Easily better than ANY trash mumble rapper in the mainstream and he's still considered "underground" to an extent even though he has millions of fans.
People come to me wit that "rap is dead" bullshit and I tell them to stop making fun of soundcloud because it's honestly the hottest shit right now and I have many more artists to name off
all newschool mumble xanny rappers are fucking trash under ground or not kys
Joshua Gomez
bones doesnt do xannies, literally has songs that says popping pills is for pussies. He puts out 20 FREE albums on soundcloud all full length tracks spitting real shit
Juan Campbell
Doesn't pop xanxs or mumble idiot man
Kevin Hill
Don't bother OP, it's the simplistic mindset of 'anything that is old is good, anything that is recent is bad'. Mentally deficient children with a superiority complex.
Robert Brooks
>tell me why you don't listen to BONES because I am white and not wishing I was black