Loser virgin thread.
Loser virgin thread
Why didn't you go share thread? you trying to get rid of me?
Yeah, you're a chore.
I'm like a tumor, give it time and I shall grow on you.
or I might lose interest in all this stuff and begone for good. Which ever comes first.
The second will happen and it will be just me.
Get a BF.
what about the other fur fags comming here?
You will always have the memory of me, just tweak it a bit and make me awesome and cool.
The thread ought to appear on the tripfag finder anyway, if you have it.
Eventually all will leave and you are like everyone else. Not worth remembering.
what if it was started by a namefag, or just ananomoose?
No idea how, or sure i could. can you find one for me?
Why I told you to tweak the memory, make me worth remembering.
So you will leave aswell?
But I want nib nib to share it with me, willingly.
What a thing to witness that would be
Great, then I know where to find you if the interest comes back.
I'll faggot you.
Yes, but you'll have to move to Sweden.
>Wanting to find me
The effort to make fun of me is a negative gain value. You are better off making fun of someone who has something to lose or do something better with your time.
I'll look forward to seeing what that entails, as a verb
Would depend where in Sweden. the south of it isn't very appealing.
I'm lazy, doctor diagnosed that shit when I was small kid cus they could do that, so it's legit. Why would I make fun of you, even putting in effort to do so, I gain nothing from it, not my type of entertainment. I'm proberly a grown man, I can do what I want with my time and if I want to spent time doing it, it couldn't be better spent.
There is no reason to seek out the undesired other than to make one self feel better. Like using people as a punching bag.
That is the only reason or use people would come to me for. So I have no reason to deal with people.
Humanity can go fuck itself.
I need this.
It will involved slamming butts together.
I don't know where in it Banunus lives.
Others being undesired doesn't make me feel better, and I seek out who I feel like when I feel like it.
meh, who cares about humanity.
What is a Banunus?
I assume he's single, but is he nice and a cutie?
You should seek out someone else.
His butt is a cutie.
Im not a vigin, but im a loser, can i still be here?
Don't feel like it.
When have you not thought that about a butt?
No u.
to nibi you are a chad
A what?
What are you trying to get out of me.
My butt is not cute.
light conversation.
Neither was mine.
But it is fun to pretend.
Conversation is always a means to an end. For normal people it is usually to see if they can get sex.
I cant have sex and no one wants to have sex with me so we can narrow down a conversation with me is a zero-sum-game at my expense.
Forgot, you didn't call mine cute either. I was wrong.
So he got a cutie butt, does that mean he just bottoms?
Why does it have to be about sex?
The end is to pass time, that is the purpose of everything. I feel like passing it writing with you.
He likes to pretend he's a top.
I don't have my game of pretend images to post.
>"This guy is a desperate, virgin loser. I bet I can fake making him think im interested in him so I can get close and stab him in the back for laufs and steal his dollary-doos."
That might be a bit overly dramatic.
Every shitter seems to forget that incels arent desperate, since desperation has its roots in hope.
We dont have hope since a hope for something will always equal to a zero-sum.
Don't see you as desperate as you're not trying to reach out to anyone. No idea about your virginity other than what you said, so I guess you are a virgin. Don't see the difference between losers and winners. I Don't stab people, and i don't want your cash.
We're 4000 miles apart, we'll never see each other, I can still pass time writing with you on faggot fur breads.
Talk to someone else then.
Now you're just being mean to me again. I see how it is, you had your fun and now you'll just ignore me.
Good night, lads. Sleep tight and wet dreams.
i found this pic for you
The mighty ostrich wearing the sin of its cheetah victim is the best.
i thought it was nice
That is terrifying.
And yet you've seen my tongue penis.
Could be worse.
there are much more terrifying things
This certainly is weird.
But at least this fella is hung.
Which reminds me, I took my dogs out yesterday morning, at like 3:00, and they all started attacking a possum. I picked that thing up by the tail and it's tail just curled around my arm like a snake, I shook that thing around and it just wouldn't release. It was playing dead the whole time, even while I was swinging it around in the air like a lasso.
It was the stupidest thing I think I have ever done.
I've had a car bring a possum playing dead to the doorstep before. Luckily, not inside, unlike the bird the other one brought into the basement.
Also, I need an air horn for the weekend nights I'm working to deal with the bored white kids getting high.
That's an impressive car.
What are the youngsters doing?
Hi gents
Who are you horsebutt?
You're a horse butt
Had a call with just a "Douchebag" from the other end, though don't know if it was aimed at me or the noise in the background.
Cum on butts.
I have no idea what to make of this
what do you mean
Some guys just can't handle REAL men I guess.
lol this rooster is oddly attractive
Just pull it out and yank, its ok.
Later, not now
he's just a qt bear
No, now. In front of us all.
Give pictures.
Of g/fur?