You brush your teeth at least twice a day, right?
You brush your teeth at least twice a day, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
and i use baking soda every week
sage and hide
I can go months without brushing.
fuck off and kill yourself. americans don't know shit about being hygienic and staying healthy.
Nope, I sometimes go a few days without brushing even.
You sound lazy
> Trusting the dental jew
Nah, once a day at night.
I think my dentist intentionally fucks up my gums and teeth, either that or he's a terrible dentist. also the plier x-ray shit is agonizing with my extreme gag reflex
I really hate going to the dentist.
So, why do those blatant Asian racemixing propaganda threads with stupid face reason never get deleted?
This has literally nothing to do with politics. Are mods this cucked already?
If you don't brush and floss regularly your teeth and gums are going to fucking bleed and hurt at the dentist
britbongs gonna brit
Only when I leave my house. If I'm staying home I just don't even bother.
Nice VPN samefag trying to turn the thread in something political.
Too bad your post is just as blatantly fake as OP.
JIDF shills are all over Sup Forums, it's not even funny. And most children here get fiddled like retards. Pic very related.
I have no idea why I still come to Cuckchan.
>falling for the dental Jew
Go away Schlomo
Is this what Germans do instead of fighting to get their country back? Get to getting that gun license, Hans
When I brushed I got cavities like crazy. Now I just massage my gums, floss and use mouth wash. I haven't had dental problems since I stopped brushing years ago.
Redpilling children and normies on the internet? Yes, this is what I do.
Better than what you 40% white Jew shills do all day. Pic very related.
You're right. I've been skipping the dentist for a while now but since my last visit i've brushed three times a day morning/afternoon/night. The uncontrollable gag reflex is still the worst part of my memories at the dentist.
Related again.
Also nice job mods not deleting your JIDF shill thread.
Why don't you own guns though?
Cleanest teeth in europe
Who says we don't? Are you a retard?
Talking about YOU
Stop moving goalpost this blatantly, JIDF shill.
Is it a stereotype that Muricans have shiney white teeth? Because I've seen images that say so pretty much.
Also I brush after every single meal, so I don't really have to even go to the dentist, but I do anyway. I floss once a night.
You aren't red pilled if you're disarmed so don't talk about red pilling people you fag. Look at your fucking country right now
Retards like you pollute this board.
What have you done with the real Estonia?
Usually just brush once a day unless I'm going out (NEET). I floss every single night.
Dentist always 'miring my teeth. They could maybe use some whitening because there was a period when I was younger that I didn't take care of them properly. Wisdom teeth should all grow in straight too.
These days I can't even imagine not flossing and brushing daily. It would be like not wiping your fucking ass or some shit.
>trying to turn thread political
>on the designated politics board
Same desu.
Eh it's not that big of a deal. I've brushed my teeth about 3 times in the past year. Not this year alone, but in the past 365 days.
Id brush my penis on that ass...
how about years? while drinking acid every day
can't beat that i bet
Your teeth must be hideous
are you me user?
24 and just started flossing and brushing daily. Am I gonna make it?
i remember posting
I haven't seen that picture in years. Years. Not since Bleach threads pre-Butterflaizen.
3x, and with bleach
I only brush when my teeth before going to the dentist desu
Ironically I've never had a cavity, but my father and sister who brush religiously have two to three (either full blown or forming) everytime. Anyone know why this is
>Asian countries don't let your filthy people into their countries
>Get mad and hide behind "racemixing" while living off of Hanz's hardwork, food, and wife
Fuck off Yashed.
and i thought we have reall shit dental hygiene
this isn't fucking politics
enjoy the 3 day ban
Havnt brushed mine in about 3 months anons thats about the average time between
i suppose
they still work though
For now
No, I just brush them twice as thoroughly once a day.
>tfw still perfectly clean
>Brush teeth once in the morning forever
>White teeth, 0 cavities ever
>Gonna be a dentist
Is there even any point
Did you have any dental work done 12-ish years ago? I had sealants put on my teeth while that was popular. I then went an entire summer without brushing, as I was 6, had bad habits since then and I have no cavities to this day.
Yeah, had braces for three years and an oral surgery. Not sure if it was anything or sealants, as I was a kid.
>thread completely unrelated to politics
>still on after two hours
>definitely has nothing to do with the Asian girl picture
Not even mods are hiding it anymore. Sup Forums is completely cucked.
It became such a disgusting place literally over the last two years.
The two a day thing is a conspiracy to sell toothpaste
Just do a hardcore session at night followed by flossing and mouthwash before you go to bed and avoid eating sugar as much as possible
thats my reg and i have not had a single cavity since I was a teenager and that only happened because i was a dumb faggot that drank soda and didnt brush his teeth
floss before brushing. that way, when you brush, the bristles will be able to clean the previously flossed out areas
Have fun with those diseased gums causing you various cancers when the infection reaches your bloodstream.
I haven't brushed my teeth in years.
I chew on ice cubes from time to time if that counts.
Once a day isn't enough?
It depends on what you eat. I brush once a day usually but if you go to a daily job or classes you should brush in the morning simply to avoid bad breath, then brush before sleeping to clean.
And also brush after eating something particularly hard on your teeth, which can be included in the twice per day number and is how I get it done twice a day usually
Twice a day when I have classes or need to get outside of my house.
once a night before I go to sleep when I'm stuck here at my home.
Fuck. I'm a #cruzmissle now.
>not wanting to racemix with a qt nipponjin girl
how the fuck is this remotely related to Sup Forums?
Degenerates doesn't brush their teeth
Sup Forums was never about degeneracy until stormweenies moved in, it was about libertarianism and freedom, which includes the freedom to have poor hygiene. gtfo
It's another very, very subtle JIDF thread with an Asian girl to promote racemixing.
Mods refuse to delete those threads.
Just ignore it. Reporting doesn't do anything.