He proudly carries a LOSERS flag

>He proudly carries a LOSERS flag
Is there anything more cucked?

Then stop waving Soviet Union flags around too.

> Sup Forums

i'll never take my nazi flag down

Any commie flags are 127% more cucked than Confederate flags

Losing while fighting for the right thing is honorable. I voted Trump fully expecting him to lose. But it was important to vote anyway.

I want that woman to be my gf.

Not true. Communism is actually the LEAST cucked ideology. Go prep your bull.


So she can peg you?


that shit was weird man, that cop was right
everybody just calm the fuck down

People still fly the french flag and no one says anything.

>Is there anything more cucked?
Being a jew


oh wait you're still going


Alpha v Cuck Jew

>France isn't a country

hello autism

>france doesn't get cucked nonstop after ww2
its like you're doing mental gymnastics to avoid how shitty france is

literally an incel movement

Did he beat that lady with the flag or not?

I might be open to that if she wanted to try it, but I want to fuck her vagina too.

yfw France is better than the US

Notice how he's being peaceful and calm, while it's the other person who feels the need to get up in his face and flip him off. You can tell she's angry even though she has no reason to be. People who feel they need to get in your face like that should be institutionalized, they clearly don't know how to act in a civilized society.

>peaceful and calm
the bliss of stupidity, user

>a civilized society
>is racist

go on

>Even after defeat, the South still flies its flags for over 100 years

Sounds more like the Union is a bunch of pussy whipped cucks. Tell me, how many times has Tyron visited your wife in the last week?

sounds more like your mom deleted your WOW faggot

she has the right to be angry, losers shouldn't get participation trophies yet here they are trying to defend a statue of a LOSER.

Good think the Union wasn't fighting to stop them flying Confederate flags then, otherwise you might have a point.

The War will be fought and won. Liberals will be the next slaves. We'll teach you how to do hard labor.

>the South still flies its flags for over 100 years
it's illegal

I agree with this user, getting that mad at a confederate flag while being white lol

No one outside of Sup Forums takes you seriously, the alt right will never be a viable political force, get used to it.

We have support in Congress. There will be a succession where nuclear weapons could even be used.

>republican = alt right
kek, you really are deluded.

>we-we're just peaceful calm racists advocating genocides, racism and lynching

Always laugh at alt right's face when they pull this bullshit

people who don't see the ruse of black society at the moment are retards

Oh look its the "I think I understand logic" moron trying to apply logic to psychology. You are extraordinarily thick, if humanity could turn your thickness into a physical material a fucking black hole would manifest because of how dense you are.Dumb dumb dumb, so fucking dumb a sane perosn could be forgiven for thinking your parents were brother and sister.

Let me explain something, something real and something I'm shocked you are so fucking pig ignorant of. People, that is humans not programmed with wishy washy emotions by mass media, like to be part of groups, like to have a shared identity. Its often called tribalism. They'll use history, genetics, ethnics, skin color, demeanor, or just plain shared interests to do it. And a fuckwit like you waddles your way in and starts shitting on that?

Bitch please, bitch please^2 if you think you have any fucking right to shit on someone for waving a flag, bitch please^3 the fuck you think you are to say cucked when someone waves a flag and self identifies with a group that fought for SELF-FUCKING-DETERMINATON you miserable filching little spec of dick cheese.

Bitch, Please.

I highly doubt an alt right incel virgin unemployed loser who lives with his disappointed parents has anything to teach anyone

>Is there anything more cucked?
Making a thread about it, for starters.

so you literally have no problem with demanding that police officers who shoot unarmed black men be charged with murder?

but dont libtards call for white genocide?


Get used to it white males, you are the N.E Patriots of race. Haters gonna hate and always trying their best to defeat you.

>Good think
Does the Union teach anything but Cuck 101, Liberal Views Essays, and How to Hate Your Race and Country?

>it's illegal
And the Cuck Union does nothing. Hell, I can go online right now and buy as many Confederate flags as I want, fly them, and sit mildly amused while pro-Union folk tell me about how "the South lost" while Tyron is blacking their wives. Hot damn why are the coast such cucks in everything and anything?

Gangster rap made him do it.

someone should call for your mom

>calls right wingers children
>defends a bunch of children
The absolute state of liberals.


Did some lib humiliate you for using the n-word again, user?
Is that what this is all about?

