And the internet collectively jizzed on themselves in their dorm rooms

And the internet collectively jizzed on themselves in their dorm rooms.

This is being pushed waaaay too hard

>And reddit collectively jizzed on themselves in their dorm rooms.

I hope it happens.

We can see how well God Emperor stands up before the convention and before any debates with Shitler

Bernie lost.

Why debate him now? This is a shill thread for shill posters


>Why debate him now?
waste bernie's campaign money, to cripple his campaign ever further.

I fear that Bernie is only pretending to be a cuck, and since he's a jewish kingmaker he will bring out the big guns in the Trump debate and reveal some secret smoking gun maybe?

They do it for free

Oh phew
i thought that Sanders' tweet was implying he had won anothwr state while no one was looking

>yfw the charity is for Sander's pathetic campaign

Drive bernies supporters further away from hillary and keeps his exposure up

Something exciting again, I miss the GOP debates and shenanigans so much.

This would harm his ability to gain Bernie voters later on.

>>yfw the charity is for Sander's pathetic campaign



1. Publicity.
2. Hillary who?
3. Trump isn't scared.

why the fuck you saying its a shill thread
i dont support bernie u cuck

he's the anti-thesis of capitalism.

This can only turn out badly for the Donald

He has nothing to gain from this and everything to lose

Will be fun hearing two New Yorkers going at it tho

>6'3 vs 5'8
Yeah I really really wonder who will win

>This can only turn out badly for the Donald

bullshit, nothing can stump him.

it's the ultimate showdown between capitalism vs socialism and it will be fun to watch

bernie is bad with money

Watch Trump act reasonably and agree with Bernie on a lot of points. This debate would be the exact opposite, a complete redemption.

This will be his chance to turn heads, because 90% of democrats are going to actively avoid anything Trump, even if he promises everything they want.

>being this stupide

Trump is a master tactician re

It has a lot of potential to turn Bernout's into Hillshills that would otherwise just stay home on election day

Bernie fans won't be influenced no matter how it goes, but it gets his name out there and boosts him vs Hillary in the state
The better he does now the rougher it'll be for the Democrats and Hillary later

you think bernie will even be able to get though such a debate or will it be more like taking the 24 year old family dog out back?

If you dont understand why trump would be doing this you havent been paying attention

The God Emperor said it would. Be for a good cause

Bernie is 5'11" - 6'0"

this whole thing is a gamble for trump
so far he's been on point on 99% of his moves.

he's playing 4D chess, don't underestimate him. he's been watching/following politics for 30 years.

Bernie is an idealist

That means no matter what Drumpf throws at him he'll have something to say about it

Enlighten us hoplites then

Yeah if he doesn't fucking slouch over and actually stands up straight maybe

this makes most sense.

hed been courting bernouts for awhile now.

the capitalism vs socialism thing is a distraction.

being anti establishment, opposing the tpp, these r whats impotant and they both have it

feels before reals

Top kek

Two outsiders from opposite sides of the political spectrum come together and unite the country.

>National Socialism

The problem with this gamble is 1)it's unnecessary 2)Bernie is an idealist meaning he'll be giving his egalitarianism spiel the whole time and 3)Trump stands nothing to gain by this

Trump won't sway Bernie voters unless he agrees with everything Bernie says

yeah but it's fun and you know how Trump feels about fun

>Bernie Sanders
>lifelong politician

Only ignorance explains how he's been successful in painting himself as an outsider

> only job Sanders ever had
> outsider

He's an old man

>hurr this is bad for trump

Do you idiots not realize just how fucking bad Bernie "white people don't know what it's like to live in poverty" Panders is at debating?

2bh, the more I listen to Trump speak the smarter I think he is, and the more I hear Sanders speak the dumber I think he is. Trump is dumbing it down for the audience and Sanders is trying to sound smart. This could honestly be a bloodbath.

The meme dream is happening.

Bernis isn't an outsider. He's a kike like the rest of them.

>3)Trump stands nothing to gain by this

It doesn't matter, any air time is good air time for trump. None of his supporters will leave him, once you become a trump supporter you never leave.

bernie shills will flip flop.

trump is a master strategist and frankly he doesn't get a lot of credit for pulling this stuff off.

A significant amount of bernie bots will fly to trump, even 10-20% is good for him.

dude literally has spent 26 years in the senate

>The meme dream is happening.
Don't let your memes be dreams


Maybe Trump is hoping Bernie won't endorse Hillary when he drops. Bernie Panders will obviously never endorse Trump, but maybe he'll be so pissed at democrats he'll leave in a huff.
If Trump can get 30% of Bernouts, it would be a huge blow to Hillary.

