>one shot at life
>not born in Australia
Kill me.
>one shot at life
>not born in Australia
Kill me.
Other urls found in this thread:
So marry an Aussie shiela.
Go on a dating website and look in Adelaide.
They are all gagging to get married there.
City of Brides and all...
If you kill me you'll go to australia.
I feel the same way but about Canada. They basically live in a utopia
i fucked your mother
Nobody's perfect, m8
>besides white Australians that is
Trade you so long as you aren't Californian.
We truly are the lucky country. God I love being Australian
Now if we could get rid of those couple percent of Abo's/muzzies and the every growing fucking yellow cunts that would be great
>One chance at life
>Not being European
It actually really fucking hurts.
be thankful youre white m9.
I know the feeling
>Once chance at life
>Not being Portuguese
Just steal a loaf of bread or something.
>one shot at life
>born in texas
Everything else except Sydney
>one shot at life
>not being born in outer space
t. Xiang "Dave" Chang
>its a brit wishes he lived somewhere else even though he lives in the most desired country in the world episode
>one shot at life
Hey, me too. Feels good man. What part?
>most desired country in the world
>tiny shit island with rain 24/7 being overrun with foreign invaders
sounds like paradise to a Canadian, I can understand
>> being overrun with foreign invaders
oh you mean like every other western country?
nice shitposting though
>even though he lives in the most desired country in the world
The UK is fine, but there's no way it's the most desired country in the world.
Unless you're a rapefugee who only wants more gibs than France will gib, of course.
>one shot at life
>No colony spaceships
Why would I want to spend my life being oppressed by a shitty unambitious government that doesn't do anything productive?
it is right up there on the most desired countries to live , denying that is just being ignorant. most people would rather move to the uk then get shot up at a mcdonalds in usa
>oh you mean like every other western country?
Australia is still over 90% white and lets in very few refugees
America is pretty tough on just letting any bomb-in-waiting in, you wouldn't understand though.
Also poutine isn't a real food and synthetic maple syrup is better tasting.
Isn't Melbourne the most liberal fag tier city in Australia?
>one shot at life
>not born in Australia
t. Ching Chang Xin Li
True list:
GOD Tier
Everything else
>says states
>lists cities
>the worst city in the worst state is god tier
>it is right up there on the most desired countries to live
That doesn't mean shit. All that means is there's an idealistic view of the UK that's often pushed in hollywood.
Combine that with a generous welfare system, pussy brits being too afraid to prosecute brown people cause it might be "racist" to stop pakis from gangraping 12 year olds, and of course you can see why tons of people who live in shitholes would want to live in the UK.
It's a brown criminals wet dream. Nobody has guns, the cops won't stop you, and you get free healthcare and get paid to be a criminal.
GOD Tier
Good Tier
OK for a holiday Tier
Shit Tier
Tasmania Tier
>one shot at life
>born a muzzie in united kingdom emirates
utopia of cuckery, indians and chinese.
true rankings go
Darwin (if no abos lived there)
Perth (if no saffers and jews lived there)
Perth (with saffers and jews)
Darwin (with abos)
I live in based brisbane. I wish we could remove all our private school kid fuckwits as well as everyone from logan but is pretty good otherwise.
This country is shit mate.
You are faced with majority white rural areas and small towns with aging populations and lack of any culture or connection to the outside world.
Or vibrant cities that have been completely ruined by shitskins.
I went to London once and I would never go again.
>power rankings
>all cities
get out to the country, m8
>I wish we could remove all our private school kid fuckwits
Why do Australians seem so cool?
It's like they are gonna say something you didn't expect them to say and it's like it was meant to be and they didn't even have to try.
How do people afford to live in Sydney? I know the rent and house prices are through the roof yet I see plenty of people working in inner city cafes and doing low paying work. How do they afford it?
Why is Little Syria aka Sydney so high?
Nothing but faggots and killer mudslimes there.
Why would you want that? I'd rather be in the US.
they think they're patrician for attending the most prestigious pederasty pedagogues in an ex-penal colony lol
Non-Australian states
EU member states
American states
Australian states
>one shot at life
>the generation after widespread blind faith in religion
>the generation before technological immortality
Fucking this, imagine not having weather that's not 30°C + all the time. Being able to drive a few hours and being in a totally different country but still cultured due to whiteness. Thousands of years of history. Nature that isn't just empty dirt.
Fuck Australia.
>one shot at life
>born in washington state
>the most cucked state in America
>non-libtards rarely vote because we've been consistently democrat for the last 40 years
>mfw West coast Left coast
at least when trump wins i might have some hope for the rest of the states in this God-forsaken country in that they don't follow suit.
