"This will be a reality this year and across the front pages of newspapers across the world, he told the Daily Express, adding that "ET is real".
"This will be a reality this year and across the front pages of newspapers across the world, he told the Daily Express, adding that "ET is real".
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They're already amongst us.
I guess he wants to be remembered for more than just being black.
Now uhhhhhhh let me be clear
Ayy uhhhh lmao.
>shows the world evidence we are not alone on november 7th
> People start questioning their religion, beliefs etc. and all their focus is on the findings
> the democrats rig the election in favor of Hillary
> nobody bats an eye
> all attention to the presidential
what's with leftism and this UFO obsession?
pretty sure we already knew about the 11 million aliens in the US
His going to reveal he is an Alien and new overlord of the planet.
They think that aliens will be the true liberators of mankind.
Can I bang ayy lmaos?
Will it be legal to bang ayy lmaos?
do I need to be part of a program to bang ayy lmaos?
is banging ayy lmaos degenerate?
I bet the Vatican will be moved to Jerusalem as Obama's presidency is finished.
Or CERN will have some quit big surprise for us.
>it's reported
stopped reading right there
Underrated post
Propaganda psyops to either shill for one world government or distract us from some other major happening
>dat horrible clickbait
I didn't see anything other than speculative IRL shitposting from some faggot who belongs to some meme organization.
Could be more than 30 million friend.
Follow the money. =]
Just a reminder aliens are actually demons.
Top check and kek.
So what if this isn't just a load of bullshit. Obama actually admits the event at Roswell was a crasged saucer, but their tech has already been assimilated so its not even like it's a big deal. Enjoy those "Smartphones"
Obama is going to go on an antisemitic rant.
Look it up.
>implying he won't get assassinated before he can say anything
Semen demons?
Hasn't literally every single president said this since somewhere around WW2?
>We are not alone
>Ayy Lmaos are with us
Do you guys often wonder why there too many players in MMORPGs like me? It's not quite right...
Even the most random / remote server in an MMORPG there are many players playing in the game. Even in Private MMORPG servers. It's odd isn't it?
Of course, "they" the extraterrestrials are with us even online and maybe shitposting Sup Forums right now.
>inb4 "They don't exist lol, go be good goys with your social media and smartphones now"
>tfw you will RIP & TEAR irl
He knows that Trump is going to repeal all of his niggery. He needs some legacy that won't be dismantled by the God-Emperor.
Obama will leave no legacy behind and is such a shit president he has to get his handlers to scrimp and salvage area 51 reports to have some sort of semblance of an adminstration.
What a niggardly thing to do
An unspecified report with a bunch of nameless quotes.
the cucks and leftists will follow the ayy lmaos into hellfire. notice it's never christians getting abducted by aliens, it's these pathetic wacky nu agers
Just dumb shit to distract the plebs while he does something else that's illegal. Same thing as the tranny bathrooms.
They are already here
It's going to be so great having that nigger out of office, and Trump in. I might even buy a celebratory obongo pinata
true questions of life....
for real tho, what if they are humans of accient civilizations?
Preetty funny desu sempoai
How can humans even compete??????
ayy lmao
now this is what I call merchant-posting
This user is more right than he knows.
ur such a badass xD
post >yfw the ayy lmaos come out of their spaceshibs looking like this
Poland is literal cancer.
Ayy puto
My cousins are getting fucked
Obama reveals KEK has arrived. Old news.
angry birds is the most redpilling movie ever made confirmed. Watching it now, Just thought I'd let you all know
Its not even subtle. It's in your face especially in terms of multiculturalism. The pigs represent muslims confirmed. I bet Europeans will lose their shit over it
>Obixnood reveals the aliens
>They turn out to be his distant ancestors who have been inhabiting Mars for milennia now
>Yakub steps out of his flying, jet powered pyramid
>"Barack, my son, you have completed your test. You truly have proven yourself worthy to rule our kingdom. If you could civilize the bestial white devils of the caves, you are truly fit to rule all of Old Africa as our king."
>Obixnood genuflects in front of Yakub and they take off in their pyramid to return to Mars for the coronation
>mfw when we legitimately wuz kangz
> I bet europeans will lose their shit over it
Then why are you posting about it
You're both fucking stupid, since when is interest in aliens leftism?
Shut up aquafresh
Canada is the new shit poster.
Just a reminder demons are actually aliens.
Stop pretending Humans are the only life and that if there were other life, it wouldn't be just as capable of both evil and good just like we Humans are.
Stop demonizing other life forms.
That being said, DEATH TO ALL XENOS SCUM.
Bots, bots, and more bots.
Stop playing Stellaris
People with a brain can figure this out without playing Stellaris, but I haven't touched it since Total War Warhammer released.
I would not even be upset
But how are they bots when they are communicating with you on team speak 3 / mumble / skype and have their own personalities?
