Tell me Sup Forums, which celebrity did you most want to FUCK when you were a young kid discovering you were interested in women?
Do their characteristics that appealed to you still appeal to you now (e.g. they are a redhead with huge tits and you still like redheads with huge tits)?
No faggots allowed in this thread.
Jordan Campbell
Bette Middler. She had some big ol' tits.
Isaac Wilson
Julian Lewis
>No faggots allowed in this thread.
Isaac Morales
Annette O'Toole.
Would still fuck her today if given the chance.
Caleb Lewis
I'd give her my tool.
Kevin Bailey
Nobody puts baby in the corner.
Cameron Long
None, because i was and still am a cynical asshole.
My hormones started pumping around the time that Pamela Anderson was bouncing around her fake tits on a fake Hollywood beach. That style and look at the time never did it for me.
The girl from Lazytown spikes more hormones than say Cindy Crawford or whatever Madonna faux 50's bullshit was being pushed at the time.
The nail in the coffin was Hole. Celebrity women are just gross.
David Peterson
rosie o'donnell
Jaxson Robinson
Don't know actress names The girl who hung out with spy In "The eagle has landed" same actress later in "American Werewolf in London"
The girl who did ride along with hot rodder in "American Graffiti"
Both underage but so was I at the time so its all good.
Brody Cruz
Jacqueline Smith ( left )
Dylan Cooper
Punky Brewster was probably the first. That raspy voice used to get to me as a little kid. After that, probably Christina Applegate
Hudson Williams
What interested me in them then is still what attracts me now. I go for the "cute" women more than the "sultry" women. I did not find Pamela Anderson or Cindy Crawford all that attractive. Not ugly just not my type.
Brody Hernandez
>The girl who did ride along with hot rodder in "American Graffiti" You have a fetish for women who threaten fake rape accusations?
Easton Parker
Damn yes, Christina Applegate was hot. Too bad she had to have the double mastectomy.
Liam Jones
yes, Jaclyn was the hottest.
Always liked a well sorted brunette the best
Joseph Flores
Megan Fox pre-surgeries
Hunter Russell
Forgotten about that aspect. Been a long time since I've seen that movie and at the age I first saw it I wouldn't have been thinking about that.
Julie from Loveboat before she got the perm was hot too.
Now that I think about it I think a good number of my boyhood crushes became coke heads.
Nolan Wilson
Andrew Ross
I had this exact picture hanging up in my locker, Had two poster of her in my room and every sports illustrated issue with her in it.