

>Can confirm this user's statement. OP, you better try drinking semen instead of juice.


hi, strawpoll OP, what are thoughts on Trump's presidency?

dude when is the site going to come out? It's been two years now


>hi, strawpoll OP, what are thoughts on Trump's presidency?

i don't know and i have no opinion

>dude when is the site going to come out? It's been two years now

>">What if it feels inept and almost inanimate?". it's alright. i am inept and inanimate. and i'm happy they get that. i'd like to have it redirect to the site up sometime but i can't predict the future so please be very patient and please believe. thank you...



maybe i need to make a copypasta faq or something. but i sort of did that already.

maybe i'd be better off being cancer

but i can't bring myself to do that

i guess i choose hate and death over being cancer

i mean it's reasonable to bring it up since it's omnipresent. but i also don't post because there's too much meta all the time instead of posting normally. but i leave the link in case others are curious. but that leads to it being brought up. but it's brought up if i don't include it and just leaves others clueless anyway. but not posting here and having everyone upset about that isn't very fun too. it's a lose lose situation either way...

>dude when is the site going to come out? It's been two years now

dude! i can't fund it by myself but don't like to ask for funds.

the site is coming out whenever i can fund it i fund it

it's sort of a complicated long story...

i am the worst admin in the world...

Who the fuck are you

Nvm just answered my question

>Who the fuck are you
>Nvm just answered my question

y-you too...