
Whats with all this racism bull shit? if your a racist and proud... then tell me what was the moment you became racist and what effect has a black or white person had on your lives? because half of the racist pieces of shit in this generation only become racist because there parents or friends are racist...... stop being sheep and open your eyes you dumb fucks!

twitter @tmmexposed

Damn you're right.

i guess im #Artillery4hillary now.

I bet you're that one faggot who quotes a song in their post when posting a photo on social media.

im english, dosent matter who gets in! its the same outcome...... snidey politics and modern slavery that we live in for every nation....... we hate muslims because were told.... 911 was caused by america.... we all know this but we still carry on following the sheep

i see we have our 1st sheep.....

You are so right. Science and population data is just racist. I need to go put on my sheepdog face and suck a nigger's dick.

you are so right. Science and population data is just racist. Let me put on my sheepdog face and suck a nigger's dick

really makes you think

I never posted this so youd jump on the bandwagon of being a decent human being..... i posted this to see just how many of you idiots are brainwashed........


>then tell me what was the moment you became racist
When I realized that racism is right after close to a year of research.

>and what effect has a black or white person had on your lives?
Blacks have had nothing but a negative effect on the White race throughout history.

>because half of the racist pieces of shit in this generation only become racist because there parents or friends are racist......
Actually, my parents and friends are not racists.

Go to mosque. Sandnigger.

here are some nigger crime statistics...they are a few years old so they numbers are much worse now

Became racist after realising that two thirds of black males have the MAOA gene and only 1 third of whites have it. When two thirds of men of a particular group are genetically aggressive according to their genes.

Then when you look at places like Denmark that has shitskins galore and they are all inbred when only 2% of the child population with middeleastern parents use up 50% of the schools special needs budget, something is wrong.

> then tell me what was the moment you became racist
"racist" is a meaningless buzzword. There was never any magic "racist" switch in my brain that i decided to flip on one day, I always stuck to my kind because I was aware of minority crime rates and average IQ.

You do realize most the people on here don't hate muslims they hate rapist who take a free rape vacation for the summer, they hate pychopathics who manipulate people to decapitate completely innocent tourist, and they hate people who enslave the opposite sex for free rape parties. Most people on here don't hate muslimes but every hates the kikes cause the zionist are worse than the nazis.

our whole way of life is controlled.... were not black and white you idiots its just humans... but thats cringy to say in this generation because were told its gay, or faggot as one of you plebs posted...... from our history a bad stain has stayed with is which is racism and discrimination.

if we had no government controlling us... and no pointless wars to fight over... we would see everyone as equal....

Fuck off back to Kikebook you aspie underage.

You do realize Sup Forums isn't actually racist right? It just fucking happens so that most black people haven't contributed anything to society ever. I'd say the only thing they have done is making Jazz one of the most advanced genre of music next to classical. White people create. Asians augment. These are general trends that have proven to be true time after time again.

you need to read recent posts... im pretty sure you dont speak for every person on Sup Forums.... as i agree with alot of the things youv just said...... the MOST PEOPLE... on here..... im sure you know none of them as where all anonymous

this post went up asking why you are proud to be racist and the reasons behind your opinion..... all the feedback ive seen is google research....

>were not black and white you idiots its just humans
say some people only look human but they don't act like one

Nigger and muslim act proportionally more like savage animal than human
It's only justified they are treated as such

sounds like you have been watching the news..... media seeks out the sheep like yourself and convinces you to follow the bullshit story...... i bet you havent seen any of this with your own eyes.

People commit crimes, not skin color

>what triggered my racism?
When I got punchedin the face by two coons and had a gun pointed at me because I was white and they thought I had money.

bonus part of that story, found out one of the spooks died. Everything has a silver lining I guess.

since then, I got rid of my sjw friends, I always distrust pavement apes and I found Sup Forums

America is about equal opportunity.
Not equality of outcome.
That's communism.

600,000 white men died to free the slaves.
Over a trillion has gone to welfare for the black community.

Crime statistics are verifiable skewed towards one race.

Being a realist doesn't mean people actually want others harmed. People want to be able to live amongst their own kind.

IS that racism.. Maybe. but we are starting to not care about that word anymore.

america and the UK (us) commited to fly over to a country and brutally butcher innocent kids for nothing more than oil. this escalated into a modern rebellion, now we have ISIS loonatics roaming around our streets taking revenge on us the public because of what we started..... as IF ISIS was going to form and randomly show up on our doorsteps for no reason........

I have lived in an african third world shithole for a year and nothing could've redpilled me more on these savages than that.

People aren't as unbiased as you think.
Greatest factor in how they and think is the culture. Try debating when culture that glorifies violence drugs and hoes isn't responsible for most violent crimes and a culture that promoted killing infidels stops burning people in cages. People grow u to be criminals because they grow up in environments that make them like that.

...moral of the story. Take the oil
..and maybe support your colonies

what if all the black people involved in crimes are contributing by doing crimes and making jobs for cops lawyers and the workers at prison

you see, blacks in england.... racist stigma is here but in common language... but there is not much hatred towards them.....

we see everyone as people. and we all struggle the same.. our government is fucking us up.... I have to go to court over a fucking gym membership i cancelled because i chose a closer gym to home....... we are controlled and enslaved in a modern technique......

its only america that we read listen and watch people obsessed with racism. just because where born in a certain place does not make us one of THEM! so to speak.... thers no such thing as an american... is englishman.... ect..... were just the lucky sperm that wiggled his way out of a cock.... landed in a pussy.... and grow up to be taught all this shite!
