damn... he actually has a really good point...
Damn... he actually has a really good point
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>damn... he actually has a really good point...
He's a mechanical engineer, why listen to him about science?
That's it, I am now a #Carterizer
I love smoking weed occasionally, but to act like its objectively good and has no negatives is absurd. Everyone reacts differently to it.
nice reverse appeal to authority
Holy fucking shit, I am #GivinItAll4BobbyJindal now.
My friend and I smoked a few times, his reactions were great, mine were terrifying and left me fucked up.
what the fuck dude it's not a psychedelic. You don't get a "bad trip" unless somebody has spiked it with something.
a d h o m i n e m
damn, I #feelthebern now
what exactly do you think mechanical engineering is if not science
Fuck science nerds. Science is gay. Weed is for fags and trannies. Degeneracy should be shamed, not praised.
i don't care
rly maek u think
When we say "medicinal" we mean for prescription medicine for conditions or diseases, not for some lowlife niggers to get a buzz for fun.
fug off with your semantics you dumb nigger
wut he mean by this?
except hes wrong
smoking marijuana is non nutritive non beneficial its just forcing your brain to produce more hormones than it would normally
you would like to think that a harmful drug is helping you but only healthy food and exercise can do that
marijuana makes you high thats why people like to create bro science around it
if they were talking about hemp oil you use for salad dressing then yes
ya i m #cuck4kasich now
complete bunk. the body produces and utilizes all the cannabidiol needed for "homeostasis" what a joke. even using the term homeostasis...that just means operating at mean efficiency. a person not dying of acidosis has a blood pH of "homeostatic degree" fuck Bill Nye. if Cannabis was vital for G-protein reception like he claims people who don't use cannabis would be dramatically less healthy, even near death. It would be like a fucking niacin deficiency to have not had a joint in a while.
something that requires rote memorisation and appliacation of math, nothing to do with performing scientific studies
t. engineer
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well pol?
rly mmk u thiank
same as opiates - our system regulary produce endorfines
does that mean thats ok to inject heroine, just to says, fell better?
populistic retardation at it finest
>also GTFO blaze it bro
I think the op of the image is a master troll trying to spread the image since degenerates will share anything for their confirmation bias.
i think you're right and i'm a massive faggot for taking the bait
Idk man almost all the times i have smoked i have become extremely paranoid. And i also hear shit that isnt real. I think its more of me having a underlying mental illness versus the weed but idk
test is also necessary for homeostasis but that doesn't mean that taking steroids is good for you
Engineering is not science, nigger.
what about bioengineering? is it a meme?
My sister and I are both STEM doctoral candidates at well known universities. We both fucking hate this cuck.
Hosting a fucking "science" show for kids does not make you a fucking scientist.
It gives both of us a way to spot the functionally retarded though.
You're not meant to smoke weed if you have underlying schizophrenia. That is one of the big no-nos.
I don't understand why anyone gives this many any credence beyond engineering. Because that's all he is. An engineer.
I think the general consensus among everyone that isn't dumb is that he's a total fucking fag.
ooohh sheeit wurl star WURL STAAARRRRR
what kind of engineer are you out of curiosity? A mechanical engineer has to deal with many theoretical/scientific concepts and studies to prove them, see second moment of area, moment of inertia, thermodynamics, materials
When the highlight of your life is teaching retarded children the differences between solid, liquids, and gases, then yeah you are a dumbass.
ad hominem
That's like asking how a Tech degree isn't a science degree, or a math degree isn't a science degree, or a medical degree isn't a science degree.
Scientists are the ones who form theories, and are involved in testing those theories. Engineers are where the rubber meets the road in wide-scale application of very specific science. They aren't involved with the theories and proofs, just the application of those theories and proofs in different ways. Medicine and Tech is the same as engineering, just in ways that are different in each other.
>A mechanical engineer has to deal with many theoretical/scientific concepts and studies to prove them
no, they don't. Most engineering degrees only deal with plug-and-chug level math and basic physics.
I've actually got an engineering degree, it's infinitely more theoretical than you think, I mean Newton was a mechanical engineer and his main advances were in mechanical engineering, if you want to go and look at how theoretical it is look at the amount of ongoing research into 'mechanical engineering' or 'electrical engineering'
>mechanical engineering is theoretical/scientific
>It's infinitely more theoretical than you think.
No, it's not. This isn't to say that there's NO theory whatsoever, but it's not what you are making out. You use theory to modify existing inventions into new inventions, but you aren't the one who explored and investigated the core concepts. Scientists are.
two theoretical concepts that are the basis for the majority of mechanical engineering, but I suppose you already knew that because you heard vaguely about what engineering is and drew your own assumptions
I feel as though you've been lead to believe that engineering is purely the applied side of it, it's not
Your autism is showing. No one here is saying "THERE IS NO THEORETICAL ASPECT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING". They're saying that it's mostly not theoretical. Which is true.
Trying to say that mech eng is as theoretical as Quantum Mechanics or literally any chem/bio discipline is stupid.
nice backtrack you silly cunt, I win
Oh, gee, you've managed to cherry pick a few examples of engineers that have slightly heavier overlap. Let's just forget about the literal tens of thousands of engineers that do shit like building airplanes and designing shocks and struts for cars.
>He actually thinks that people were saying that there were no theoretical aspects of his subject of choice
You lack reading comprehension. Please do more low level math before your Autism boils over.
You still haven't shown that engineering fields are science though.
Anything that uses the scientific method is science.
>Anything that uses the scientific method is science.
If anyone were to say something so blatantly stupid, then they would be a faggot.
So how does dick taste, user?
Your body also needs selenium to function properly, why dont you go eat a few kg of selenium and achieve homeostasis? :^)
Is there anything more irritating than stoners trying to justify their hobby with retard science
>dude i do it cos it prevents cancer
just because it has a highly technical basis to it doesn't mean you have to understand it to be a practicing engineer. Look at any course plan for a ME degree. like I said, you only need basic plug-and-chug math and science. citing a small minority that goes into much deeper fields doesn't help your case. Most engineers have no knowledge of the theory behind their equations.
>two theoretical concepts that are the basis for the majority of mechanical engineering,
yes, and all i have to do to calculate them is plug and chug.
>that engineering is purely the applied side of it, it's not
the vast majority of it is. and when you go into more theoretical work you'll need an actual science degree or equivalent load of study.
>bill nye the bachelors degree in science guy
Fuck man who gives a shit. It's fuckin WEED, like that's the most important thing going on right now.
No, its not mass migration, increasing cancer rates, race relations going to shit, insurrection around the world, fuckin loss of liberty, a breakaway civilization technocracy controlling nearly everything you hear from the media.
>Yeah man legal weed is the main issue, if we had that life would be better.
Maybe the whole point is to get the whole world fuckin so stoned they don't know what the fuck is going on around them. But hell if you're so apathetic that the main thing you want out of life is free pot than you're already fuckin gone.
Is Nintendo using a dick as a controller now?
woah...makes you think
Could this argument not be also made for steroids? 'It's just like testosterone so it's good for you.'