Bernie won the last three primaries, save Kentucky.

He's going to win California. Holy shit. It's happening...Hillary is going to look like an idiot when she's debating Trump after Bernie goes after his bones first. It's going to be glorious and a complete teardown of every illogical faculty that Trump and his trumpets possess.

I know Trump won't lose any voters by doing this but he stands a large chance of turning off Burnouts who might have considered voting Trump come November

If Trump absolutely eviscerates Bernie then Bernouts will definitely become Hillshills at worst or stay home at best

This will give Trump an outlet to state his case directly to Bernouts, free of media filters. Bernie has been aching for another debate against Hillary but she doesn't want to, so now Trump can show up and say "Crooked Hillary won't show up for you, but I do"

It also throws a wrench at the DNC as they are trying to wind up the Hillary nom.

Brilliant move all around, it's win-win for Trump.

1) he's going to debate lightheartedly and be unexpectedly agreeable to Bernies points with a few playful disagreements. It won't really be a debate.

2) Bernie supporters will want to believe that trump is closer to Bernie than hillary

3) trump supporters will want to believe that he didn't really agree and it was all a publicity stunt for a good cause

4) both sides will believe what they want

5) trump gains bernie supporters with few voters lost when hillary become the democratic nominee

>Maybe Trump is hoping Bernie won't endorse Hillary when he drops.

He would never endorse her.
He hates her. He's not your typical 2 faced politician.

Nah 100% chance Bernie endorses Hillary cause "she's a woman and we need to move this country forward, Trump would set it backwards" etc

I bet he's going to be all "I'd prefer to run against you than hillary" so the bernouts being the dumasses that they are will fall for trump's ploy like nothing

Everything this post says, but the opposite and for Bernie.

I'm actually really worried that trump might agree to much with bernie

this puts him in a very bad position. If he says no to the debate he looks like a pussy.
But if he says yes and crushes him, he looses some of the bernie vote because they're fags

>I know Trump won't lose any voters by doing this but he stands a large chance of turning off Burnouts who might have considered voting Trump come November

Not really, this is his way of courting them. Once bernie bros see that they are both against TPP and Globalism, they will fly to trump because they hate hillary with a passion and want change in washington.

Bernie never attack Hillary in any of their debates

He's been running a soft cock campaign when he could be smearing Hillary left and right

this puts him in a very bad position. If he says no to the debate he looks like a pussy.
But if he says yes and crushes him, he looses some of the bernie vote because they're sjws

>I'm actually really worried that trump might agree to much with bernie

They agree on a lot of things (from what we've seen so far).
They both want to throw a wrench in the cog of Washington, but they are both on the opposite end of the spectrum.

If anything, I can only see this going horrible for Trump as any reluctant Republican (i.e. not autistic edgelords) who has been shoved to support Donald because their candidate lost, will see Trump get ridiculed and know more about Bernie.

McCain feels the burn.

They're both going to make this about Hillary. It's going to be fun.

>Bernie never attack Hillary in any of their debates

I hope that's a joke. He attacks her all the time, but not the way trump does to low energy guac bowl or zodiac killer.

he attacks everything shilldog stands for (ie big money in politics) but takes subtle jabs at her in every debate.

jew style

>both against TPP and Globalism
Bernouts don't care about that. It's more about how much free stuff they can have.

Its a good move. Keeping sanders in the spotlight keeps donkeys on the fence. Gives shillarya bit more drag. Its all about the media gamet and that is where trumpis king.

This is 4d chess because it will piss of Hill for being left out so she will take revenge by blasting Bernie back to irrelevance by picking a different vp. Trump is baiting this.

No they won't

Bernie has shown refusal to go after Hillary even though there's a veritable treasure trove of shit with which to smear her with

Doubt it. Trump is probably going to make it about Hillary once he starts losing..

>I mean, I really *should* be debating Crooked Hillary, but I figured, WHY NOT? Give Crazy Bernie a bone, you know? Wow!

>jew style

"crazy socialist Bernie can't even win his own nomination" all he has to do is repeat that over and over.

More like, Trump probably thought that Bernie sees him as small fry to Hillary and would be humiliated that he's being asked to debate him. After all, he's probably regretting it after not showing up to a debate because they were "too rough" on him.

This backfired on Trump.

>Bernie has shown refusal to go after Hillary even though there's a veritable treasure trove of shit with which to smear her with

have you been watching the dem debates? he shits on her jew style bro and gets yuuge applause

>Trump getting stumped by Sanders

Come on now

what's worse, is I'm fearing the medias spin on it

If Trump is willing to do this, I guarantee he has a big plan. Maybe he'll try to paint himself and Bernie as united enemies of Hillary and the establishment.

