He is right. You'll never know what Trump would do AFTER he becomes President.
He is right. You'll never know what Trump would do AFTER he becomes President
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>his surname is Gopnik
lol what
His presidency would be the most highly reported presidency ever. if he's smart, he could bring awareness and make shit interesting to see on tv that everyone would realize how much of a shitshow congress is and more and more people would care about politics. putting his policy aside and rhetoric, do you see how many people are interested in this primary? and that numbers continue to grow. Trump might not be the best man for the job but he's the person Americans need right now so fuck the status quo.
What of it? The WHOLE POINT is that he'll change the system. Anything he does is thus better than what Clinton or the the commie who shall not be named would do.
And lets be honest here, he can't do anything too extreme for us. Most likely people here will be rather disappointed that he'll only build the wall or something of the sort.
Sam sam sam
You sad son-of-a-
You sound like one of those "literally hitler" idiots
It's only fear mongering when it's against the liberal's interests.
>having Gopnik as a surname
>name is gopnik
This pic would be the dream
Only one way to be sure :^)
>Adam Gopnik
Xaxaxaxaxaaxaxaxa пpoигpaл
>Hilary predictable
Too bad our ambassador to Libya couldn't predict that the Secretary of State would abandon him...even more head scratching is how Hilary couldn't predict a threat towards our consulate after we overthrew the only form of government in Libya
liberals don't understand what separation of powers are
harris is a jew
is anyone at all surprised?
That reasoning is so retarded. I thought this guy was a brain expert.
So you shouldn't vote for someone because the media says he might be scary?
It's like people who say global warming is real because "if it happens it would be bad"
He was raised by a single mother since the age of two.[14] He is the son of actor Berkeley Harris and TV producer Susan Harris, who created The Golden Girls.[15] His father came from a Quaker background and his mother is Jewish
Trump is all talk and won't know shit about how to run this country.
>the fact that you're not sure how much damage ... is reason enough to resist his ambitions
Sounds awfully conservative there.
No. I have a pretty good idea. The president's role in the country and the powers that come with it are very well-defined, especially when that president doesn't even seem to have the congressmen of his own party on his side.
But you see, even if I didn't know, I frankly would not give a shit. For starts, you don't know what Hillary or, god forbid, Bernie would do either. What I DO know is that I'm a very, very malcontent American. I was born in a single-parent, adoption-based welfare family with a lunatic mother who was raped and beaten as a child AND as an adult. My high school education was a joke, and now it's looking like my time at CC was too, since 3.5 just ain't enough to actually compete with the slum dog millionaires flooding into my state uni.
You can say what you want about the GPA, God knows I'm aware of my limitations, but it doesn't change what I want or feel. I feel like ruining something for all of the cunts in this country! And if there's one beautiful thing about Trump, it's that he's literally a massive movement to make things shitty for literally every fucking one of our politicians and reporters!
Oh I just love the idea of my congressmen having to put up with him and his antics. I just love the idea of pearl-clutching sjw's and ass-mad Hispanics as he actually enforces immigration law in a meaningful way! Fat cats floundering as they have to make the decision between outsourcing and actually living here. Evangelicals fuming over the fact that he doesn't actually give a fuck about gays or Christian-based morality. BLM, left-leaning business flunkies, the list goes on!
Trump is like a march to make everything worse for the people who REALLY have privilege in this country! Who actually have it good and have the audacity to tell the rest of us just how fortunate we are to be able to exist in their world! It's like Christmas!
>2008: Change!
>2016: for the love of god, dont change!
some analyst here said that a Trump presidency would probably be a lot of expert comittees running the country with Trump rarely interfering and taking more of a representative role.
Sounds good enough in my view
Wow, lost most of my respect for Harris here. I'm not going to lose respect for someone just because they don't like Trump, but calling him a lunatic and an ignoramus is ignorant. As usual with the anti-Trump people, they don't actually explain their position, they just make a bunch of assertions and call him names. Sam appears to be another one of these people who talks all day long about the dangers of Islam but will attack anyone who actually appears capable of doing anything about it.
Worst of all about his post though is his nonsense about Clinton being a safer choice. All the bloodshed she has contributed to causing in the world. All the disastrous decisions she has made in the Middle East, and she's the safe pick. What a pathetic joke.
