What went wrong?

What went wrong?

The "Best Ribs" sign behind it isn't a giveaway?



how does he even wipe is ass clean?
i bet he smells like ass when it get's hot outside

Do you really think something like this has the self-respect to care about getting its ass clean?

Not enough weed for everyone, maybe?

This is an epidemic, and we have to fix it.

i worked with a fat guy with smelly ass, and i sat in his chair in his cube at the office to talk to him for a sec.
i had his ass stench on me all day long.

nah, let the fat fucks die off and the fit and fuckable people will remain.

it's the stupid liberals with their "love yourself no matter what size" notion.

bunch of idiots

But he's Canadian. If you look closely, he has a Toronto Bluejays hat and the cloths under the tables say "Sarnia", a town in Ontario.

Liberal here.

If you're too fat to walk, you're too fat to live.


so he must die then? great thinking there you stupid liberal

Some people will say it is an illness, but I do not think so, it is lifestyle choices and the what the world has to offer. The world is slowly poisoning us to death. You do not get this fat by eating foods, it is what in the foods that caused it.

How much do you think this guy weighs in this photo? I'd say 475.


Do you think someone like this actually enjoys life?
Do you think someone like this is a benefit to humanity?

Fuck the fatties, we're better off without them.


It is not their fault! The products we buy are toxic filled with chemicals that will fuck you up, maybe you don't get fat but you will get cancer or other diseases.

it seems like we are better off without you

dad found out he ate all the ribs

If it wasn't their fault, then everyone would look like that. We have the choice. Eat or don't eat. Excersise or don't. Eat good food or eat mcd's. These people make all the wrong choices and shouldn't be mollycoddled for it

fat fucks detected!


fuck you.i wish i was fat. id get to ride on a scooter all day long.

Mostly Ronald Reagan or Lyndon B Johnson

1 in 3 Americans are obese, clearly there is something wrong.

Sadly this

We give the fatties far too much free reign. Why they should get more rights because they made shit decisions in life and clearly don't care enough about themselves, I don't know.

Yes it's a huge issue. No pun intended. 1 on 3 Americans are huge self hating cunts with no self respect or responsibility.

yeah, you know what pisses me off the most? When a fat fuck on a scooter runs into me and doesn't even apologize. Entitled FAT CUNTS!

I think he ate some people.

Found the fattie who doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions.

Good foods aren't accessible, and the general public is less informed or misinformed. pesticide, herbicide, plasticizer, chemicals who knows what else we are putting in our body all day, and this is the result of it

They hate themselves too much to work out. So why they'd appreciate anyone else I dunno. Like when fatties are told they have to buy 2/3 tickets on a plane then buy just 1 anyways. Then people complain and they're moved to first fucking class

Good food is always accessible in western countries.

thinks the world works like this

Those chemicals don't make you that fucking fat! This fat fuck is probs eating 5000 calos a day!!!

Workout is overrated

They are expensive and time consuming to prepare, while there are many others fast and easy options

this retarded

It fucked up their hormone and their systems, so they can't really metabolize at a healthy rate

still butt hurt about that election little friend?

So? It's the price you pay for being healthy. Well maybe not you. But normal non-giant people.

Fatty food tastes soooo good. Also there are so many buffets in America. Pizza buffets, Chinese buffets, Golden Corral, even some KFC’s have a buffet.

Stop eating plastic.

Yeah, you might be stuck eating bullshit if you're dirt poor and prioritize computer games over eating decent. Even the most back-ass hick town in this country has actual healthy food available.

Stop being a whiny bitch who won't that it's their own lack of self-control and respect that has caused their cock to vanish into a pool of lard.

come on man. i don't believe this for a second.

good food is so cheap if people just took the time to learn how to cook.

an 8 kilo bag of good rice is between 10-14 dollars. it lasts me at least a month.

bag of red onions is about 5 dollars. last me a week or so.

spice although a bit expensive actually lasts forever.

and meat is always on sale if you go to grocery stores either in the morning or before closing.

Sadly a lot of the younger generation these days feel like this... And people blame the fast food and shit like that. No there's better food available. You're just a pathetic excuse for a human.

This. Veg is so fucking cheap too. Can make so much with very little effort. Even a simple stir fry. Takes minutes, can be very healthy, and tastes great.

