for Teflon Don to be the nicest he's ever been in a debate. He's gonna make friends and suck votes from Hillary.

Genius, Trump is giving extra coverage to Clinton's rival, weakening her in the proces

>hillary cucked by bernie "the cuckold" sanders

omg this is going to be fucking hilarious

Welp. It was fun while it lasted.

Trump will be demolished and his support will drop until November.

We almost fucking won.

No way, that's my birthday!

I can see this going badly because Trump supporters are educated and intelligent enough to understand the basics of economics. They understand why FREE healthcare and FREE college for everyone isn't actually free. Bernie will keep saying things like "everyone is entitled to FREE healthcare and FREE college" and the crowds will eat it up and when Trump says "we can't do that" they will think he is a monster.


>Hosted by TYT
Not going to happen.

>trump lets bernie win
>bernouts think they have a chance
>get their shit pushed in by hillary
>immediately vote trump instead because the debate was setup so that they would agree more often than not.
its more than over for hillary at this point.

Holy fuck trump is about to thrust Bernie directly into the spotlight, and further divide the Democratic Party.

I bet he'll even go so far as to let Bernie do so damage? Maybe not. I don't know if he has the personality to take such a blow for a master ruse.

This will be RIP Bernie

Trump would never agree to this, it's just a lose-lose scenario

Mummy hijack?

He should worry about Hrod not Trump

>This just in, local 74 year old man cuts himself with his own edge, more details to follow


God this will be epic

It'll be hosted by Fox which means a stacked audience for Trump. There is no way in hell CNN or MSNBC would host a debate that would hurt the Democrat frontrunner.

>trump is willingly cucking himself

My idea: most independent voters don't know what the fuck is going on at this point. If Trump debates Sanders it may lead some of them to believe that Sanders is actually the Democratic nominee. I think it might actually be a good thing for Trump to debate him, not because it will benefit Trump, but because it will detriment Hillary.

doubles confirm sanders dies on stage from trump bantz

Trump shouldn't agree to this shit, TYT cuck fucks do not deserve any more popularity or views.

Also, Bernie is worth 0 time or effort



trump is trolling bernie

and he went for the bait

This is an interesting strategy, admittedly. If I was Trump, I never would've agreed to this, though. After all, he's trying to court Bernie supporters (not the wackiest ones) and it's incredibly difficult to remain cordial in a debate when your opponent is barking "racist" every ten seconds.

hi spooby

Ur right

I am now a #cruzmissile

Sup Forums VS. REDDIT

Why the fuck would Trump fear anyone at this point? Does the commie jew scare you?

I feel like there is some higher being that is doing everything in its divine power to make this election continue an exponential growth of excitement and general buffonery

I think bernie has been a little more civil with trump than shillary has.

I expect they may actually talk about issues rather than trump getting called out for MUH SOGGY KNEES the entire time

How is it a lose-lose situation? Trump is a master debater. He'll just bring up points both of them agree on so he can steal more Bernie voters. Most of them aren't voting for Hillary anyway.

Holy shit.
I mean really.
Unprecedented, Holy Shit.

He was just on Jimmy Kimmel and said he'd do it if the price was right and he'd give the money to charity.

>attack Clinton constantly, but toss Bernie softball answers and challenges all night, convincing Sanders supporters that Hillary was a mistake and that the Don will MAGA
Just you wait my friend. It will be legendary. Trump will be deviously and will come out on top as always

I didn't think murder was legal. This is going to be delicious. Trump is getting even more free coverage, gets to destroy Bernie and probably Hilary too. Berncucks will get butt hurt when their cuck of a leader debates economics with the Emperor who is a God in that sense. What a time to be alive.

Outcome of the debate depends on who's hosting it

So, who's hosting it?

Its a win win for Trump. Most Sanders supporters are Independants, if he triangulates well he could win some over. Also it makes Hillary look irrekevant, he can just attack her that she is on trial and probably will be indicted, Sanders wont touch that and it will further the civil war on the left, he benefits from thst, he is a chaos candidate.