Like this little cunt in the video.
I'm not saying all interest in it is only from liberals, I'm just saying liberals think aliens will save them.
It's a joke.
Because you said 'Xenos'. It reminds me of mass purging any one that isn't Crab People.
I forget not all euros h8 muslim migrants I'm sry
But the whole move is an allegory about that situation, and it's not subtle at all. It's really gud.
This is the first (you) I've gotten all day.
Nice to know I'm not shadowbanned. Thanks aquafresh!
what sounds more plausible:
Aliens are real and they have happened to have found us and are studying us
Aliens are not real but the government likes to pretend thy are to scare us, and is going to fake an alien invasion with secret tech to get humanity to band together under a 1 world government.
> I've gotten all day
>WvWvW could have been a good tier pvp mode
>A-Net just HAD to fuck it up from the get go
>go back to Sup Forums
Would you?
>mfw alium is real
>mfw the Jew is an alium
>mfw the Jew has propagated the Grays and Little Greens as the evil ones since the 50s
>mfw a war starts and humanity BTFOs Grays but still is Lizardian Jew slave
When aliens arrive, they'll look like big jews with long ass beards.
Your face would look retarded. Just as that Aliens = Jews conspiracy.
I absolutely would, especially if she's yandere or mayadere.
More worried about telling the public about space aliens than illegal aliens.
I think aliens discovered us and put the entire solar system under quarantine/containment. They probably have space nigger UN warships in the Kuiper belt patrolling, ready to destroy any ships that attempt to slip in.
Think of how the various nations of Earth would react to African countries acquiring nuclear weapons.
Anything "aliens" and UFO related is a blatant prysop to trivialize the issue and make it seem like some goofball comedy.
X-Files had TR-3B zooming across screen just after a few years after Belgian Wave happened, when the country's top AF brass went on written record. But ofcourse, nobody fucking remembers that.
Everything that is generated through any kind of media about this topic is disinfo.
watch "Mirage Men"
Alright boys clean this up, GG, what a fucking push.
underr8ed post
I guess this his backup plan for having a legacy. Obongocare failed miserably, and as of right now, he'll only be remembered for being the first nigger.
Nonetheless, pretty cool of him 2bh.
120 Supply in squad AND NONE OF YOU CUNTS CAN BUILD!?
How will this affect Hillary considering this is one of the things she wants to do if she gets into office?
Doubles and we're all getting alien qts
It's never going to happen . I'll just leave this x-tier stuff here
SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer
fug if they are telling us it means they are already infiltrated to the top and about to declare a one world slave government
Literally 90's UFO circuit tier conman. Right up there with Lazar, Shcneider and Bielek
I'd be amazed if that nigger did at least one thing during his presidency, Golf doesnt count
I think theyll use this to lessen the significance of the assassination of donald trump.
They wouldn't tell us for benevolent purposes. Something's up.
This is slightly different. Many have said that they will reveal UFO files WHILE CAMPAIGNING then decided upon becoming president it would be too dangerous. Obama is already president and is on his way out he can do whatever the fuck he wants without there really being any repercussions and has no reason to say he's going to do it unless he means to
If true this could be Obama's saving grace.
No matter how awful he is otherwise if he revealed this info he would be remembered positively.
is trump the ayylmao plant or is hillary?
>Right up there with Lazar, Shcneider and Bielek
Yup, but at least his babble has way better production values
He never said he'd do it. The only guy they talk about in the article is some old cuck who's spent the last 20 years trying to get them to release info.
So basically this is a fuck you to Hillary?
Who doe he actually want to replace him?
Neither. Idk I just don't trust it. Why would he release the truth and that info?
And I worry frequently about a trump assassination in general so that's where my mind goes
How come everybody overseas knows that hillary said she'd release UFO stuff? Seems like such a minor thing given that the bitch will say anything.
Does your media shill hillary pretty hard?
I really hope nobody is that stupid. A Hillary vs. Trump election with that happening actually might kick off a civil war
Everybody in the US knows that Obama fucking hates Hillary. Seeing a Trump/Hillary election is probably aging him 20 years
Cool. So now Hillary doesn't have a platform to stand on.
Yeah haha as soon as I thought about it I realized that no, that wouldn't make sense. Just paranoid about losing donald and don't trust the establishment I guess
I actually did in my dream, creepy thing tried to stab me while on my bike in the middle of the apocalypse. I just turned around and said,"Hell no, imma make you my bitch!" I actually did, but there where human killing all the aliens and/or demons. They killed her and turn to me and said,"Do you know her?"
"Nah." Saying yes would be the end of me. There where some cute blue slime that I fucked too. Felt great, but humans literally killed them all.
>How will this affect Hillary considering this is one of the things she wants to do if she gets into office?
They're pulling this BECAUSE she's polling poorly. The proven existence of alien life will be a huge boon to the secular left-wing.