Is dental hygiene jewish?

Is dental hygiene jewish?

I went to the dentist today and it hurt like fuck. The dentist was also a poo.
I only brush once a week maximum, what's the point of this shit?

yes it is
so is showering, cutting you hair, clothing, socializing, learning, playing, laughing, breathing
oh yeah breathingis definitely one of ours
you should not do jewish stuff user, stop breathing already

alright, you dont need to read anymore after this. im going to put it simply. believe me or not i dont really care.

basically, your overall "mouth health" is, like a lot of things, determined by your genetics. some people have literal super saliva, and you dont ever have to brush your fucking teeth. some people get the fucking shaft, though. they are the ones that need to brush their teeth twice a day.

so, decide for yourself. if you actually only brush once a week, and dont get cavities, you have good genetics.

yeah i don't brush my teeth much either. like, once every three days. haven't had a cavity yet.

I fucking knew it

>still brushing teeth
good goy

Dental surgery is jewish for sure. People who lust for perfectly aligned white teeth are degenerates, fixing your teeth is on the same level as injecting plastic in your breasts or reducing your nose bones.

I had my first poo dentist recently.

Tbf he was much better than the white female dentists I've had the misfortune of having.

>Is dental hygiene jewish?
>I only brush once a week maximum, what's the point of this shit?
Then you wonder why you are virgin

>tfw shit teeth genetics least i'm 6'1", right? fucking manlets

There's a way you can achieve "super saliva" though that utilizes natural chemical processes in your body.

You must get an oral rinse of chlorhexidine gluconate (0.12%) and swish it in your mouth two minutes twice a day for two weeks. Afterwards you will only have to brush your teeth once a week without worry of forming any cavities or plaque buildup.

why do all you yanks get veneers?

OP is a bong with a proxy.

Modern diets are highly acidic and contain loads of sugars. When you eat sugary foods, it gets stuck on your teeth and then bacteria eats it and poops on the surface of your teeth. Their poop is acidic and breaks down your teeth. This is called plaque.

The sugar itself isn't bad for your teeth, it's the fact that bacteria, like all living organisms, consumes sugars to survive.

Also as mentioned before a lot of foods are just inherently acidic, such as citrusy fruit and soda.

While it is arguable that if one ate a very tooth-conscious diet you could probably get away with not brushing. But brushing and flossing obviously do help with oral health.

You don't even need to use tooth paste, just the act of removing plaque with a bristle brush does a lot.


26 brush maybe once every other day never had any cavities or teeth problems

Zyzz got veneers u emu cuck

>showering, cutting you hair, clothing, socializing, learning, playing, laughing, breathing
>oh yeah breathing
So much truth, with a hint of deception.


can i move to Jewland if my mother has Jew blood in her?
can i be part of the chosen people?

Also I haven't seen the dentist since I was 19


>falling for the oxygen jew
top kek who the f

No goyim you cannot.... Seriously though Sup Forums has made me want to be Jewish. They are smarter, healthier and can trick nearly every race on the planet. God save the Jews!

Only if her mom was also Jewish.

Fuck yeah dude it's all a trick to get you to fill your mouth with toxic mercury and fluoride. I only brush my teeth 3 times a month with river water and a hay bristle brush.

Gas yourself cuck

Join us fellow "Anglo" cut your self for jehovah

>such subversion

>staining your teeth

Bumping for superior teeth genes

>I only brush once a week maximum

I bet you're a real lady killer.

>not brushing twice a day
degenerate neckbeard fatties

You don't have to when you have super saliva like teeth look great

this 100%