>alt right definition for white """"""""""""""""""genocide""""""""""""""""""

>the Cuck Union
holy fuck you're 12

Damn this is some poor bait.

Actually you need to have guts to parade in front of radical commies, like he did.

ok cleetus, what's your solution, should we gas them all, or deport them? got any other impractical/never going to be implemented policies to suggest?

gee I dunno we're adult enough to accept blacks, gays, Mexicans and Muslims as equals.
You can't, frogfag.


>bunch of children
>nowhere in the post

>senseless nonsensical reply

go back to your echochamber you brainlet autismo

The fact is that they are. The ruse is that cops only kill black men which is factually wrong...cops are killing troves of black people is a lie

Careful. Our country might just let it happen. People are complacent.

*click - clack*
Got your back

>W-we just might us nukes guys! You have to fear us by now!


Oh shit it's the thought police!

But if he punched someone first then all Nazis are violent pigs.

no truer words have been posted here


That 'LOSERS flag' is a part of American history weather you like it or not. Do you have a problem with America?

let me know when you can legally own slaves, then we'll come down and destroy you redneck faggots for a second time, until then, i'll keep mocking you for flying a loser's flag.

>Importing millions of Brown and Black people in white countries is not genocide.

OK so that's a "no," you're willing to let alleged murderers off the hook.

You're all over the place faggot.

I'm actually gay myself, and no, I don't have to tolerate your equality for all bullshit.

I live in Georgia. There is no fucking way they're taking our nukes. They are guaranteed under the Constitution.

>i'll never take my nazi flag down off the wall in my bedroom... Unless my mom wants to clean my room .


>still trying to push the "peaceful genocidal nazi" angle

see you fucking autismo. gee I wonder why people would react violently to murderous fascists which lead to the death and misery of much of europe not even 6 decades ago. if you're going to wear their banner you deserve to get treated the same way.

>durr I don't hurr durr durr
then you should be wiped out
no fucks would be given

>simply living with non-white people is somehow genocide


sounds extreme. are you mad?

What the fuck is this thread about again? Too high to look up at the top.

>being this autistic


Cops who kill ANYONE for no reason are being prosecuted in the court of LAW. Your's or anyone else's personal opinion (not based on facts) doesn't mean shit in real life

1. I want the Orange Asshole you elected out of office.
2. I want you faggots to sit out the next few elections until you learn proper civic duty.

people being proud that their ancestors were losers

So that's a "no," you think the whole thing is left-wing BLM propaganda.

You're actually part of the problem user

Yes, you cannot compete as how much children you produce the government will import even more shitskins.

Being a liberal you cannot what family values means as you are too into seuxal degeneracy.

We should be looking to abandoning tribalism, user. After all, this is the 21st Century.

the only thing more cucked than the guy in the pic are all the liberal pussies who are upset about it.
i've heard this argument before. "losers don't get memorials or monuments."
i'm with you, let's remove the crazy horse monument and all the other tipi nigger shit.
they had hundreds of years to lock down "their" land, but they lost it all by getting their asses kicked or swindled.
if the confederate shit goes, so does the drunken loser tipi nigger shit.

You elected Trump
you literally have no place lecturing "liberals" on anything.

liberals have always won, time marches on and leaves those who won't change in the dust.

Today's conservatives are also just dirty liberals to conservatives of the past.

pot meet kettle

>other people making more babies triggers meeeeeee


repeat after me


You call yourself an adult with the way you talk?

>citing vice
back to school to maybe learn what a legitimate, credible, less-biasd source is.
good luck, sparky.

all that matters to me is they share the same values, i don't support importing muslims, or mass immigration for that matter, but if they have compatible values and a valuable skillset which will contribute to society, i don't care what their skin colour is. convince me otherwise.

I'm not part of the problem you dense myopic fuck.

I support BLM. You're scared of anyone who isn't white.

I am not even American you idiot. As a foreigner I had a good insight into Western leftist.

Dont you have to fuck your transgender girfriend in her "vagina"?

3. Shut the fuck up Trumpfag

those are our demands

>I am not even American

shut the fuck up

>I want everyone who disagrees with me to be banned from politics and voting because I'm too stupid to make a good argument

And we wonder why liberals can't see the parallels between Antifa and the Nazis...

replace fragile with "tired" and you'd be more accurate. you make no legitimate point, just ad hominem and straw man attacks. back to tumblr, shit for brains.