British people move to Australia all the time though
t. chow chong long
Isn't Australia basically the American Southwest with less shitskins and lower paying skilled jobs? I think I'd rather live here because no one forces Burgers to live next to Tyrone.
They travel an hour a day by train from the suburbs.
Darwin is the prettiest
Adelaide is the comfiest
Perth is the most civilised
Eastern states are all for plebs and asians
haha suck shit u beta chode
living here is amazing
History and culture are for fags.
But seriously, I envy the European's ability to state that their countries are white without some faggot pissing in their ear about how they stole the land.
Us and Americans will never know that feel.
I haven't been to sydney in like 5 years so maybe things have changed. It's a sad state of affairs when muzzos are more masculine than our beta males.
perhaps they flat, live with parents or live in uni housing. Maybe they have rich parents too. I'm glad I bought my house young, I'm 29 now and I bought a house in a trendy planned community for young families (springfield lakes) 5 years ago and already my property has risen by a third in value.
u fucking poofta australia gets more based the further away from the east you get
All of those "desired country" statistics were compiled here in the USA by wealthy, university professors that have never lived abroad. It's easy to see European nations as paradise when you're wealthy enough to enjoy the very best another nation has to offer while temporarily staying in a five star hotel.
>tfw no Australian friend
Why live
>captcha: Select all images with a STORMFRONT
How many times are you going to post this today?
>Born in an irrelevant country no one cares about
i can b ur frend
until i can be bothered to take a new one with a different girl candyass
>One shot a life
australian youfs are increasingly SJW tier, my parents' generation however are strongly anti-immigration having coined the phrase "fit in or fuck off" Cost of living is probably a bit more expensive here but wages are pretty decent here, I earn about 130k a year as a civil engineer.
Move to Oregon its the same shit but red in a few areas kek
abort, he's from /r9k/
>Cost of living is probably a bit more expensive here but wages are pretty decent here, I earn about 130k a year as a civil engineer.
Yeah--I was just going by what some ex-Burger posted; he emigrated to Australia and was bitching that software engineers don't make nearly as much over there. Maybe he was just shitposting, but he seemed genuine. I know that land tends to be cheap over there just like it is here in the west.
How the fuck did you do that?
But I would like to see the world in all honesty and this is a great place to meet friends
>couple percent of Abo's/muzzies
It's literally less than 1%
life is fucking good
holy shit the detective dundee over here
are you trying to meme me, yank? i don't appreciate that
there's not a big software industry here desu
that's because we're not nerds like soft cunt americans
what about my floppy?
No, I'm serious, my Dad has an Australian friend who had a bird named Captain, one of my first introductions into Australian culture.
It's pretty cool and I'd like to know more.
I feel like you guys are more about the nature than we are
I'm not touching this but im stealing ur pepe
go back to r9k faggot
>tfw live in rich white suburb in Sydney.
>one shot at life
>be born in israel and not in Česko
fuck you stop complaining it's harder for me :(
you misspelled trash
>tfw nearly had a real life Australian friend
>not even sure if exist
t. bogan
I actually kind of like living with abos.
As long as you're not a beta cunt they will respect you and you can usually just kind of watch their antics from afar, like being at a zoo.
>one shot at life
>born in Canada to a family from the poorest country in Europe
>move back every summer and live like a king for a few Gs
W..why did you guys ruin my chance?
>One shot at life
>Born in USA, not poor, not black.
I win.
I have to take a holiday from work soon and don't know what to do with the time. If you fly me to the US I'll be your friend. Your best friend even.
Forget about it champ, you wouldn't have fit in with the Aussies anyway. We're built tough here and we don't take well to your kind. Now run along kid, the big boys are talken.
pssh, nothing nothing personnel kid
go find an indian, they're more your speed
pic related
I can't pay for your ticket but I can give you a place to stay for free and free food.
We got some dope Mountains here too
lmao he didn't go to a private school
Sometimes we get weather that's 40C plus
Don't know what you're talking about
us hasnt geen good since mad men days 4 real
ur all fat candyass mukticulti cuck tranny apologists with ED led by a black man
lol ima nerd
i read in between dead lift sets
what u guys read
bogans only live in suburbs you fucking autist, they're not capable of living in rural areas because it usually requires work.
if u srsly went to a private all boys school and werent pounding pussy at 14 u need to get back to sydney or melbourne
Envy truly is a curse, how's that subpar, union-controlled public education feeling?
You don't even have to be rich, I got through the entirety of high school on scholarships.
Tl;dr reasons for not going to a private school:
1. dump
2. poor
Must feel bad, man
I read this in between squat sets. I've only been reading it for about 6 months.