>Be me
>Find a pretty cool looking goth qt 5.5/10 at a shitty school dance
>Short and thicc, but the face makes it up
>Only now find out she's hated throughout the school
>Asks me if I wanted to see Suicide Squad
>No reviews came out yet, so I said fuk it, lets meet up
>My brother wanted to come along, but put up a fight because he usually ends up pissing in the back of theaters
>He comes along and we're 8 mins late.
>Meet her and feminist friend
>Be autistic and drop a triggered joke, and she was fine with it
>Shorty was fussy that I was late but got her to chill
>She asked what my favorite movie was, and lied by saying The Corps Bride and everything Tim Burton
>Thicc goth wants to succ me now
>Bro respected our time together and secretly pissed at top corner of the theater out of our way
>Movie is over
>Goth told me it was her favorite movie ever
>No shit sherlock
>Told me we have to meet up again and kisses my cheek
>Fast forward to now, she requested a facetime
>This may be the only time I get pussy till college
>It's all down to YOUR decision robots, do I smash or pass on
Be me
post a picture of her
Post pic pussy
Can't, respect women
Hard pass
post pics fag
Nice dubs
also just smash dude. Pussy is pussy.
post pic of body
Can't post a pic, use .jpg for reference, this is NO JOKE a perfect representation
>can't post pic
Yes you can pussy
u might as well do it. U may never get a chance like that ever again. It could be a learned experince
she liked suicide squad. dont even think about it.
also post a pic you absolute pussy. fuck you cunt.
crop it and change the tint if your so fucking terrified of Sup Forums fucking summer fag
who cares, just have sex. when you get older youll regret not having more sex
Just smash Sup Forumsro you're gonna need practice for all that college pussy anyway
There's the ass, fukwads
Post a picture, or kys. Im leaving this thread forever now.
what he said they're all practice till you find the "one"
fuck it just smash you need practice just think of it like a job in the aspect of you need to get a shitty random job just to get into the entry level job you want
I mean if that is the ass go for it.
Smash her asshole.
SMash the fuck outta dat ass
You're 17 and you have to drag your nasty theatre pissing brother on a date? This might be the only offer you're ever going to get so you might as well go for it.
Virgin high school kid is gonna fuck a fat goth girl with feminist friends. He is going to underperform and create yet another feminist.
Don't do it, find a hood rat to practice on or die a virgin.
underage b&
18 now
Post more op! We fapping here
Who pisses in a theatre, does your brother has assburgers?
Smash OP it will be worth it in the end
ADHD, plus his group of friends think its funny
Need face pic op
>short and thicc
Why the fuck would you even consider doing that