Austrian Election Fraud Thread - AEFT
There is Movement.
Austrian Election Fraud Thread - AEFT
There is Movement.
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Bumping for my AustriaBros
I thought you guys gave up on this
Threadly reminder
You Austrians are just sore losers
well more and more came up atfer a closer look.
more and more cases of over 100% of possible voters
antifa scum involved in vote count
in some cases the vote count took place without supervision
>native populations finally begin to lower which results in a higher standard of living
>immigrants and their spawn keep raising the overall population anyways
whats with all the fucking immigrants
nice Mozart quote, m8.
Amis could learn from dis
Wtf we didn't even have an election.
waaa waaaaaaa
Fuck off Sup Forums
Ever thought that maybe people think differently than you and vote for the opposite of what you believe in. Normal people don't want national socialism back. Holy fuck I don't even know why I am even on this board.
4 Bezirke in Kärnten
UND jetzt 1 Bezirk in Steirmark
half of Hofer-voters are BAD
the other half "VERY BAD"
>Ever thought that maybe people think differently than you and vote for the opposite of what you believe in.
not an argument.
like seriously. the lefties don't give a shit about the other side either so why should we?
Are you actually getting attention from the government or no?
>Evidence of voter fraud
>Nah nobody should investigate
Fuck up cunt. Might not effect you Seppo, but this is my country and I'm allowed to care.
That's it, Austria!
Can someone recap for me? how is the general attitude in Austrian/German media? Are people laughing it away or calling it something like desperate nazis bs? Is it taken serious? Are they opposing or trying to ignore recounts?
Counting without witnesses did happen, a spokeswoman for the prosecutor's office said and acknowledged receipt of the complaint, which also the "Kurier" reported on Wednesday.
Another unregularities were spotted in a different judicial district:
Briefwahlstimmen in Kärntner Bezirken mit Unregelmäßigkeiten
bei der Auszählung
Abg. ung.* Hofer Van der Bellen
Villach Stadt 3.498 55 1.305 2.138 (62,1 %)
Villach Land 4.332 119 1.955 2.258 (53,6 %)
Hermagor 1.627 51 686 890 (56,5 %)
Wolfsberg 2.921 89 1.457 1.375 (48,6 %)
Summe 12.378 314 5.403 6.661 (55,2 %)
Kärnten gesamt 37.973 1.065 16.393 20.515 (55,6 %)
*ung. = not valid
And because all of you wanted this:
daily life in vienna -
- drug niggers get arrested -
- noggers selling drugs on open streets -
- what happens when the turkish football club won in vienna-
-> remember, this is austria, there is no austrian on the street
I'm happy you guys are making a big fuss about this. Austria is too proud of a people with a rich culture and heritage to stand for this stuff. You aren't some weak willed country that these leftists can get away with this.
>more and more cases of over 100% of possible voters
>half of Hofer-voters are BAD
the other half "VERY BAD"
And this passes as legitimate elections? No one is protesting the blatant fraud?
Can you clarify that one part, the one starting Abg. ung.* Hofer Van der Bellenith 'Abg. ung.* Hofer Van der Bellen' and '*ung. = not valid' ?
If it came down to it would your military perform a coup again?
it destroyed my formatting, I'm sorry:
Abg. = handed in
ung. = invalid
Hofer = counted for good guy
VdB = counted for leftist
read the numbers from left to right accordingly
Did you ever consider you're in the wrong place if you don't agree with us pedro?
Leave we won't miss you, you're just another retarded burger that thinks he can define what "normal" people is, most of us here are normal people by all standard definitions, now go back to your safe space goy
alternatively, look up the given source
Bumpity Bump
Did anyone call for a recount?
HOFER lawyers are working on it.
Doesn't this just say that half of people are content with the outcome? I mean, kinda redundant in itself really..
Yeah, sorry, I'm just not sure what I'm looking at that's supposed to be flawed or suspicious. Those aren't a suspiciously high number of invalid votes, and they seem to add up, no?
Im sure they'll have plenty of time to jew up the numbers
>Doesn't this just say that half of people are content with the outcome? I mean, kinda redundant in itself really..
YES. THIS SHIT is just made up by left-wing media !!
is there any article about this on mainstream media?
well, I mean.. clearly, since VDB didn't get 56% of the votes haha, why would 56% be happy with him winning.. But oh well it's just kinda silly, not that big of a deal
imagine this topic going to court.
20 HOFER lawyers vs. 20 left-wing lawyers.
and THEN one of You guys calling in on skype
I was the spanishfag who openned the rigged election thread yesterday. Im glad that you are actually working on it. You have enough evidences, go for it.
good luck austria
im still butthurt that bush stole the 2000 elections so fight for your win. In before some liberal republican bullshit im a Trump fan i voted for him in florida and i still think Gore was superior to Bush
>highest percentage of uncounted votes so far
>actually where most of the postal votes have been counted too earls
>VdB having an enourmous boost at every single one of them except wolfsberg
You forgot the one left-wing judge.