You got to be kidding me. I'm not even sure if it's better or worse than the usual Sheckelberggoldstein.
pretty sure he's gonna build a fucking wall m8
You'll never know what Bernie would do after he became president.
You'll never know what Hillary would do after she becomes president.
You'll never know what Jeb would do after he becomes president.
You'll never know what Cruz would do after he becomes president.
Why the fuck would you WANT "patriotic nationalism"???
It always boggles my mind when idiots on this board act like jingoism is a positive thing. It's fucking not. Overt nationalism opens the door to violence, repression, and is often taken advantage of by shitty politicians (See, Bush II: Iraq War). Nationalism is fucking shit.
These god damn kids on this board, I swear to god.
>Harris hates radical Islam
>Trump hates radical Islam
>Clinton exploits radical Islam and doesn't want to see it go away
>Harris wants to vote for Clinton
Sam was already black balled for being realistic about Islamic conquest of the west.
Being even slightly pro-Trump would likely get him targeted by thugs.
Remember, Harris said that Trump was a natural reaction to the powers that be ignoring Islamic conquest.
In times of prosperity, people desire stability, and the continuation of good times.
In times of insecurity and bleakness, people desire risk, and the shake up of systems which are not working.
We're in the the latter.
>that's the best we can hope for
a true cuck mentality
>we need 8 more years of the predictable decline of the west
Don't use that word like you know what it is.
>Iraq War
>Related to Jingoism and not America assclowning around over the spread of gommunism :-D
Yeah, you're fucking new to life. Don't call someone else "kid."
His surname is Gopnik.
ITT post dispicable pimple cuckold diaspora. Day of the Rope soon.
>3.5 GPA
Trump voters, everyone.
>You'll never know what Hillary would do after she becomes president.
Actually, her tenure as a senator and more importantly, Secretary of State gives you a really good idea. She'll be pro-war, pro-business and give lip service to identity politics while actually doing nothing about it.
Wow, you're really dumb. The Iraq war was caused by globalist policies, not nationalist ones. You can try to have your cuck society where no one is particularly loyal to your country, but you will be conquered in 5 minutes by a nationalist one.
>Don't use that word like you know what it is.
I know very well what it is.
>Iraq War
>Not related to jingoism
Jingoism made the iraq war possible. Morons like you bought right into the hyper-nationalistic fervor, believed every god damn word the Bush administration said, and supported the greatest foreign policy blunder of the modern era.
Believe me, I know exactly what it is. And that's why I oppose it.
Oh please. He went out of his way to make an anti-Trump, pro-Clinton post.
Why does Trump have to do anything other than what he has specifically talked about? The federal government needs to get that wall built and bring immigration under control. Renegotiate some trade deals. Kill ISIS. Lower taxes. Scrap Obamacare.
Everything else can and SHOULD be done on the state level.
What's your highest level math? Did you have to take physics? Foreign language? All of that while working?
Oh who am I kidding. Of course you did, because this is the internet, and everyone's got a 12-inch dick with a 4.0 in Nuclear physics..
>The Iraq war was caused by globalist policies, not nationalist ones
Not even close. The Iraq war happened because the Bush Administration knew that the American people would allow it. They allowed it because "muh freedom, kill dem ebil terrorists".
And you know what? Bush was god dam right, because the same morons elected him again in 2004. I know all about this because I lived through it. I wasn't some kiddo still in diapers like half of Sup Forums.
>Nationalism is fucking shit.
Yes, it is shit to be proud of your country. It is shit to do what's best for your country and it's inhabitants, you have to take care of the flood of illegal immigrants from shitholes first. It is shit to make your country independent on other countries or multinatinional companies with their multiculti propaganda.
Go hang yourself, there's no hope for you. Your father should have wipe you into a paper towel. Or your mother should've swallowed you.
Pretty much. He's going to be in way over his head, and have to rely on expert opinions for guidance. And gee whiz guess where those experts will be drawn from? If you guessed the currently political establishment, you'd be 100% right!
Trump will change nothing.