Thing is though, if Trump thought Bernie was a threat and didn't have a fool-proof plan to stop him, he wouldn't be being as nice to him as he has been, we saw the same shit with Cruz.

Trump knows Clinton is still the larger threat, Bernie doesn't know jack shit about economics (which Trump is very good at reducing to laughably simple terms,) and both are equally inexperienced on foreign policy.

If Bernie goes after Trump for example on helping poor African Americans by lowering taxes on the rich to ~15%, Trump can just say "I'm replacing h1b, which sacrifices their jobs to foreigners to give them jobs, and lowering their income taxes to 0 percent, and when Blacks get rich after I do that, they'll be the ones paying only 15% ."

Not any more Slavs.


How the fuck will this hurt Trump?

All it'll do is win him over Sanders supporters who hate Hillary.

It'll also show the contrast between the ultra left and make Trump seem reasonable to the independent voters

>Trumpies understand economics

>Support sky high tariffs

Nice try though.

The young turks



On Kimmel, Trump said he would debate ONLY if money was given to a charity. Hopefully it goes down.

I love it when Goebbels laughs and then Hitler laughs

They were ultimate bros

>implying Trump will do it before California

Oh shit


The idea behind this debate is that Hillary will ultimately lose - not Bernie, he's already lost and isn't a threat.

Trump and Bernie will be cordial to each other - the real barbs will be thrown at Hillary







He gets points with Bernie supporters from this.



Get ready, we're about to take in more ex-Bernie voters.

Quick reddit we need to give Panders more money to fill up his Audi R8 with high octane!

More like Bernie baited him but Trump dragged him down into the water and drowned him and Hillary was also on the boat and the boat capsized.

squinty eyed crypto kike vs nebishy kike

we may all be one race but many inbred supremacist cults want to divide the masses of humanity into simplistic groups to benefit their percieved "ethnicities" and "caste structures"

kikes call their redheaded offspring "bastard jews"

kikes ran the trade routes (including slave trade) and divided countless cultures with divide and conquer propaganda emotional manipulation provocateuring

kikes invent, suggest and promote racial divisions with their media and business power


what does the average working kike think about the concept that Hitler may have been a decendant of Rothschild and the same nazi thing the crypto triad claw murranos lined up in europe to justify the tanks rolling into palestine seems to be unfolding in america now?
westside triad claw?
maybe related to the triads like the chinese gangsters sheldon adelson and mitt romani and the koch bugeyed brothers hang out with...

kikefag says: "nothing wrong with jews please stop being mean to them"

tiredofthekikebullshitfag responds: they propogate and ofuscate an inbred supremacist ethnic cult... they defend khazar pharacees with silence and denialism... gazagas must be outed and phrenology human heraldry exposed or all jews will continue to risk being conflated with kikes...huffing emotional manipulations and half truths are not enough

Trump would get humiliated in a debate

1. Berniebots no matter the outcome will make 30 second clips where Bernie had the upper hand and those will go viral on social media

2. Berniebots want this debate to happen on TYT, if Trump does not do it on TYT he will be declared a coward and loser



He's going to grab every FUCKING Bernie voter with this debate. EVER FUCKING ONE

He's going to Annialate the fucking polls.

This isn't a debate, its a stage for him to talk to ALL the bernie voters out there. Everybody knows Bernie voters don't listen to trump at all, this will force them to listen and he will probably give some of his most eloquent speeches of this campaign.


mind = blown

Why would he debate someone who can't win the nomination? Bernie really is crazy

Since Bernie will be debating Trump, I'm giving Bernie a small donation of one million dollars. Everyone match me!

>Trump spends whole debate attacking Hillary
>Bernie has to stand there and defend her like a retard or just agree

This. People don't understand Trump's strategy which is to create chaos and draw attention to himself until he's the last one standing.

