Race mixing is genocide

race mixing is genocide

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dominate genetics will kill of non incestuous genetics

genocide of dumbasses who still believe in eugenics? go back Sup Forums, it's too late for this nonsense

you dont elieve in eugenics? oke pls explain why not

IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race.

Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Environment accounts for little or none of the USA racial IQ gap:

In academic standardized testing , the wealthiest Black children underperform all but the poorest White children and just barely outperform even them.

Even when IQ is controlled for, Blacks display higher measurements of psychopathic personality than Whites:


Violent crime correlates more tightly with race than with wealth or population density:

Race is also more tightly correlated to homicide rate

>being this retarded

You cant be genocide towards white people


how so?
genocide is removing genes from the pool
race mixing does not do this


it does

who cares? It's not like anyone can change anything. Go live your own life and stop worrying about other's business.

inbred genetics have overdominance and replace recessive genetics during meiosis
i guess you never lived next to niggers

You do realize that "race-mixing" implies giving life to humans and that genocide is the taking away of life. Don't you?




The government isn't going to provide you countless losers with white women to get married to so if you're ao worried about this get off the internet, get a life and have kids.


For all the liberals out there.

noun: genocide; plural noun: genocides

the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
synonyms: mass murder, mass homicide, massacre; annihilation, extermination, elimination, liquidation, eradication, decimation, butchery, bloodletting;
pogrom, ethnic cleansing, holocaust
"a tyrant guilty of genocide"

human is not even a biological term, the person coming to life if one of the parent is dominate of genetics wil be like one of the parnets, the other genetics disapear, every child from this child wil be killing of recessive genetics ate a exponential rate causing a replacement in a few generations that spreads in to the entire population. you only need 5% introduction of dominate genetics to bring this about in 5 generations or less depending on the mixing rate

it is effectively extermination of genes, genocide

just because you dont have to foresight to look ahead a few generations doesnt makes it less real

But what about mexicans?? Am I retarded? I work on electronics, if I prove my worth, can I live when the nigger purge comes?

you have to go back tho

If we were talking about forced race mixing then you would have a point, however this "genocide" that you're referring to is nothing other than people making their own decisions about their own lives.

Can I return at a later date? I am veteran, should I re-sign and call it even?

doi make th decision to have niggers move in next door?, no i dont so its genocide. if you want to mix race go reside in mixed race country. get the fuck out you are genocidal by the definition of the UN.

>Well-functioning adults making their own decisions in life are victims of genocide because they might want to marry and settle down with someone outside of their race.

I which I could take a word and stretch it beyond reason and logic. I'd be the king god almighty of hotdogs by midnight.

You don't understand genetics.

If anything, that's the reason I want to only start a family with a white chick. All other races are just for sex. Just like the Talmud says about subhuman goyim.

Good god, you're dumb

>genocide is a black man moving in next door.

think they're drastically underestimating Asians esp since it comprises the highest immigrants and most populous parts of the world..

Liberals like to claim it doesn't exist and that white countries birthrates are low so the influx of immigrants are to make sure the world "economy" stays up.

Birthrates in white countries for white people are low and yes this is a fact. Now lets look at the real reason for this. With whites unlike other races, when the economy is low and there is no jobs, due to companies and businesses moving to 3rd world countries where their labor costs are cheaper and their profits go up along with inflation. This in-turn causes whites to not produce offspring because unlike other races they know that they cannot afford to support children without a proper income, so there fore birthrates of white countries goes down. Now do your own thinking here. Who really controls the banking industry as they have for thousands of years. Who has the real power because they play on the greed of corrupt politicians to make it easier and more profitable for companies to leave their countries. Think about it a while.

once again, how so?

no, inbreeding is when a person gets all the same genes instead of a functioning mix

Look at the media. Unless your blind you can see that they promote race mixing to the youth.

>muh media
>muh joos controlling the youth
>muh inescapable poverty
Grow up.

These are me:
Also, I'm conservative and believe in the original judeo-christian western values. I mean, I'm a 1st gen so I'll be bred out after the 2nd gen anyways. Not self hating, just want a family.