I want us to go with a bang
Not a whimper
Trump presidency is a political shock wave that will define politics from that year on
Jingoism has been despised ever since liberalism became a legitimate movement and hasn't been on the table since
Now everything is on the table
Change is truly here
>and have to rely on expert opinions for guidance.
i hope you realize this is how presidential roles work kid
The American people didn't allow it. They had no choice in the matter. They were lied to about nuclear weapons, so they would have been able to make an informed choice, anyway. In a nationalist nation, people would simply not have supported screwing around in some distant foreign nation. Have you not noticed that nationalist Trump supporters are no too fond of that war? It's globalist conservatives that love it.
> Morons like you bought right into the hyper-nationalistic fervor, believed every god damn word the Bush administration said,
Yeah, no. You're retarded. Everyone, including the rest of the fucking world, bought what the Bush administration said because Sudam was a fucking lunatic and every western country suspected that he had WMD's well before the war broke out.
> the greatest foreign policy blunder of the modern era.
That was putting him there in the first place, not removing him. Sorry, genocidal dictators don't get my sympathy, because, you know, I'm a nationalist, but not a fucking jingoist.
bud anogamous, badriotic nadionalism is whad made ameriga free from dhe brigish embire :DDDD whad r u, a bridish nadzi who hades ameriga???
>The American people didn't allow it
They very well did, you fuck! Every single American who voted to re-elect that war criminal is complicit in the waging of that war. The American people voted for him again even after he started that war, and that alone proves that they allowed it. So go fuck yourself, asshole!
I really dont get how he can say trump is an ignoramus and lunatic and then say hillary smart and knowledgeable.
sam is being a total hypocrite here
hillary has shown herself to be just as much a lunatic as trump and as far as ignoramus i am seriously surprised by hillary's mistakes, makes me doubt she is smart like sam says
You're the anti-drumpf shill, not me. I'm pretty sure Reddit is more your style than mine.
>2008: Change!
>2016: for the love of god, dont change!
Wrong summary. Here's the correct version:
>2008: Change for the better!
>2016: Don't change for the worse!
Hope this helps.
They were lied to and thought that Saddam had nuclear weapons. 2004 was only shortly after the war started. Stop being such a baby and get some common sense.
>Everyone, including the rest of the fucking world, bought what the Bush administration said
Except for me and the others who voted for John Kerry in 2004. And I did it despite being a Libertarian at that time. I did it to get that piece of shit war criminal out of the White House, but so-called "patriotic Americans" chose to give him another 4 years instead.
If you believed for a second that Iraq posed a threat to us, then you were and continue to be a complete rube. You are the problem with this country.
Bush was re-elected because his opponent was a wimpy faggot leftist that also voted for the Iraq War. It had nothing to do with supporting the war, and everything to do with the fact that John Kerry was, and is, a complete piece of dog shit who also supported the war.
With the supreme court up for grabs whoever wins will shape america for generations
Stop. You're embarrassing yourself.
see "They were lied to" ain't fucking good enough. A handful of brain cells should have been enough for them to realize that Iraq posed no threat to us. But, not. They didn't have a single fucking brain cell at all. They traded it in for "patriotic nationalism." Give me a break!
>With the supreme court up for grabs whoever wins will shape america for generations
This. The presidency doesn't matter much because a president doesn't operate in a vacuum, he's extremely dependent on the goodwill of Congress and donors.
SCOTUS is super important though, this is why I want Hillary to win.
doesnt really matter since the people advertising the change always present it as a change for the better
so is Clinton the middle east war hawk or is she the scared woman who can't and won't do anything about islamists?
keep your narrative consistent
wait Gopnik is his real last name? oh fucking wow, how unfortunate
>You're embarrassing yourself.
"Drumpf" is embarrassing indeed", I guess this is why they changed it to "Trump" in the first place.
You're obviously too emotionally invested in your position. I'll never get through to you.
She's never going to do anything about Islam in the West, but she's most definitely a middle East war hawk. Those narratives are consistent.
>Except for me and the others who voted for John Kerry in 2004.
I'm sure all three of you felt rightly smug after the war had ended.
>If you believed for a second that Iraq posed a threat to us
WMD's or not, Iraq was a threat to anyone it could get its fucking hands on. I'm not particularly fond of Interventionism, but describing it as "jingoistic" or even something that was fucking bad is dense. Again, Sudam was a lunatic, an Islamist, and a genocidal dictator. The world is a better place for his passing.
