How come newfags don't know how to Caturday?

How come newfags don't know how to Caturday?

Post cats





Taken just now


Here you go m'lady

more pictures but dont disturb the cat








cats dead

bigger catch








My kitty passed away from a blood clot recently... I really miss him.


that face just says 'not impressed' even with the food and toys being there


Sucks but that is life.


My cat.
Always screaming loudly for no reason whatsoever.

Yeah I know, it all takes time and the sun will rise tomorrow.



Well just so you know I saved that xmas tree photo cause I find that nice. George might be gone but some random dude from some random country has that photo now in their collection of cat pictures.

:) Thanks haha.

r8 my cat


That's the origin of the name, yep

Have another

Fuck Cats and their stoopid faces

His name is Fat

Nah man cats are great

A fitting name