Hey Europe, there are 5 of these on the way as I post this, let that sink in.
Hey Europe, there are 5 of these on the way as I post this, let that sink in
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and only one will make it
One too many
>let that sink in
Sounds like a good plan.
Eвpoпa гoвнo, Poccия лyчшe!
They will walk through several safe countries to get to mine. It makes me so fucking angry
>let that sink
i would happily watch it sink
what country? Germany?
But those countries are poor and don't give immigrants as much free stuff! Fuck those whiny bastards, man. Those fuckers will complain if their camps don't have free wifi.
You create the problem, you deal with the problem.
Fuck outta here Sup Forums
Newsflash, they dont want to be in Denmark
yeah sweden is where they really wanna go easy women
i went there about 3 years ago had sex with 2 girls and i was only there for a week
easiest place (apart from spain) to get girls
If you think they are going to Sweden because of the girls you are retarted. None of them will bang a swedish girl only eachother in the ass.
It's ok, I'll never see any of them
>Rape is only arab men on white girls
>implying swedish ""men"" would ever rape someone
Swedefag here, I can confirm that they are niggers. The thing is, people are so heavily deluded here, partially because of propaganda and liberal cancer coming from all around the world.
Here you have a fine specimen of a retarded delusional swede that thinks everything is fine. These people will let their country burn, and still believe the media and the propaganda alongside their dear leaders. They are like insects, the only way to deal with them would literally be execution.
Either way, these degenerates have got their days counted. Atleast Islam would impose some kind of laws against the degenerate swedes, and you can say goodbye to feminism.
People forget what libanon once was. The same thing happened there.
To all swedes, and liberals out there, im glad you are killing yourselves off. It takes time, but im glad to see you all die one day. Salam aleikum, you sandnigger lovers. Haha.
Assange was charged with rape because condom broke, those numbers are quite skewed when you compare them to countries with sane laws.
Kill them all.
>walk through several safe countries
implying that it wasn´t safe where these niggers came from
its not really a coincidence rape rates have gone up when you import millions of refugees where it is common place in there culture to rape a woman if she shows her ankle because in their culture the women are apparently "asking for it"
Their lives will be saved. Yours will be unaffected. If there are a thousand more boats that size headed to your country, you may run into one at a store once a year. You'll never know it.
You can spend $10 / year of your taxes fighting them or $8 / year helping them.
id rather spend a little more than have rapeygees running around willy nilly
>common place in there culture to rape a woman
Yeah, the middle east is just a rape heaven i bet. So how is it again that its in their culture to rape women?
rape brought to you by, islam :)
>the middle east is just a rape heaven i bet.
yes, yes it is
Got any proof?
>Eвpoпa гoвнo, Poccия лyчшe!
хyecoc гoвнo пидop я eбaл твoю мaть в жoпy))))
>Hey Europe, there are 5 of these on the way as I post this, let that sink in.
why do you think native women are forced to wear burkas in saudi arabia and visitors are highly advised to do the same?
considering the middle east is i highly islamic area it is not surprisereally considering the qu'ran endorses rape
for real though man learn about these thinks
people like yourself are the reason europe is being cucked
lol women where recently allowed to drive cars in saudi arabia the most muslem country in the whole world.
The Quran we see today was compiled into book format by Uthman, the third caliph (reign 644 to 656). (A caliph is the political leader of a Caliphate (Islamic government).)
not by muhhamed.
also the quran was writen in early middle ges comparing the morals of then to now is retarded.
>idk but muh west.
the "west" still used child labour in the industrial revolution not until the early 1960 did the est start to become the west.
>but muhhamed had slaves.
rome had active slave markets
and ransaked the what is now current day isreal.
i honestly cant tell if this is bait from all the misspellings or if you genuinely retarded
>women where recently allowed to drive cars in saudi arabia
exactly only recently were they even given the fucking right to drive, your proving my point?
>The Quran we see today was compiled into book format by Uthman, the third caliph (reign 644 to 656). (A caliph is the political leader of a Caliphate (Islamic government).)
firstly proof, second it was still written by mohhamed who may i add was a rapist murderer and sexist
>the "west" still used child labour in the industrial revolution not until the early 1960
difference is we have progressed passed that but in the middle east i would get my head chopped off for saying "fuck mohammed"
>rome had active slave markets
yes rome did have slave markets and so did muhhamed big diffrence
is the west cut off using slaves about 300 years ago yet in the middle east its much more likely you will be kidnapped by isis and used for as a sex slave
like i said i cant tell if this is bait but im guessing it is but idk way to pass the time
Nothing there states that the Middle East is a rape orgy that you are portraying. Have you even read those articles? One is some quotes from the Quran and that is religion not culture the other is an article about Israel and how Jordan are fighting against violence against women. Jesus man atleast try.
This was for
>the Quran and that is religion not culture
oh really i guess thats why the whole middle east is based around the quran but who cares its totally not a culture
"Let that sink in.". No. Just let it SINK.
You're all a bunch or racists
this ..man the torpedos bosun
>Help us, we've scuttled our boat so now you are obliged by marine law to save us!
throw them some bacon and prove they arent really starving
wheres this when you needs it
them digits an what a lovely thought user
Proud of my Polish heritage. Surely they'll fall yet again thanks to the rest of Europe being autistic but at least they aren't completely bending over this time.
Enjoy, EU cucks :^)
You'd get shanked in prison for that these days. Within 6 months, like that guy who left a bacon sandwich at a mosque in the UK.
>sneeze in the same room as a Swedish woman
>classed as rape
>verbal rape
>each act is recorded as an individual rape statistic
>"why are so many people getting raped in Sweden??"
Thanks for the update Happy Immigration Merchant, my emotions are now inflamed and manipulated and now I feel nationalistic anger and a surge of xenophobic thoughts.
Can you also tell us what container ships are on the way as I post this? I need to know all of the European port activities now
Well their prophet was a child rapist (Aisha), warlord, slaver, decapitator and murderer and they see him as the perfect man. Is it any wonder they emulate his behavior.
send in this beauty
Can we just get a sticky in the catalog that just updates us on European Maritime Activity pls? This is suddenly all I care about, idk why but I just need to know
Those terrorists are off to the EU, not Europe.
that sea is very calm
i know
its an absolute joke the state of my country (uk)
so apparently its ok for a mudslime to preach about how mohhamed is the best even though he raped killed and stoned women non belivers and gays... not to mention he was a slight be racist towards black but thats not the point
the point is when are the people of this country going to wake up and start to realize that these refugees arent peaceful and they arent who they say they are
my only fear is that we realize after its too late, but saying that we did leave the eu which was a step in the right direction
oh no, we'll turn into americans!
We should seriously knight Farage
them septics top kek
A Swedish woman was literally put into prison in Dubai for getting gang raped you dumbass.
Sweden should be in 1st, Germany in 2nd and France in 3rd, if we simply rearrange them.
How the rape gangs isn't already getting that across is leaving me flabbergasted.
Wow one Swede got raped in Dubai? That's something. Wonder how many get raped in India and SE Asia.
Don't be obtuse dumbass. It shows that countries in the middle east will literally throw women into prison for being raped. Stop pretending like that was the only woman ever to be raped in the middle east.
5 Pillars of islam
How to practise Islam
>shout a lot
Science in the quran
>flying horses
Hit, ship did not sunk.