I've never left the state I was born in ama

I've never left the state I was born in ama

What State might that be?


Russia is a giant state. Why would you need to?

No, user. It's spelled Russia.

To get away from the dirty Slav squatters

Why haven't you kys yet?

Waiting for the time to be right

How often do you fap?


Go on a vacation and see the pootang of the world you inbred hick

Fellow wisconsinite here. In the 608 user.

How old are you?

I'm so fucking broke, otherwise I definitely would

Ayy 715



Fap to traps?

No unfortunately

I have once, not really my thing

I've never left my county. Big deal who cares.

I got quints once, it was the best day of my life. What was yours?

Me bitch

if you want me to believe you, better be in a part of the state near Canada

The day my dad died when he gave me his last hug

Do you want to, OP?

If you do, where would you go? What's the fantasy?

Some consider it up north

I wanna go to England and have a drink down at the pub with me mates

oh well... in that case how's the bratwurst cheese and beer?

Coming from someone in madison, that would be up north.

guess that passes as semi believable

nobody would visit the UP anyways

Madison and Milwaukee are looked at as complete sin pits by everyone here

I really wanna go, been told it's nice up there but strikingly similar to Wisconsin. Who woulda thunk

If pic is you, you can be a pretty good trap.

that's partially why but weather sucks even worse

It's awesome, that one post is like 90 percent of my diet

I'm definitely a winter person though, love ice fishing

Isn't that called the Packer diet?

Yea, a lot of people tend to end up like this

Have you ever eaten sushi or a rare steak?

Where'd your leg go?

I've got family there, mostly oshkosh and whitefish bay now. Good food, nice flat state, fuck winteres though that shits for the birds.

Yes i know that. I hate living here, but am financially trapped for the time being.
There is a mass influx of blacks to the surrounding areas of Madison. Once farming towns such as Janesville, and Edgerton have fallen to blacks moving in and bringing crime.
Places like Beloit, Madison and Milwaukee are too far gone.
Its time to get out.

Have you ever left the state you were born in? Just curious.

Why, I live in Britfag land it's expensive as hell and most of it is a giant shithole