If you think the products they put on the shelf are safe, fine. One day you will know when you get cancer, and you know I am right

Tastes like crap compared to a steak with a baked potato slathered in butter, or some pizza

Are you autistic? Go to a market and get veg. It costs close to nothing.


you eat your food raw? lol.

>Not knowing how to make a stir-fry taste good.

Lol this.

he ate too much

If you're eating all that processed bullshit found in the center isles, yea.. that's why you're a tubbo. Stick to the outside edge of the grocery store, or even better, hit up your local farmer's market / produce stand. Keep it up, and there's hopes you'll one day see your toes again, if you don't loose your feet first.

Pesticide on them, I clean them real good.

When we make so many programmes for fatties. Give them so much to benefit from just for being overweight, it's no surprise people don't mind being seriously unhealthy. It's like welfare. Give people the option to live without work for free and they take it - which destroys ethic and core responsibilities.


Farmers market have amazing foods for really cheap. Stuff they don't sell in supermarkets because it's an odd shape and too natural even. Wash that shit with water. Cook it up. It's perfect and helathy

How many calos does that long gone whale consume in a day to stay at that fucking 1/2 ton of dreadful deformity? I'd rather take a bullet to the face and live than have to spend a day living in that stockpile of slimy grease shit.

Everyone cleans their food. Or should lol. That's nothing new.

Plus you won't get pesticides from a good market.

Fuck, so many normies from reddit on this board

But you could get state funding, a free scooter, free health care on the state, free living costs, and so much more. A lot of people think that is worthwhile. It's disgusting and needs to stop.

who the fuck doesn't wash their veggies? lol.

dude. just fucking cook your food the right way and you'll be fine

Being fat is gross and it must not be allowed to be seen either:

1. In a positive light, fat positivity is a cancer to a helathy society.

2. A way to go about life, fatties are given everything for free and treated like they've had this horrid thing imposed upon them by some greater force. No. Cake isn't a greater force, just put down the fucking fork and roll to the gym.

ITT: Fat fucks pretending to eat healthy or know how to.
All of you are overweight.

Fuck knows man, some autistic Lardos might not know how to cook veg let alone prepare it.

I wish schools would have cooking classes as part of the curriculum

so the people commenting here look like this, yeah, it is better than what op posted, but it is still fat, but i doubt they know it.

It's a slippery slope. And being that size, they're going to roll down it real quick.

It's a growing epidemic worldwide. While USA is by far the biggest offender, it seems like where individualism and industrialization is really taking off/increasing the obesity trend follows suit. You can blame the exportation of American culture perhaps. That being said this is not projected to end anytime soon and will likely get worst with up to 50%+ being overweight-obese.

Not to mention the abuse of social safety nets.


America is not the fattest country. That is Saudi Arabia or Mexico. You can blame America for all the worlds problems but global trends aren't the result of one countries culture. this is particularly true now that America is no longer nearly as influential as it was even 10 years ago.

you are a fucking moron if you think social safety nets cause obesity.


it helps it definitely. People just living off welfare making more and more kids to get more money per month. It helps them maintain their fat lifestyle instead of them going broke and losing all that fat from being homeless and staving on the streets

you are such a shill its pathetic.

No. Fat retards abusing systems cause obesity. You autism. Once they get a taste of the free life they loose thier motivation.

It's not just this. It demotivates them completely. If they get shit for free they literally don't have to work for it. So they don't try. Which brings down thier self-esteem and will power.

Depression and a way to find temporary comfort.

Wrong. American culture is probably the most influential among them all. Also USA is fattest. You need to remember population differences and the fact that 38.2%of the population is obese. Supposed to be 50%+ by 2030

Rip his sex life. Unless he goes gay.

people abusing access to free shit helps them be fat because they don't have to work for anything. Put those fuckers in 9-5 shitty factories where they have to lift crates or some shit all day and sooner or later that fat will burn off

This exactly ^

if going by sheer mass then usa is probably comparable to china. but the rates of obesity in Mexico and Saudi Arabia are higher as well as many smaller countries. US culture is not that influential anymore. Their international prestige has been destroyed by two decades of pointless wars and idiotic leaders that the US really only acts as a reference to other countries for what not to be like. you think the Europeans respect us when 40% of our citizens are obese and we slaughter millions of innocents every year?

It's more the western capitalistic judeo christian culture I imagine. It is the worst system in the world, except for all the others.