Why don't escorts like black guys? Seriously, search "(your state) escorts" and you'll see that many of them do not accept black clients.
Why don't escorts like black guys? Seriously...
gee... I wonder
They don't tip escorts and if they do it's usually well under the 20% nom.
STDs, violence, etc.
Rather than asking why escorts dont like blacks you should ask why nobody but self loathing libcucks like blacks
They are violent
They don't have money
They won't pay even if they had money
They have STDs
They don't shower regularly
They are really really violent
violent, smelly and poor
This escort sugar momma I had for a bit charged this one black dude extra money because he was black.
I approve.
HIV, drugs, and crime.
But blacks will tend to get with black prostitutes, and black prostitutes are not escorts typically. Escorts don't want to deal with the guys that deal with street-level prostitutes because of the risks involved.
They don't feel like getting raped/beat up after demanding pay.
Most blacks who would buy an escort are the "gangsta nigga" type who think being manly or cool = hurting people/animals/things not as powerful as them. She charges $400/hr? Too bad bitch I'm only givin you $100 emoji emoji emoji
but white girls love BIG BLACK COCK :(
They wanna get fucked not murdered
Chances are a lot go unreported and I still believe the stats difference is that huge.
Blacks are more likely to try to scam them plus they generally will react in a violent way once the bitch wants to get paid. It is mostly white escorts who actually do his sort of thing i have not seen a high enough number of black women do this aside from 1 or 2 times.
As a white female I prefer Hispanic/Latinos over black guys.
Blacks are something like 8x more likely than whites to carry STDs. I wouldn't have sex with a black girl considering those odds.
Most of the escorts in my area, white or black ones, don't accept black men. The only ones who seem to be willing to take those jobs are the Hispanic ones
Because despite what pol and the porn industry tell you, most white women do not actually like black guys and understand that dating them is a sure fire way to end of getting beaten and becoming a single mother
There's a reason kikes push this shit so hard. Because it takes a lot of brainwashing to actually make it happen for most women
Are we supposed to tip them? I never do, I'm paying for the service already.
How are percents related to tipping the fedora?
Kys whore
the whole not paying/beating/killing thing. in other words, THEY RAYCISS!
STDs mostly, it's not even a racial thing to most of them I think. Blacks just have a much higher chance to have herpes, genital warts, etc.
Also escorts don't like having large dicks pounding them all day. Large dicks are the #1 fantasy for inexperienced girls, not professional fuckers.
Just look at this racism Sup Forums. How do we fix it?
lol no one tips them and they don't ask for tips.
It's because of all the reasons you would not want to be alone with a black male if you were a woman.
Besides the obvious like violence and drugs, they talk so much shit and degrade the fuck out of them. You don't need to treat an escort like a princess but being a straight up constant asshole makes them not want to do business with you again, and if one particular group is constantly doing it...well you already know what happens.
Plus one of the main way pimps try to find recruits is by going hard after indies.
wait is that really how you can hire a hooker? just say she's an escort?
someone please tell me because i haven't had sex in almost a year
Damn, one hundred thousand percent real.
Stick to white guys you slut
implying real
niggers tend to be abusive or cause trouble and try to haggle
No thanks.
>as a female
Sure thing bro
Same thing here, pic related.
It's the "brown paper bag" of prostitution.
You can still get caught if you're a dumb fuck though so read up the do's and don'ts. Here's one tip cops usually bust dudes that come to them. If a girl does outcall it's a lot less likely that she is a cop.
>only white European men
w-what's wrong with white american men?
>my pic is 1000000% real
why can't women into how percentages work?
>jess davies
dumb whore but not an escort
Why do you think
It's good etiquette if you plan on becoming a regular. I've been seeing the same escort for the past 6 months and she says 20% is her standard tip. I'm giving her tons of repeat business, she's not going to jeopardize that by lying over a 20% tip.
>They don't tip escorts
The only tip they get from me is not nutting in their eyes.
one of em even says no italians kek
>w-what's wrong with white american men?
No, you are right. The only possible exception is if they work in a whore house that takes a cut.
how does paying work?
if i pay first then i can get arrested right
Trump will teach your depraved whores to love our american penises, finn.
