Has anyone talked about this????
Leftist subhuman throws rock at policeman and hits horses leg and cracks his bone
Look at that fucking horse's face
Has anyone talked about this????
Leftist subhuman throws rock at policeman and hits horses leg and cracks his bone
Look at that fucking horse's face
poor horsie, someone post weh nhorse in sweden kick that antifa poofter
Stupid assholes man. The Earth needs a great cleansing!
Stay strong horser
I guess not even black horse lives matter.
Good, fuck horses.
just some law and order would be nice
Nah buddy fuck you. You're in the minority here and that pretty much makes you a nigger, you fucking faggot. Hell I bet you ARE a nigger.
why was the horse so racist?
Go fuck a goat, Ahmed.
Thats sad, will probably have had to have been put down.
I second that. The brit fag is a nigger.
Man shits like a horse
Who been fuckin you in your an ass shit like that
A fucking white mare
I would beat the fuck out of someone if I ever saw them throwing shit at a mounted officer. Don't fuck with the animals.
Since they probably had to put the horse down, i wonder if they will charge the guy with murdering a cop? Hope so, leftist scumbags.
Got a sauce on this OP?
This one is overflowing with edginess
This is so stupid it leaves me speechless.
Poor horsey.
horses are the white man's friend sharing 1st place with dogs.
You are some form of nigger.
post the fucking video
I'd say, armor up the horse and charge the motherfuckers, and If they end up crushed under the hooves, tough luck
it was probably your brother's fault.
Fuck your brother. I hope he gets crippled AGAIN
Top kek
Fuck off Ahmed. Horses were one of the cornerstones of creating western civilization.
Also is that horse okay? If the bone is cracked too badly they'll have to put it down which makes this leftist even more of a scumbag.
Harder to fuck than goats there ahmed?
Good, hopefully he stays that way
Slightly underrated.
Should have called the horse freddy neigh
>put the horse down
>for a broken bone
He's a police animal not a racing horse m8, worst thing that happens is that he lives to thw end of his day in a nice stable maybe doing pet-therapy or stuff like that
I wish the frogs would just send in the army.
This fucking scum is worse than the hippies.
Cracked is ok
Broken is kill
fuck your poof of a brother.
He was probably being fucking retarded around it and deserved to get kicked.
Or he was some weak faggot who shouldn't have been riding.
Is his name Christopher Reeve perchance?
Or are you a muzzie and he got his back broke when you two were trying to fuck it from behind?
So is that assault on an officer or damage to police vehicle?
Hey, Sarah Jessica Parker 's there too!
"That'll teach them uncle tom horses to side with the wrong side of history!"
-militant left
>breaking horse's leg with a fucking rock causing it horrible pain and dooming it to mercy killing
>protest wasn't even about something serious like alleged dindu murder
this will be a great story for redpilling women
That horse knew the risks when he signed up for the force.
why do cops feel that bringing live animals to the middle of a packed protest where people are likely carrying knives is a good idea?
of course the nigger scum will try to hurt the horses as a 'fuck the police' gesture
Yes nothing bad ever results from unnecessary police escalation of force
back in the day you'd get hanged for doing this.
All this butthurt over an user refusing to pity an injured service animal. Thanks faggots, I need to see shit like this to remind me Sup Forums is no less of a hugbox than tumblr. Grow up.
(Also fuck horses)
Frankly, I'm surprised.
Police usually don't fuck around when it comes to their animals, and if you told me they opened fire into the crowd after the horse was injured, I would not have even raised an eyebrow.
You don't fuck with man's oldest and trusted friend
Horses are shit ... if they had hit a dog it would be leftist-holocaust time tho
Nah man, fuck Jews
it's almost too good to be true
Why do these commie shits hate animals so much?
I am genuinely sorry that your nigger brother got crippled. Nigger.
Was your brother Christopher Reeves?
The only good place for a horse in on my plate next to some fries and vegetables.
Someone needs to shop some shadow merchants in this.
Yes, and all your childhood pets went to live on a farm.
t. Paco
Im not even in your country but i cant wait until that wall goes up and you cant hide behind the burger flag and make me reply to bait
Why didn't they Cavalry charge them...
Fucking muricans
>freddy neigh
Need to pimp this shit guys. What can the right/left agree on? Fuzzy beautiful/cute animals.
As the the great communists have taught us "never let a crisis go to waste"
Wow, what an amazing webm
You know that dog has been through some heavy shit
A runaway horse trampled my grandmother's baby brother to death.
Shit happens.
You want edgy? Go back to Sup Forums or better yet go back to M-chan and fap to some 3D so you can keep telling yourself how much edge you have.
Or better yet, fucking kill yourself so you don't have to put up with ud anymore.
What was the protest about?
Why are we still riding fucking horses?
There's a guy running for president named Donald Trump . In the past few months he said a couple of controversial things people are now blowing it out of proportion, you know how it goes.
