How to stop my dad from purposely waking me up?

How to stop my dad from purposely waking me up?

Every day when he gets home he does a bunch of loud shit intending to make me get out of bed/stop sleeping. I know its on purpose because it doesn't happen when he thinks I'm not home. I parked my car down the street and when he got home there was no lawn mowing, vacuuming, stomping up and down the stairs, coffee grinding, revving motorcycles, or any other purposely loud shit. I've done this several times to confirm my theory.

I'm super quiet and respectful when others are sleeping and he is purposely being a dick about it.

I got some super good fancy earplugs the other day and they worked great this morning. I'm going to have to hide them I bet.

We have a camper, I could go sleep inside that so that he can't do stuff in the house to be loud but it would be cold and it isn't very comfortable.

kill dad, quiet dad

How about you wake the fuck up and do something with your life, he probably just wants you to go out and get your shit together

lol fuck that shit

do i just start being super loud every time hes asleep?

i hope you can look back on this day as the start of when your father kicks you out and forces you to get a job.

thats a good way for someone to end up dead in their sleep

Why don't you just tell him that it bothers you and it annoys you. It's 2017, your plight can be heard.

Unless you work the night shift or pay rent, you have no reason to be a layabout. Get the fuck up and get the fuck out. Even if you're domeone like me, with circadian rhythm disorder (crazy late sleeper, 3 am to 10 am) has no sympathy for you. My pops did the same thing: I moved out at 15, so I could do what the fuck I wanted, when I wanted. Grow a pair, homie.

nah ill do whatever i want bitch

If you’re over 18, why are you still living with your parents? He’s probably waking you up because having a jobless adult sleeping in until noon is white trash as fuck.

or he could be an entitled deadbeat who makes cartoon porn for a living


why is your dad trying to wake you up?

Don't you have any self worth you fucking NEET? The least you can do is get up at a normal your and get a job. I'd kick you out if you were my Son, even if it caused a divorce, because it would hurt me more to see my child grow up to be a useless sack of shit than force you to mature or live in the streets.

Money just magically appears in your bank account huh?

Apparently you won't, since you seem to want to sleep later, but you aren't able to do that.

Seriously kid, you can't complain that daddy won't let you sleep if you're a fucking adult. Don't like it? Move out.

Don't have kids if you don't plan on loving them.

This bait again?

No you wont. You dont have money, you really dont have options.

"I'm gonna kill my dad". If you had the balls to do that you'd have the balls to admit you're a fucking pathetic douchebag. Nobody owes you anything, asshole.

No. It appears as a result of me getting up in the morning, and going to work. It’s kind of how adult hood works.

Nah I got some nice custom fitted earplugs the other day, they work great. If I wake up when he's noisy then he wins. If I stay in bed and ignore his shit I win.

I have plenty of money lmao. Haha, you actually waste your life like that? When do you find time to drink and play video games all day? Scrub.

100000x this, personally i went the ghetto route and cut down my earplugs to a tiny size and put them deep in my ear, that way they werent uncomfortable and bulky, then i just carefully used a pair of tweezers to get them out in the morning

One fuck you two fuck you again. It's called seeking attention you fuck all he wants is to be close to you fuck you for being you he is doing everything to be near you to listen you I hope he dies and you will know the difference mf he loves you what that taste like you degenerat piece of shit it's like being on top of world fuck!!!!!!!. He loves you spend some time with him please for fuck sake fake it and look in to his eyes you will see love and love only yeah he loves you so much to make noise to make his presence mf

Also playing helps.

So what about when you wake up and want to sleep more? Haha nope gotta go be a slave to some corporation! What a pleasant existence.

What do you win? Being a shithead?

yeah, with my earplug trick you can throw headphones or earbuds or whatever on top and play something like that