I'm new to Nirvana but want to get into them, recommend me a starting point/natural progression.
Nirvana for starters
Jonathan Hughes
Logan Thomas
Endless Nameless
Mason Russell
There's three albums you fucking retard.
>I'm new to Nirvana
fucking underage shitter
fuck off and stop posting these retarded threads
Julian Anderson
nigga they only released 4 albums just listen to whichever you want
Ian Rivera
Just listen to all 3 of their studio albums and then get the extra stuff if you want, it's not much to go through.
Hunter Gomez
Buy a shotgun
David Reed
listen to siamese dream and mellon collie and the infinite sadness, you'll love it
Connor Sanders
This is the best nirvana album, check it out
Jose Torres
Don't. Kurt Cocaine is a hack who could barely play guitar.
William Wright
dumb kurt poster