As I told the other guy. Watch the media. Unless your blind you can see they promote race mixing to the youth. Why not ask yourself, why do they have to force immigration into white countries? Wouldn't Muslims be more comfortable in other Muslim countries?

I didn't say anything about the Jews, you did. So obviously you realize that they must control the media but your too fucking retard and liberal to acknowledge it.

>make wild racist claims
>blame the media when your bullshit is pointed out
Garden variety white trash. Probably a Southerner.

Social engineering.

He's probably making fun of the fact that you people have like four things you rail about when angry. Nonwhites, jews, the media, and companies outsourcing jobs.

lol what a retard

Not genocide

Peace out, white fags

if you weren't so daft you would notice they are letting in millions of refugees into white countries and the media is promoting it by showing mixed race couples and muslim families in almost every advert. Whites becoming a minority is being celebrated and encouraged by other whites and jews.

Not making claims just pointing out facts. Obviously you are a true liberal and dem facts be racist. I bet you hang out at Berkeley LOL.

Let me guess your a liberal and dem facts be racist too right LOL.

I couldn't care less, but I certaintly wouldn't mess up my family line. I can trace back my family close to a thousand years and all them are white.

No that is all. Those are just the obvious ones that hard headed liberals close their eyes to. If someone hits you in the head with a bat then they say a leaf landed on your head, A liberal will say oh OK, it is fall. Anyone else with at least a half a brain will fuck up someone for hitting them and then lying about it.

Some features mix well with other races... except black. The majority of biracially black babies/kids are hideous. Sad thing is that they didn't ask for it

damn this is pretty good

It’s not our fault god gave you whites lil dicks, and your white woman love bigs ones. That’s why you see a lot white dudes with Asian girls too.

why don't they tell muslims and blacks to stop fucking like ants and solve global warming but target whites who already have a birth rate decline

What race is the red human supposed to be? There isn't a legend/key

That guy does not look happy

would you be happy if you spent your entire life raising a daughter just to have her fuck niggers and make ugly and dumb kids.

Humanity has existed for maybe 200 thousand years. But we were separated by huge distances, free to change slightly as communities (genetically speaking).

But the modern, global human is only really about a few thousand years old, maybe more like 200-500 years old.

Think about the future. We have millions of years of breeding ahead of us (assuming a meteor doesn't wipe us out first). We will blend as we become a global race, this is inevitable. The ONLY way to stop this is a REAL racial genocide that removes a physical trait from the gene pool.

Some day they'll look back and marvel at us and our "different races". This is just part of evolution. So don't focus too much on the different physical traits, we are all one race after all, and our future is inescapable.

>a REAL racial genocide
I'm all for this option.


yeah one wide nosed shit skinned race with 90 IQ while the jews will live comfortably ruling over the world.

there is celebration in the different races. It's almost the same as celebrating art from different times. think of yourself what you will but genetics are a think to marvel. I live in Canada and "diversity is our strength" then there still needs to be a preservation of the one's race.

>maybe more like 200-500 years old.
They've found a 3000yo blue eyed, red haired caucasian mummy in China.

>lewkit mah baybuhs byootifuh hayurs!

This so-called white genocide is not some scary evil coordinated effort. It's people fucking. How do you stop people from fucking? Face it, whiteness fading away is a result of it's recessive nature in a now global community. Whiteness will eventually be gone for good. Not much you can do to stop it unless you kill off all nonwhites. An unrealistic idea of course

If only chem trails were real. There are millions of savages that need to be sterilized.

I am much more concerned about this.

I said
>the modern, global human is only really about a few thousand years old
So yes, humans have been becoming a global race for as long as technology has been advancing, ie, a few thousand years now. But it's really only taken off in the last few hundred years. So globalization and the inevitable mixing of all races is really just starting if you consider that we have millions of years ahead of us.

All I'm saying is the cold, hard truth. Even if you want your race to be preserved, in the long run it won't be. We will all merge eventually, it's the natural product of technology. We are (or are becoming) a global race.

Yes you are 100% absolutely right!

>in the long run it won't be.

nope there are boat cruises that are set up for Persian people in my town. They go to meet other Persians.
the same will exist for whites for a long time.