>the simple fact that I am afraid of Trump presidency means he will be a bad president
Atheist arguing from feels? I thought they were a paragon of rational thinking.
Merkel, pls go. While you still have time. Because President Trump is going to give you a massage like Bush did, except around your neck.
I want to burn it down. Sanders has been a democratic shill for 30 years, he won't do it. Trump will either move the country into a golden age where corruption can again be minimized, or we will end up bathing in the blood of a new Revolution/Civil War. Either way, I get what I want. Anyone not voting for Trump is just a bitch who wants daddy to take care of him. MAGA motherfucker.
>Because President Trump is going to give you a massage like Bush did, except around your neck.
Oh, right. I had almost forgotten how misogynist Trump is and how poorly he treats women. Thanks for reminding me, sunshine!
Just trying to speak your lingo, reddit bro.
His grandpa didn't want anyone here knowing he was a kraut.
Those handful of braincells told everyone that Kerry was going to be just as much a chickenhawk about Iraq as the neocons. You aren't the only one who was an adult then and remembers that election.
Face it, Kerry was weak and folded when he got swiftboated. It was that weakness that lost him the election. We were in a war on two fronts and weren't going to replace the devil we knew with a ketchup kingpin.
>you don't know what he'll do so why not vote for someone else who you don't know what they'll do
well friend islamists aren't in the west they're in the middle east spooking normal people to come migrate
>reddit bro.
As I stated earlier, there's the door
>His grandpa didn't want anyone here knowing he was a kraut.
What a patriot! I can certainly see why Sup Forums is so in love with the Trump line.
But Trump is clearly a few cards short of a full deck, much like his supporters. The guy has his head stuck so far up his own ass that he's failed to realize every country except Russia is just about ready to get the fuck away from America if he wins.
He doesn't realize that America I a global superpower because it dominates the global economy. The amount of damage he's gonna cause with isolationist policies, mass deportation of illegal workers, and bans on whole sects of religions, will do a lot of damage to America's reputation.
Not to mention the fact that he's a compulsive liar. Yet no matter how much evidence of this you show trump supporters, they actually believe Clinton is a liar because of some fucking emails. No the video clips of trump saying nonsense and fuckery just gets ignored.
If people wants change, they could have voted for anyone else. They don't want change, they want someone as stupid as them in the white house. They want to see America as a country fail.
> how poorly he treats women.
Like....his very happy and educated wife and daughter? Yeah, you can really see the fucking shell shocked on their faces. Fucker probably whores them out in a New York club.
That is what's known as the bargaining stages of grief.
>le rationality and le science
>Muh reputation
Are you even American? Since when should we care about our "reputation"? I don't care even a little bit about that. Especially if we get a bad reputation for enforcing our immigration laws. That's insanity. If the world is that insane, then they are our enemies anyway.
You know, it's really weird, that's like the third consecutive post where you almost sound like you have something resembling a fucking point.
Is this a German thing?
>his very happy and educated wife and daughter?
You mean his wife, the East European mail order bride?
You mean his daughter, the one who sold into Jewish ownership?
What an upstanding, proud man he is.
After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.
“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.
What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”
>Is this a German thing?
Wouldn't know, I've only been here for a couple of months now.
>What a patriot! I can certainly see why Sup Forums is so in love with the Trump line.
How can you laugh at the way German-Americans were treated so callously? Today Trump is finally free to be proud of his heritage, and him and millions like him are. A time was when they weren't, and you of all people should fucking respect this unless you are a shitskin Turk.
>Clinton is not a lunatic
She's a fucking lethal sociopath. Way worse.
>How can you laugh at the way German-Americans were treated so callously?
This never happened.
You're really not arguing from logic here. Even the shallowest understanding of American politics would allow a logical person to realize "the American People" had no say in the Iraq War.
Get out of my country you Germanophobe parasite scum.
Splendid...you're one of ours.
>Splendid...you're one of ours.
Are you from Syria too?
>she is perfectly predictable
say what?!
oh it's Sam "thought experiment
" Harris