Ylyl thread

Ylyl thread.

Post some new, legitimately funny shit and I’ll deliver some pics. Time stamped for Sup Forums

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I’m not kidding. Post some funny shit and I’ll deliver. My girl is in. Sitting right next to me. OP is not a faggot for once. Just needs to see some funny stuff.

that woulda been some good sex


yeah right


but can't the child travel 8 seconds per minute to where there's still food?

Alright for real it won’t let me post pics. I’ve got them. I’m on my iPhone. It keeps saying file is too large. Tell me how and I’ll post. No joke I have timestamp and everything.

Tell me how to post and I will. The meme I posted in my first post worked fine but that was a screenshot. Pics I’m taking now don’t work.

lets see them



Email self from gmail. It asks if you wanna resize before sending...after that just use that image.

So I have to create a gmail account? Wtf. I’ll do it. At this point we want to fuck and we’ll post


Did this work

Who the fuck does not have a gmail account in this day and age. God damn bait.

Pussy and face in same shot or gtfo

Lol my work email is all I use.


What a fat fucking sow


Try that from your ifaggot device. It should give you the option for resize. I know it's too much to ask from an Apple device but it's worth a shot..

What's funny about that?

Can I be a meme now?

Let’s see some titts

Well it was worth a shot. If you don’t want to see more, fuck y’all then.


>Post some new, legitimately funny shit
>posts a meme that's literally old enough to smoke


Post carlos and pedro meme

Green texts, tries to make a point, yet doesn’t post anything funny.


OP is always a faggot.



Haha I get it!


OP was trying not to be a faggot for once. Post some funny shit and you’ll get tits next

Gay hero








Let's talk about that 9FAG watermark...








Is that little turd balls hanging out near her boo hole?



Homo found


this isnt even funny anymore... god i wish he would have been sucessfull

Gay fag here




>in this day and age
Calm down and take your meds, Grandpa.



i don't get it





Ya'll laughing now, but in a decade or two pedophilia is gonna be the next transgenderism and the cops are gonna take away your kids if you don't let the creepy pedos have sex with them.


Post more funny shit and I’ll take pics of me fucking her



I wanna see her pussy close up. Don't really care to see your dick


What do her parents think about this image?



Pedo uprising when?

Post now please


Well her dads dead and her moms a cunt. This is Sup Forums dude, none of us are normal.





I don't blame you for not knowing about national treasure, user.


I hope you may see your dream fulfilled one day, fuhrer


>8 minutes per hour
>so we can chase the warm

Let’s go op. Show that shit

I was trying to buddy. Took a few pics, posted. Fags showed up, I’m out. Save what you want. Maybe I’ll convince her again tomorrow.