>w-what's wrong with white american men?
Because she works in europe and doesn't expect americans to be her customers.
ITT: OP tries and fails to start a trap thread.
You'll already know the amount before you meet. Put the money in an envelope, put the envelope on the table when you get there, and tell her to feel free to check everything out while you use the restroom.
>search for escorts
nice try
Back in the States, my first job out of the military was perfect for a full-time college load in LA. I worked for an agency that placed strippers for parties, including some really cool (and usually very sweet) 'touring' adult actresses who worked the stripper circuit. They also placed escorts, and yes, that overlapped a lot (but not universally). The biggest pay came from 'solo shows' for new clients. For a 3-hour meetup, I could pretty much count on $300 from the entertainer. I would basically have a key to the room and be in an adjacent room in case of trouble.
Guess which guys were always trouble? Yes, niggers. Even the most well-dressed Hollywood business type was a high-risk date for the escorts (who would often just cancel the date before sex was a question and risk violence from entitled niggers who did not read the contract) and especially for the actresses. The worst part was always when it came down to the whole following of the rules thing when they were invited to the room.
"Muh dick dun like nuh condoms," or "BItch I paid yo, I'ma fuck yo azz, not just yo damn coochie," or "I hope you like being choked out." Off goes the buzzer, in I go. I must have tazed a dozen niggers in a year's time, as well as 4 Japanese businessmen (the agency advertised to them specifically through travel sites) but only 3 white guys and a couple of various Asians. Surprisingly, no Latin men ever started shit, who the girls liked because they were usually polite.
Among those niggers were two pimps, several drug dealers and one casting director from a pretty well-known agency. One of the pimps ended up trying to find out who I was after I repeatedly whacked his head and face with an ASP and tazed him. My policy was always "you will be beaten until she is satisfied". One of the drug dealers had his homies outside, but they were rounded up for trespassing on the hotel's property. From 30 dates with niggers, 12 were bad. No mystery: They have a culture of thuggery.
Fuck it I'll bite, I knew a few people close to or working themselves in the UK.
Anecdote 1: Arab guy, doesn't want to pay despite rolling in jewelry and driving £170k car, just being an arsehole after "full service". Not first time but body guards usher her out... Not before she steals a hard drive.... So monitored by everyone for weeks and weird shit with burglaries, gang stalking etc.
>inb4 don't ask contents.
2: Black guy fucks stupid and then has less cash than needed. Threatens to punch if doesn't accept. This was regular with blacks.
3: Arab guy lots of money wanted to be shat on despite "pretty white girl" not being into anything dirty. Threatens to not pay and ring agency and say she stole..... Arab owns building that Madam lives in. Madam not in on it and he was banned but the "pretty white girl" did it because he made other threats.
3: Blacks had more STDs and didn't care. Would try to take of protection and lie....
4: Indians and Pakistani men had small dicks and would often try to under pay. Also many fake notes.
The list could go on and on but I have to light the fire.
capcha Channel Avenue! Chan 4
No americans exist in europe. That disclaimer is to stop arabs or black italians from contacting her
How the hell do you get a job like that? Sounds interesting.
I can't possibly imagine why.
You just put the cash on the nightstand and don't talk about it.
You're pathetic
not to mention that many get diseases at birth. so even the ones that do assimilate to western values are impure.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing
negroes got no money and the whores know they arent going to pay
because irl non whites are trash and below whites sexually
I took a job as an extra in a military film and one of the actresses there was an escort. At the wrap party (I ended up with a credit), somebody tried to start shit outside with her and some of the other pretty extras who were invited. I beat his ass, talk turned to my last job (USN SAR) and she called me the next day and told me who to call. The woman in charge of it liked me and that was that.
>4: Indians and Pakistani men had small dicks
Why would this in particular bother the prostitutes? It pretty much means they have to do less work.
Because nobody likes black guys.
Everyone hates black people. There's no exceptions. They are fucking assholes.
1. They ask for discounts
She says $100/hh he says $20 to suck his dick and all his friends dicks.
