Be Bernie supporter

>Be Bernie supporter.
>Only watch Republican debates because funny le meme candidate Trump.
>Decide to watch Democratic debate just because I'm bored.
>THE VERY FIRST QUESTION "Hey, Bernie? Do you think Clinton has the judgement to be president?"
>Bernies answer "Does she have the EXPERIENCE and INTELLIGENCE to be president? OFCOURSE SHE DOES!!! But I question her (((judgement))) which is somehow distinct from her Experience and Intelligence."
Holy fuck. The cuck meme was real. Trump 2016.

Hey man is okay were friendly here ;3
Here have sum anime grils xD

And welcome to Sup Forums!!!

Im sorry buddy I thought he was real too

Also lookup "black lives matter takes over Bernie rally", because you're new you probably missed it.
I got ya covered though. ;D

>Also lookup "black lives matter takes over Bernie rally", because you're new you probably missed it.
No, I caught that, but I didn't think him sitting with his hands infront of him was that bad. I mean he's an old man next to these dangerous youths. What can you expect? But next to YOUR FUCKING OPPONENT IN THE RACE? Jesus Fuck.

Bernie is extremely honest and generally consistent. His issue is he's got some poor ideas and terribly shitty rhetoric.

>extremely honest
I think this post was made with GREAT INTELLIGENCE, but I question the poster's JUDGEMENT.
Come on nigger. That's not clumsy. That's deliberate suicide, while politely pretending not to commit suicide.

It is okay. Bernie is a cuckold not fit to represent our country. Trump, contrary to popular belief, is very kind.
He's also far more pro-lgbt than Clinton!!!

But he is right though. Not a berniefag, but I do hate Hillary with a passion. I know for sure she ain't no retard, everything she does has a dark plan for the ZOG.

>But he is right though.
Once again. I think this post was made with GREAT INTELLIGENCE, but I question your JUDGEMENT.

I agree with him entirely. If Hillary wasn't so intelligent and experienced then she wouldn't be such a massive threat.

Hillary's main problem is she's a highly intelligent sociopath who wants to be President and if that means marrying a rapist, defending rapists, lying, betraying America or fucking it over in the long run with regressive policies then she'll do it.

But she has the typical Achilles' heel of sociopaths, namely the huge but fragile ego, unstable temper and tendency to make enemies

God. I'm still watching the debates. And Bernie manages to cuck himself infront of Clinton without even having a Bull in the pictures, that her confidence and poise is actually getting me hard.
I'm not voting for her, but goddamn. I'm starting to understand why other people would.

She literally ticks every box.

Like how she lies constantly about everything. Even in cases where it doesn't necessarily help her or where she knows she's going to get caught doing it.

Pathological in every sense of the word.

Remember that time she momentarily lost her cool and started whining about how mean the Sanders campaign has been to her?

Clinton is the female Trump. She should marry The Don. They would make the perfect couple.

>Even in cases where it doesn't necessarily help her

Wouldn't be surprised if she kills the rapist too, soon. I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror

>dangerous youths
Why would they be dangerous?


Yeah, it was bizarre because he's completely soft to her. It was clearly calculated to harm him because he's a leftie and thus critically weak to feminism, and to build a narrative about opponents being sexist to her but it just so obviously flew in the face of reality that it became surreal

Because they're niggers.