> I included a pic you may have seen him on TV or in the newspaper
Hopefully they book the guy for assaulting a police officer and send him to fuck me in the ass jail
I'm glad I moved out of ABQ. That place is a shithole. Bunch of drunk drivers and Democratic voting beaners.
Not to real people no
Police horses are an extremely useful resource in riot situations. The horses used are huge, they are well trained and not spooked by the noise or the missiles being thrown.
Imagine the scenario; you are a rioter. You have been rioting for several hours. Police are there in numbers and are in full riot gear with shields. They are organised and have a line of Perspex shields across the entire roadway. An impasse has been reached. The rioters are still throwing missiles but the wall of shields is pretty impervious. Attacks have been made on police lines but using arrest teams the police have been able to break their cordon and snatch the offenders taking them back behind police lines. The police now want to use dispersal tactics. A call goes out via some kind of public address. THIS IS A POLICE WARNING DISPERSE IMMEDIATELY OR HORSE TACTICS WILL BE USED - NO FURTHER WARNING WILL BE ISSUED. In the distance behind the police lines you may see the horses congregating. And start to gallop forward. In a command of break the shield cordon will split by dominoing out to the sides. The horses come through at a gallop to a specified objective. The shield officers will then follow up and reform the cordon in front of the horses. This tactic is used for taking ground and it is highly effective. Horses are large, heavy and fast you do not want to be trampled by one and when you have a number of them galloping at you over a short distance they will close you down quickly. Your instinct is to get out of the way and to do it quickly. This causes disarray amongst the rioters and brakes their lines and their effectiveness. Think of it in a similar way to a cavalry charge against foot soldiers. The horses also have officers on their backs who will have long handled batons. They are high up and use that to their advantage in both dealing with aggressors and assessing the results of their tactics.
>He justifies liberal action just because of muh past.
It's not just about the horses you fucking retard. Also since you are mentioning hugboxs, why don't you go back there?
Do police horses have the same privileges as dogs?
That's some serious shit someone got themselves into if that's the case.
Posting from a proxy Japan?
Hopefully they'll spend tens of thousands rehabilitating the horse, and then slap that faggot with the bill
Because Horses are based and there is nothing more terrifying than a goddamn 7ft tall behemoth charging at you with the intent to keep going no matter how much you scream
Press F for this anons brother, link related
Fuck you straya, we love horses.
Without horses we wouldn't had our independence or revolution, horses are noble animals.
Yep. At one other protest early in the year, a "protester" got slapped with a long sentence for punching a horse.
their day-to-day function may be picturesque or ceremonial, but they are also employed in crowd control because of their mobile mass and height advantage and increasingly in the US for crime prevention and high visibility policing roles. The added height and visibility that the horses give their riders allows officers to observe a wider area, but it also allows people in the wider area to see the officers, which helps deter crime and helps people find officers when they need them
Why do liberals claim they love free speech, animals, etc yet they are the one's demonstrating their actual contempt for it all?
Expect the rock thrower to be already arrested
Horses are total bros (if dumb, but that's ok)
>screaming at a based horse
Yes. They are basically police officers.
Because they're psychotic and contrary to popular belief the west is full of hivemind ants just like asia no matter how much we want to believe otherwise
Good. I think the only thing that can tickle white women's vaginas are animals and their suffering. Hope they now finally see that the left is crazy
M8 hes only gonna get put down if its somethig that cant be cured and makes the animal suffer
It's past time for cops to start dropping zero tolerance on these fucks.
They do in Mississippi. Idk about elsewhere.
Hey hey hey this guy gets it.
Why the fuck didn't they shoot the nignog that threw the rock?
Who do you think the OP is
That woman is seriously pissed off at that horse.
When you mistreat an animal or applaud somebody who does, you're just subhuman.
Seriously, you're a worthless, bottom-of-the-barrel turd that is at the same level as all the niggers and goatfuckers of Africa and the Middle East.
Get castrated, cunt.
They were protesting a presidential candidate meeting constituents and discussing his platform in public.
They shouted abuse and threw things at people who'd come to attend the rally. Then they broke down the barriers that had been put up and started assaulting people and setting shit on fire.
We should all remember though that they are (sort of, mostly) brown and not responsible for any injury or damage they might inflict because they're like poor or disenfranchised or something.
Also, after being harassed and attacked some people said "Go back to Mexico" which proves racism and justifies every act of violence against police and whites.
>Drivers in passing cars revved their engines, and passengers hanging out the windows waved large Mexican flags. Groups of protesters wove in between the vehicles, yelling, “Viva Mexico!”
Treating a non-sapient creature poorly, as a sentient and sapient creature with morals is nigger tier you fucking cockroach.
Horses are far from dumb
They're one of the very few animals that actually recognize when a human is helping them
Dogs are the same way