King of Sup Forums
King of Sup Forums
not funny
this one isn't funny either
this is just getting worse
this really isn't working out for you too well
I don't understand...I feel like I want to consume his fecal material. How weird is that?
In fact...I want a long warm tubular section of it to slowly go down my throat. Thus would I feel complete as a man.
i have no problem with that but you are alone in feeling that way
Wrong, he's not OP
still not funny
logging in for the cream dream
Dubs logged
Throat clogged
it's just me and you buddy, nobody else
>6 posters
easy enough
all hail the creamy
But what about the steamy?
just glad I got to c'log on today
rough day at work, come home and realize there's no sixx thread to steam it up in... but then I saw this thread
Tell us loggers about your shit day
logging in
Well, my boss was being a faggot (he doesn't even know about logs)... I was trying to browse for creamy log threads and he was all "stop goofing around on the internet while you're driving a 6000 lbs forklift (he needs to grow up)
Your boss sounds incredibly immature.
kek yea total child. I think I'm gonna dress up as a log one day and go in smearing shit everywhere and tell him he's not worthy of andy's creamy, dreamy logs
Bet he'll grow up REAL quick after that.
logging in for the clog
nice log, that one looks especially juicy
It's all about the cream
You wish. Kill yourself. You're deluded.
just logged in
Thanks for joining us tonight, logger.
So this is the thread where all the autists meet. Interesting
dubs logged, throat clogged
of course, i'd never miss out on some late night log slidding.
Grow up
>log poster
pick one