I won't be at all surprised if the debate is incredibly civil, with Trump "acting presidential". The entire fucking nation will be watching this, he's got a real chance to start building a real lead against Hilldog. If he remains composed and civil, he'll do nothing but gain wven more support.

It would be amazing if both of them use the two hours to shit on Hillary exclusively. They could end her campaign that night. If Bernie is genuine at all about wanting to reform his party, he'll seize this chance to dismantle her.

All he ever went after her for was that she was backed by wall street.
And even then he backed down when Hillary told him to watch his tone, he went back to rambling about the 1% and ignored Hillary.

>mfw Trump is going to make Bernie win california
>mfw Hillary is going to win only because of super delegates and the popular vote
>mfw the DNC is going to be fucking chaos
>mfw Bernie might just run as an independent
>mfw this crazy motherfucker is destroying Hillary's campaign before she even reaches the general.

Donald J. Trump is literally the greatest political mind the world has ever seen and only a handful of autist on the internet recognize it.

Trump is the Teflon Don

Just look at what the media says about him 24/7 and yet his poll numbers only continue to rise

People are fed up with the PC bullshit they've been force fed their entire lives and Trump has dialed into that big time

its simple you fucking idiots

Trump wants sanders to win California.

This is insane. What is going on in Trump's mind? What an absolute madman. I don't see any way this works out well.

>"I like his message! I'll use his material in my own speeches!"
>not getting stumped

proud to be an autist on this one

>People think Bernie would stump Trump
>People think Trump has some master plan
Whats going to happen is Bernie will rattle on about making the rich pay their share and giving free college. Trump will rattle on about how over-taxed we are.

Bernouts will claim Bernie slaughtered Trump. Trump faggots will claim Trump beat the old socialist.

No he doesnt. A Hillary is far easier than a Sanders general.

>I don't see any way this works out well.

People have said that from the day Trump announced his campaign for the presidency and look where he is now
Virtually tied with Clintoris in all polls

Trump has horrible advisers that are out of touch with reality, they probably never heard of Sanders up until a few months ago.

Horrible move by Trump.

>All he ever went after her for was that she was backed by wall street.

Wrong i watched all the debates from both sides.

He went after her about transcripts, etc. etc.

I agree he didnt go after her hard enough, but he seems like a genuine cuck not willing to go full jew on him.

I'm actually thinking this is Trump's endgame here

Bernie's mathematically eliminated unless he overturns a huge number of super-delegates.
The more the DNC fights, the weaker they'll be in the general.

Besides that all those general numbers for Bernie are not set in stone. He has had the least amount of attack ads for him. Hillary has barely criticized him.

He was an independent, he isn't part of the Democrats. It's the same How Trump isn't part of the republicans.

That's why they're both outsiders dumb cunt

This. All the normies still think that one of the richest, most successful and most well connected men on earth is actually an idiot. They think high end resorts and businesses in the world's most exclusive markets just appeared out of nowhere.

This guy really is a master at bending people to his will.


Bernie could probably beat Trump in a debate about issues, and so could all of the Republicans he went up against and ousted. What none of these poor sods realize that they are not trying to win a debate. Debating Trump is like trying to play chess against a guy who Gallagher-slams a watermelon on the board and calls you a faggot instead of moving his pieces. It doesnt matter if you checkmate him with the most brilliant chess strategy the world has ever seen, because as far as anyone watching is concerned, you're just a faggot with watermelon all over his face. The Trump cannot be stumped.

Is there a book I can read or something that talks about how someone that most people have never heard of is suddenly running for president and is a big name? I always found that fascinating.

If Trump has horrible advisers then how is he doing so well?

Trump has an IQ over 150 and the street smarts to match

He has something planned here he that is eluding most

>Bernouts will claim Bernie slaughtered Trump

Which will make them even more confident that Bernie should be the nominee. And when the DNC inevitably doesn't let that happen, they will be even more pissed off and more likely to vote Trump to spite Hillary.

>The problem with this gamble
>implying its a gamble

>1)it's unnecessary
indeed it is, buts its also a very useful situation in which Trump can not lose.

>2)Bernie is an idealist meaning he'll be giving his egalitarianism spiel the whole time
and sanders will most definitely be getting a boost from the event

>3)Trump stands nothing to gain by this
Trump will court a fair amount of Bernies moderate voters assuming Bernie drops. the bigger prize is making Bernie win California.

and bernie will win california which will cause the democrats to eat themselves