ITT: Insult the country above you


>Insult the country above you

Shit, hard mode i guess. Only thing i can say is that your president is black, but thats temporary, so i really dont know

>leafless canadian


Too many kikes, spics, and niggers

That's the only thing bad about the USA you can think of?

Peru must be awful then.

Thanks for infecting the world with degenerate culture.

bloody tampon

literally achmed.


surrender now or prepare for wine.

Real funny coming from you, Ackmed.

>60% white

100% faggot

>50% maple syrup
>40% fags and trannies
>10% fire

America is a great country.

>lost to emus

>whole country is upside down
>toilet flushes the wrong way
but at least you have toilets, right?

Both of these posts contained good banter

Come at me.

>nigger president

I'd call you an abbo, but I'm not sure they have internet yet.
your mother is also your cousin.

No on will respect you until you kill every single last one of them


Its odd if America doesn't have at lest 2 mass shootings per year.

Kanker country, jij bent een kanker flikker
No need to insult my country, it's existence is enough

Literally a prison island made up so your ancestors would most likely die there.

Oh also created by convicts and prostitutes.

whatever you say, colgate.

You're loud and obnoxious all the fucking time

And look how far us convicts have come. Not really an insult, burger shagger.

banks and boyscout knives. just about all youll ever be known for.

Your best known for your lack of conviction.

Your country has people like Cuck Carl who want to tear down the mighty American Empire and replace it with socialism or communism

>my country could destroy your country at any time

>American education

Funny thing coming from an autistic country pal

Enjoy having sex with your toys Japan

Kike colony with 62% white population, with military from 80th.
Also everyone have guns, but also too cucked or affraid to use them against old corrupt fucks in gov, even knowing that soldiers wont shoot civilian rebels.

your country is too white

Nobody bothers to learn the history of your country because it literally does not matter

no memes allowed.

>Desert island now infested with retarded leftists.

So far. I'm impressed.

>American intellectuals


[spoiler]I don't hate you[/spoiler]

Your Asian mixed.

Not inaccurate. A lot of indigenous areas, rural areas, and suburbs close to metropolitan areas cannot receive internet in this shithole.


You're [spoiler]mean[/spoiler].

>American Intellectualism

Meme country.


>ITT : Insult the country above you

Isn't that every Sup Forums thread in general?


Chile is pretty cool. Only ignorant poor people in my country hate you. Hope for another Pinochet soon man

>American intellectuals

Put the leaf back in the flag

Cucked by Turks

Leafless flag is best flag (a free muslims flag)

Half your nation is Turkish.

your island is full of roaches

Half the world hates you exactly because you do not realize that half the world hates you.

And America is the continent !!!!

you're brown

>African tier favela slums


OMG your from Brazil!?! Do you speak Spanish?

hillary will be your next president whether you like it or not hahaha

That hit a little close to home

This is too easy.

Typical retarded americans who will vote for a fascist for president

The potato famine did not happen.

trying to host the Olympics while the country is in a total big mess

jungle niggers

You're still brown. Now hop off the OLPC the other Favela kids want to get on the internet.

>Brazilfag throwing shit at another countries for choosing bad president

Isn't your ex president about to go to jail?

Did you just call your self retarded? Or is America only a country and not a continent?

Peru? Literally who?

fuck you come back you bitch you're rightful greek clay but i love you

How do Putin's cock taste like?


Nation of independence which let itself turn into a husk of what it used to be, filled with humanist idiots without any understanding of reality.

Your rightful Turkish clay.

rightfull crown clay

I don't insult, but for the sake of this topic,
May God dry assrape your president erdogan

Literally cockroaches in human form

This is way too easy, pass.

your country is filled with turks

Literally fucking who

>A world where GB still existed, and controlled america
This would honestly be very interesting.

You gave up your guns.

go shitpost somewhere else you fucking kangaroo

Fuck you and your kangaroos. I mean, that's the only thing there's on Australia right?

Literally who? Caucasus Niggers

Peru in the loo

Rightful Italian clay.

Bottom that act's straight
Don't overcompinsate so much for your gay

Moose suck.

>This spic doesn't know azerbaijan.

Not really an insult, I think it's really shit that we lost our ability to own certain weapons, we use to be as free as america in terms of a decade ago.

I wish, we didn't exterminate the aboriginals.

You got fucked by USA after you colonized my island.

a fucking leaf

Literally a meme