Blocks your path and grabs your dick....what do?

blocks your path and grabs your dick....what do?

Other urls found in this thread:

take a step away, then a step towards, then a step away, then a step.....etc.

Tell her she can't have it until marriage.

Cum buckets

Turn 360 degrees and walk away


She's probably 95 lbs. Say "get the fuck off me" and walk away

Grab her by the pussy.

Instantly spaghetti.

It sounds like I don't need to do anything. She's going to handle it.

Push her off and walk away.

Only a retard sticks his dick into a walking red flag like that.

find nearest alley
fuck mouth hole

Ask the gang whore how I can help her, gently push away her hand and try to escape before I get shanked


Glad I'm not a desperate virgin fag like some of these fucks.

"Love is pain"

Yeah this bitch is a gang whore.
Shove her
Instantly grab my Smith & Wesson shield.
Shoot any ghetto spics on sight
Call 911
"I was just involved in a mugging and I was in fear for my life"
Make sure dead spics are holding a gun or a knife (if not grab a weapon that is in their pockets or nearby with a handkerchief of course)
Police come by
Show them my concealed carry license
Probably get my weapon confiscated
Call up the lawyer
Go to court
Carry on with life

#metoo ;_;

Sue for millions.

Start quoting Quasimodo's Quatrains

Go to bed donald, its past your bedtime

give her some pain

the 360 degree thing again, ...
holy shit

This girl starts grabbing me

>tattoos (trash ones to boot)
>in trouble with the law
>caked in makeup
>dyed hair
>probably a drug user
Pretty sad that this is a normie meme of beauty in modern day America. This woman is cancer.

Looks like he's praying for his pullout game to be good enough.