How do you compete against THIS?
How do you compete against THIS?
I dont, because I don't have to.
I just leave them to their own devices
Get a well-paying job
Be white
im handsome as fuck maybe? beats any nigger
Please Sir, i could never compare to such a powerful display of masculinity.
Are you here to see my girlfriend?
Steal a bike.
no need to compete, just love
Lie to myself about size not mattering.
by not being a nigger, duh
1. You're a Faggot
2. It's fake.
3. You're a Faggot
A machete
t. triggerd whiteboi
I can't.i just wanna suck that cock
by having a job.
With a job, an education, and a good six figure job.
Don't even try and compete white bois
Problem niggers?
An ideal situation would be living with my black wife and her black bull stud boyfriend as a lifestyle sissy cuckold maid.
Having been unable to satisfy my demanding, bossy wife, she eventually lost patience with my cringing submissive nature and mediocre white penis. She asserted her leadership and relegated me to the position of sissy white boy.
Even the dog, an impressive male rottweiler belonging to Sir, enjoys a higher station in the household than me.
On my birthday, I'm allowed to watch while Sir ploughs my wife into unconsciousness. There is, however, no release from chastity for this white weakling.
By being white.
small ass dick bitch
u mad white boi?
Like this.
Hahahahaha that kind of dick is great for pleasing 40+ year old women who've had a couple kids. good luck pounding any hot puss balls deep fella
Rope and a tall tree
How can niggers come back from this?
Be an abstinent goy cuz most girls are coal burners around me anyways cuz of muh feminism
Who would ever want to fuck a nigger? They all have tiny cocks!!!
Look at the gross shit-cock!
It was only a matter of time before Sir came home drunk and decided to exercise his 'privilege' on my asshole. He said it was just like being in prison, grabbing a sissy cracker by the scruff of his neck and throwing him over the bed.
My wife walked in while Sir was blessing me with his titan's horsecock. She simply knelt down, spat in my face and started laughing at my tears.
In that moment, she told me, she had lost the last of her respect for me. I was nothing but a broken cumbucket for black cock, and if I didn't like it, she'd just divorce me and Sir could have half my assets AND my wife.
Needless to say, I thanked Sir for finishing in my ass with a passionate, slobery blowjob. I sucked my shit off that gigantic black cock until it was clean again.
My wife kicked me in the balls and went to bed with her Alpha.
Think again lil bitch
Think again, nigger
Wtf. This shit would kill me. I mean it's hot, but I wouldn't fuck him. he'd tear me wide open. That wouldn't be pleasurable at all. Looks like a pain in the ass to suck as well. Hot af tho.
jealous lil white boi
you said job twice retard
With a dick that will actually fit in someone who isnt a literal landwhale
Why do black guys only fuck white girls? are thhy so disgusted by their own race that they won't fuck black girls? what's the deal?
At least some of them are secure enough not to glue on fake ones or shop it up.
Let the woman do my talking, nigger
Compete? Why would you compete?
Have you no common sense?
That's like playing chess with a bovine.
You don't compete with that..
You put it in chains and have it work the plantation.
to prove u white bois are all lil pussys
my dream but a white former wife
Horses have big dicks too. But in general the women I want to be with aren't in to fucking farm animals so I'm good.
"Daddy's girl"
Instantly discarded as a slut.
The average cock for a nigger
aint no talkin with this dick in her mouth
What your "cock" is really like, niggers should be slaves again
soon u bitch ass white bois finna all be slaves
You dont lol, whens the last time u were in a penis competition against a bbc?
imagine how many black males were locked in chastity during the slavery era. slave masters were frugal as fuck with their slave investments and definitely thought long term.
they bought female slaves in order to breed future slaves, and in order to make sure to have future strong slaves only his biggest and blackest niggers(or him) would be allowed to breed the black females. so pretty much all the other black males had their little dicks locked in crude iron/wooden chastity cages or were just straight up castrated.
The future for all white bois
O..hey...i ...didnt see u there
by having a dick you can actually fuck a woman with and have it be pleasurable in any way
Since when do black guys only fuck white girls... (you must make ur decisions based off pornhub)
No white woman wants to suck a nigger cock, look how small they are
try again white bread
By having a benis that doesnt look like poop
Massive white cock does exist
White bois just CAN. NOT. COMPETE.
And now it's the white man's turn. Our natural inferiority has created a situation where Sir fucks when He wants to fuck, WHEN He wants to fuck.
White cocks must be locked away, not because we can't 'compete' (even though we cannot), but because it symbolises black cock's triumph over tiny white peepees.
Women have already accepted Sir's dominance and have given themselves over willingly (even their assholes, she never let YOU fuck her there).
White boys: Lock your little peepees up for Sir, you wouldn't want to make Him angry!
you have to understand user, the people here base their decisions off of literally nothing. it's a lawless land and everyone here is a fucking retard with ridiculous opinions.
Black men fuck whatever they want, if they see something they like, they just take it.
Black masculinity has triumphed over white intellect, and now our wives are stretched-out chokered whores for big black cock, while we sit in chastity.
you're a very small subset of the population. expand your mind user, not everyone is a cuck.
Big black cocks get pussy. Little white dicketts get the cage
Obvious faggot
With money and a job.
well im circumsized I don't look like a log of shit and I have a job and knew my father.
Sauce ?
So many butthurt angry white bois in this thread fapping furiously in their basement
I'm actually circumsized
>Sup Forums can't help but to reply to the same stale shit over and over again
thread hidden
some of the BBC is so massive i can't imagine it feeling good for a girl, i know i'd like to see my GF try and take a massive one but won't get far, but more likely i'd end up holding her down and just let him have his way with her ass.
The size of the wand doesn't matter if you know how to use magic.
They all love it. The knowledge that they've got such a perfect expression of manhood to look forward to gets women, especially white women, wet enough to take Sir's big cock.
But don't worry, He'll take the ass too.
Amen to that my black king
You can't, I'd even let him fuck me in the ass. My dick is hard right now just imagining him thrusting it in me. then i'd let him fuck my wife and then my daughter.
glad to hear :)
with this
Damn she's cute you got sauce on that?
Please Sir, can i get you a drink while my wife recovers from the brutal fucking you just gave her?
She says there'll be some bruising around her neck from where you choked her, but she'll be more than ready for round four in 20 minutes or so.
Is there anything else i can do for you Sir?
No. Fuck off jews, I don't want sandpaper dicks scraping me up inside.