Need a quick feedback: Is this game worth buying?
Need a quick feedback: Is this game worth buying?
not right now
yes, you'll be buying it for a long, long time
>worth buying
Pick one
Since you probably have to register it on steam or origin or something how could you rip it?
I think it looks like a lot of fun but personally I'm going to wait till the price goes down a bit or christmas. It definitely looks much better than the first one which I had a bunch of fun playing but it doesn't really seem worth the $80 price tag right now. I've heard they scrapped the microtransactions which is a step in the right direction, so maybe come christmas it will actually be a good game.
we'll i can tellyou it is better than the first one but still very shalow and casual. first you're excited because it is starwars and shit but after a few hours you start to get bored. Basicaly if you played the free beta, you played the whole game
They put them on hold until they could “figure out how to better implement them”, which is corporate speak for “when people forget the controversy we’ll just turn them back on at a dollar less”
It's a shame what EA is doing with this game.
It really is one of the best looking games ever and the gameplay is fun as shit.
No, it sucks and its expensive and will ruin the game market with even more jews schemes. They even locked Luke and Vader behind a paywall so that EA could tell Disney that everyone love their new crap characters better then the originals. They wouldn't tell them that nobody could afford to buy the good characters and had to settle for playing the new ones.
I think so.
If you like Star Wars you'll like it. Campaign was pretty fun and multiplayer spacebattles are exhilarating. Graphics and sound are amazing.
If it looks good then buy it.
All this recent crying is just poor people angry about spending money.
maybe theyll be a deal on black friday/xmas
but its pretty new so i doubt it
No, never
I work at GameStop, it hurts to sell it to people. Aka it's a poo game
Pretend they didn't mess up like everyone is complaining.
Still no. By far no. Gameplay is dull like every Dice game.
There's physical copies, numbnuts
Furthermore, what's the point of pirating a game that's pretty much online only? You do understand the limitations of piracy don't you?
Just pirate the original BFII and mod it
>Campaign was pretty fun
no it wasn't, run, kill soldiers, run, kill soldiers, etc, also 5 hours or less
>multiplayer spacebattles are exhilarating
Playing the same map over and over with some sperg who spent $2000 on a decked out Yoda and kills everyone on the map without going under 20% HP isn't fun
Its exactly retards like you that feed bitches like EA
>Furthermore, what's the point of pirating a game that's pretty much online only? You do understand the limitations of piracy don't you?
That's my point window licker. Since you have to login with some service you can't rip it.
Absolutely not. We can't continue giving gaming companies money for shoving dicks up our asses.
It's clear you've never played the game along with over half the people crying about it.
If you like Star Wars, chances are you'll like the campaign. It adds to the universe.
I'm sorry you can't afford luxury items and instead have to flame every thread that mentions anything over $60.
I recommend even just starting out with an Associates degree at a local community college. Tuition is low and you can learn so valuable skills in specific fields that'll help you prepare for a career.
Good luck :)
>Since you probably have to register it on steam or origin or something "how" could you rip it?
That's not what your verbiage says
You can rip and technically play any game with a crack that keeps it from connecting to the servers. From there you can play whatever singleplayer campaigns there are but never access the multilayer. SWB2 is all multiplayer so there's no point in ripping it at all.
>you can't rip it
If you were to change the words you're using maybe some of what you're saying would actually be correct.
there are dump trucks full of discussion and videos regarding this and you turn to b? troll bait