(cucks on suicide watch)
(cucks on suicide watch)
>(cucks on suicide watch)
The Amazing thing is he's broken all the records and some states haven't voted yet not even California
For an Kangoofucker you really seem to give a fuck about a country that isnt yours. Now go put a shrimp on the barby.
Am I wrong this right?
I search "Washington primary" and see that Trump has 400,000 votes but bernie has 19,000 and Hillary has 7? That can't be right Washington is a blue state
Yeah, he's literally the first person in the GOP as well to have BTFO his competitors this early in the primaries purely through character assassination. Is he the reincarnation of Machiavelli?
Such political strategy is unprecedented in a country the size and power of the US.
Looks like Trump has changed that, I'm not sure. I thought the same thing..
For a leaf, you really seem to give a fuck about a thread you could easily filter.
Let me fix that for you buddy.
>For an Kangoofucker you really seem to give a fuck about a country that CONTROLS THE WORLD. Now go watch your wife pleasure a black frenchman.
And California hasn't even voted yet
The absolute madman, is he going to set a record that's difficult to break even in 8 years when the voting population has increased?
who needs to unify republicans when he has energized new voters?
>even Muslims are looking to vote trump
Not Muslim myself but my father's side is and I live in Michigan.. people are realizing Trump is the only one willing to take actions needed to save civilization and normal Islam from radical Isis.
A reminder that this is before California votes
(which is by far the largest state for you foreign fucks, it's economy is probably larger than yours)
Those aren't the number of dem votes, it represents something weird...look it up
>i know at least 6 people (drunk) voting for trump in the general election who haven't even cast any sort of vote of acted in any sort of poll
the silent majority is real
If only you knew how dank things really are.
I get this uneasy feeling that someone is going to try and kill him. I hope the secret service is as good as we're led to believe they are. They didn't protect Kennedy.
Is it possible for Obama to somehow subvert the secret service detail on Trump, either by limiting his detail or hand picking agents who show strong dislike for Trump and therefore less willing to protect him?
what things and how dank nigger
>normal Islam
>different from radical Islam
Wew lad
What good does talking about it do?
We must use our meme magic wisely
Then use it to protect Trump at all costs.
Hell no. The secret service are basically knights they won't betray their leaders, it would be a sad day if that happened.
The democrats caucused and the republicans just have to mail their votes in
Maybe they should have given him worthy opponents.
rip sleepy guac merchant
Who had the previous record?
>Is he the reincarnation of Machiavelli?
Nah, Machiavelli wasn't charismatic himself, he was a behind-the-scenes kind of guy
>bernie didnt even break any records with his """"movement""""
Kennedy's security detail in Dallas was lowered to make a cover up easier to pull off.
Hopefully Trump has his own personal army that only bows to him alone.
Trump is a fusion of Machiavelli and Caesar
>Is he the reincarnation of Machiavelli?
Not him.
>most votes in GOP history
>"muh party is dead! Dobal you broke it!"
One of the Service's jobs is to make sure all the building's windows are closed before a motorcade. :^)
Washington had a caucus a while ago and yesterday was a primary that didn't matter or assigned a handful of delegates.
Just more DNC fuckery
Shia are slightly less violent than Sunni
They actually form militias to protect themselves and their communities too.
Drumpf BTFO
There are millions of voters in this country who have been too jaded and cynical about politics to vote. Trump is the first time in decades that they have been given hope that it's still possible for the voters to shake things up and pick someone who isn't beholden to the donor class.
As I heard someone say recently, "Who would you rather have representing you in government: a politician who owes favors to a bunch of businesses, or a businessman who a bunch of politicians owe favors to?"
I think that something key about Trump is that the people feel like it's high time we break this notion that the POTUS has to be funneled through the political system before they can achieve the Presidency. The "rule" was that you start out in local government, be a lawyer or a congressman, move up to being a Governor or Senator, and from there you're allowed to be the president several years later. The President is supposed to be a representative of the people from the people, and I think Trump represents the people's best chance to remind the political class that the President doesn't have to come from them.
Bernie is old, he is lucky to have a movement at all by 3pm.
>california hasn't even happened yet
How long do you think he'll maintain this record?
the government says that now but said the opposite during the bush administration
its all the same. both of them have radicals