This will send the whole Democrat party into a panic frenzy. Because Trump debating Bernie would create the perception that Bernie won the primary and for the more informed voters it just makes Hillary look incredibly weak.

anyone got the pic of the admin on bernie's reddit just being desperate for donations?

>Trump debates Sanders
>is friendly and concedes Bernie has many "good" ideas
>provides mass media coverage for Bernie
>Weakens Hiliary, while also possibly collecting many Bernie supporters under his banner

>Not knowing that debates like this aren't allowed by the parties.

How? All he has to do is compare the socialist agendas to Venezuela, and terrify everyone back into the capitalist mindset. He can explain in simple terms why socialism can't work when you're already so deeply in debt.

That, free health care would cost the public MORE than competitive health care, while offering a lesser service.

Logic is on his side. That's why he's so confident. What is there to fear when you're clearly right? Trump has done a great job using these "omg, this will end him!" moments to get the spot light on him.

He's gaming this system. Trump understands the whole program. He's fighting very powerful people, so know that to be where he is, means he has already outsmarted him.

Literally, he's risking his life. We need to be there to support him, because the more people behind this movement, the sooner they realize the death of Trump would only rally the cause.

Berniefags still think that he has a shot. Not even kidding. They seriously think that the super delegates should just step in and give it to Bernie because he is allegedly more electable.

bernies dropping out m8.

he couldnt give a shit hes been treated badly.

>Give Sanders more exposure
>Trump intentionally does a really soft debate
>"See, Sanders crushed him! Only he can beat Trump!"
>Hillary wins the nomination and the hatred towards her is boiling over at that point


>drags attention away from Hillary, making her nomination less important
>makes Bernie followers see what Trump has to say, which could be used to make them support him
>even if Bernie wins the debate, it's too late for him to get the nomination

It's brilliant.

See If Bernie and Trump debate before Shillary debates Trump, it makes her look like even more of a joke because they're essentially having a presidential debate without her. It makes both Trump and Bernie appear confident and ready, meanwhile she hasn't even secured the nom, (okay, mathematically she has, but Bernouts don't acknowledge this.)

>sky high

TYT has nothing at all to do with this

What are they going to do to Bernie? He's not even a democrat.

Why would trump go on TYT? They are soooo biased against him. It will be rigged

only the democrats

There's literally no way he can use. Bernie has zero chance of winning the nomination so anything good he says about Bernie will win over he low energy voters and anything negative he says about Clinton will be backed up by Bernie.

Trump is campaigning at levels never before seen.

>yfw Trump throws the debate to make Bernie look better so he can weaken Hillary even more before the convention

Praise Kek

Maybe, maybe he will crush Sanders with banter and bullying

kek someone got to make a webm of that

why would trump do this? could backfire

Bernie would just point out that Clinton renegged on their deal for a debate. They won't question it.

Trump jokingly says he'll debate him, Bernie gets all super serious and acts like it's an actual debate, Donald will just laugh this off for the absurd idea it is.

*Outsmarted them.

How can he get cucked by the cuck?

>two candidates who have zero chance of winning are having a debate

it's so pitiful that its kind of cute

>could backfire
i guess if the plan is anything but destroying bernie

What if he is expecting TYT to rig it against him, and plan his words accordingly to make it obvious to everyone that TYT has a bias, ergo portraying himself as a victim of media bias and censorship once again.

Gotta think ahead

He wouldn't, they're not involved. They mentioned that if there were to be such a debate, they would be willing to host it. That means nothing because Trump would never agree to that.

[muffled hand rubbing in the distance]

Trump head the head of the GOP. It's his party now and his rules. The GOP would go along with it anyway because the damage it would do to Hillary.

The DNC party rules is a problem for Bernie to deal with. Not Trump. It's also the problem of the DNC. They can't just kick Bernie out and enrage his base. They could. But would they do it? It's win/win for Trump either way.