2. They're disrespectful. "Come on, suck muh dick bitch. you know u want it" they talk like fucking freaks. Women only like dirty talk when they're actually fucking interested in you. They will never get horny for some rando nigger and prostitutes aren't in it for sex. They only want $.
3. They waste time. Black guys waste a lot of fucking time that could be better used fucking and getting more money. They string along
4. Violence. Far higher chance of violence. Not just rough sex, but the odds of getting robbed, beaten or killed are much larger with a black man. A white or asian guy will come in, do his business and get out. A black guy might bring his 'crew' and try to bargain with the 'bitch'. White guys act the most respectful and treat them like fucking human beings.
5. STD's. It's just known that black people usually have more STD's in general. They fuck around early and always cheat on each other.
t. prostitutes in my area who always have "NO BLACK MEN" in their ads.
Prostitutes who know black men fucking hate black men.
Cute Jamaican prostitute I used to visit (I never visit prostitutes anymore, I did it about 10x then stopped forever) told me all about black guys and my hatred for them grew deeper. She fucking hated them. She was really polite sweet and nice about it. But she hated them so fucking much.
Is that picture on the left real?
I know a few escorts (I work out with them in the gym and we chat a lot) and they have all told me that they will NOT meet with black men for quite a few reasons and race has NOTHING to do with it. These are whores that love money but even they don't want to mess with niggers.
1) There is a history of them NOT PAYING. Or if they do pay they beat you up and take the money back afterward.
2) Often they bring in friends to rape you and then steal everything from you.
3) They try to get you to "work for them" and if you say no they beat you often times putting the female in hospital. Sometimes they will take out their hatred of white people by putting out cigarettes on your body and biting your clit so it is infected and painful to even urinate (not to mind having sex).
4) They have a lot of STD's, often don't bathe or brush their teeth. Their hygiene is terrible and the smell off them sticks to your clothing.
5) People notice niggers coming into your hotel room and call the police. Nobody bats an eye at white or asian guys.
6) They never tip. EVER.
So that is why they put in their ads and when they talk with the person the first question they ask is "what is your race" and if black they will hang up.
They look like apes
Low class
>black italians
She's ripping you off. I bet you're the only retard out of all of her clients who actually fell for the "tip the escort" meme.
Black men don't have to pay while cuckolding is growing in popularity Kek
Do you prefer passive or the sexually aggressive type of clients (not aggressive to the point of being a nigger).
you gotta check this one out... holy shit I haven't laughed so hard in ages
Why do Georgia, Texas, Jersey, and Puerto Rico get to have state flags but the other U.S. states don't?
Best pic from that page
Wow, why do they always get the best girls?
>why don't pizza delivery like delivering to niggertown?
>why do landlords try to legally avoid renting to people who will ruin their property?
>why do whores want to not die while fucking for money?
Ha I was about to call, but she ONLY services blacks... What vile racism
Should I report her to the better business bureau Sup Forums?
Black guys don't need escorts. There is a slew of white women ready and willing.
Send her a text. I just did.
>"All mud sharks will swing on the day of the rope, race traitor."
LOL I wonder how many times she has had to use that! HAHAHAHAHA
I had to look at backpage in my area (San Jose, CA) and the first ad that caught my attention followed suit - no blacks! HAHAHA
Because blacks have bigger dicks and are better at sex, so it tires them out quicker
I was a bodyguard, but the women seemed to prefer men who treated it like a date and showed some respect. Some of the ladies would spill their guts when someone really made an impression on them. They were selling sex or stripping, but they were women. ANd they were not in general the hardened whore types at all.
Le triggered stormfag.
Because nobody likes niggers, even niggers don't like niggers.
please post any response
yeah I checked for where I live and where I go to school. Where I live is like an upper class white city, comparable to san fran, so lots of no black men posts.
Where I go to school, New Orleans, surprised me. Almost all accepted all races or did not specify, which I found shocking. The nigs in nola are a special variety of savage. I guess it makes sense though because the population is majority black
>leave you breakfast
I should sleep
They don't pay and always escalate to sex even if it's not part of the deal. They have much higher rates of STD's which would put most girls out of work.
With that kind of percentage, you know it has to be a real woman, not a trap or something.
can confirm, this is true