Who could be behind the postal vote?
we need this guy
and this one
Hello /reddit/
"Sondersprengel" - Guys who go to elderly homes, dementia patients, and mentally weak who have a special guardian, etc.
>3518 registered voters
>21060 votes votes
shut it down
we need a "Sondersprengel"
its actually very possible something happened there, some british Sup Forumsack did it during the EU elections too
>18k votes
>in one city alone
and thats why everyone who says VdB would have one anyways needs to shut up
HOFER next Bundeskanzler? YES !
Sprache on suicide watch, kek.
With Hofer fpö would go far.
does the BZÖ still exist?
Not really
yes but it didn't make it to the Nationalrat 2013
who's this?
>Counting without witnesses did happen, a spokeswoman for the prosecutor's office said and acknowledged receipt of the complaint, which also the "Kurier" reported on Wednesday.
Can one of you Osterreich fags explain what's going to happen next? If this happened in Australia there would at least be a recount if not a new election.
>Left wing judges
Top Kek
Zim zam's lawyer.
HC on FB right now:
proof that some people votes twice !!
What about the explanation in the comments under that video? I'm not an expert so I can't tell if this guy is just a shill. He is gendering the word Wählerverzeichnis though, so I wouldn't trust him off the bat. What a fag.
I hope shit will start now in austria. This shit goes on at least for the last 20-30 years. "Friend" of mine admitted to helping count votes in bavaria and he always threw CSU votes away or marked them as invalid. This happens everywhere, everytime.
Every election major election should massively supervised by some official "commitee".
If you guys start enough shit in austria it's likely america would intervene and we'd actually supervise your elections along with the UN.
Great, so the NWO agenda visits. I´m sure this will be totally neutral and not pro multiculti.
Bumping this
If you have twitter get #recountforaustria agoing
You are doing gods work, son.
Is there any way anyone can demand a recount or something?
US military doesn't play along with covert agendas, that's the job of cia and special forces. Unless they stick a bunch of liars and frauds into supervisory roles, the election should be pretty fair. And if the whole point of intervening is to make a fair election, rigging it or even allowing suspicion of rigging would be awful.
lmaooo @ butthurt nazis
Can someone summarise the main reasons people think there is election fraud I don't speak German
See these. They threw out votes and total votes cast was greater than 100% in some areas.
"nothing happened, everything is back to normal"
Sup Forums was right again!
Where is this map from? Source pls
>The Eternal Leaf
How did they dispose of them though. Has anyone managed to find any of the ballet's that they threw out? I'm no great detective but shouldn't some Austria user be going through dumpsters before they are gone for good?
The letter votes turned out to be a complete clusterfuck.
It turns out that in Vienna you were able to make two votes, because they """fucked up""" and did not mark people who voted via letter votes.
Now those people were able to just walk into the next polling station and make a second vote.
I have no problem when a candidate wins no matter the party, as long as it is a fair election progress, but with only 0,4% difference it is really annoying to find out that there are so many red flags.
They marked them as bad so they didn't count. I have no clue what happened to the votes afterwards though, I know that in america they get stored for years. Nice trips bro.
Who #BellenD here?
If you seriously don't see the problem with electoral fraud you certainly should be on this board. I'd be pissed about it even if it screwed over a candidate I hated. Elites control the votes enough with money and propaganda. Once they start openly fixing votes we might as well all kill ourselves.
>It turns out that in Vienna you were able to make two votes, because they """fucked up""" and did not mark people who voted via letter votes.
This is the most interesting bit up until now. The increased turnouts of 146 % and almost 600 % have been explained in some way by now. We'll see how the discrepancies in Carinthia and Styria turn out, but for now it's unlikely they'll lead to another election round in those cities. The antifa twitter account is most likely some stupid troll attempt (see their photo of thrown out Hofer ballots that don't match official ballot design).
The one in Vienna though may be a major fuck up that would have a huge impact if it were to be confirmed.
>Linz verändert
Bumping for the good fight.
This is a crime against democracy and the people of Austria.
The twitter is most likely just a troll to piss off anti-antifa. But They are organized and if suddenly people decided to vote twice they probably organized groups of Antifa to do it. I doubt it's something that individuals in general think of or try.
The entire EU is a crime against democracy and the people of Europe
Tell me more, oh chan of 4.
>The entire EU is a crime against democracy and the people of Europe
And people are still defending it even after the Brexit movie.I didn't even know about half the shit going on in Brussels. This has to stop people need to wake the fuck up already.
>Wien ist anders
Is it happenings?
will you fix this shit and make Hofer get it?
They appeal to the arrogance in people. That's why they're so fucking smug despite knowing jack shit.
> In the 68 districts which voted for Hofer, 4.2% of all ballots were invalid.
>In the 49 districts which voted for VdB, 2.7% of all ballots were invalid.
>some people have different opinions therefore rigging elections is just fine
That's easy to explain. Clearly, Hofer voters are just too retarded to vote.
City centers control elections, that's why the West will never recover, the degenerate fucked up cities will keep casting their votes for the most fucked party. Democracy is a cuck system.
That'll probably be their excuse anyway...