ITT: Hispanics are the inferior race. Prove me wrong

ITT: Hispanics are the inferior race. Prove me wrong.

>even the most impoverished and uneducated Africans have the advantage of height and strength in terms of survival.
>the natives of Latin America were conquered with ease
>cucked by the Spanish, who are the shittiest Europeans.
>there’s nothing they won’t do for a small amount of money

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we have better food nigga

That's your argument? Food is fatty as fuck, greasy as shit, and that's why Mexico is the fattest country. Losers.

>the natives of Latin America were conquered with ease


OP needs some Mexican niggers that can talk shit

José M. Hernández is a fucking astronaut. You ain’t shit OP

Im sure a Smoking Puta from MEX will suck yo cock dry and bring peace 2 ur stpid little heart

careful there, you'll have more "non-whites" than whites soon enough

I can't prove you wrong. They are a race of ugly diabetic fucktards who consume far more than contribute.

>we have better food nigga
I like how this dumb fuckin spic comes in and just solidifies the the whole arguement about Hispanics being intellectually inferior.

And who the fuck do you have better food than? Africans? Sure lol, but only because they don’t have fucking food!
You dirty fucking beaner. Mexican food is garbage that is only palatable when you’re shitfaced. Here’s a picture of some real food.

I hope you and your family are deported.


Tbh i've been thinking this for awhile and i've never met a more racist group of people on the planet like Mexicans. Also your women are mostly shaped like refrigerators and have gorilla arms. Men are mostly beta's and you can't prove me wrong. 10/10 Thread OP.

What are mexicans?
Living proof that the indians fucked buffaloes

So is this chimpanzee?

Proves absolutely nothing.

And also, His intelligence that far surpasses any normal weback, it can just as easily be attributed to his European ancestry, making your argument invalid.

I'm from Mexico and I'm smarter than most of you. I can speak English better than most of you as well. Realmente dudo que ustedes puedan entender esta parte del texto sin utilizar un traductor pero su comportamiento narcicista los obligará a insultarme sin razón. I can tell you all of this without insulting you because I don't really give a shit of what you say.

>Hispanics are the inferior race.
>Prove me wrong,

Hispanic isn't a race.
What do I win?

Why are you so angry?

>2 ur stpid


Yeah and you people can only speak one language, so comeme los huevos.

Fuck yeah, mexican food is good

No much of a flaw since it's the only one that matters.

Fuck you eat my ass

pretty sure the united states is the fattest country

But it feels good to not be an ignorant.

the two worst things i've observed in mexicans--i live in tucson, 70 miles from the border--are the most obvious:

1. they are exceptionally pretentious and anti-social and this is out of a phony attempt to show that they care about being a mexican. this extends to include christianity but both endeavors are to serve a needy "gang mentality". they aren't as insecure as blacks, and are much smarter, and that makes them refuse to adapt and adopt our culture out of the pretentious phoniness. it just makes them look childish and lame.

2. they have very dumb inspiration and act on it.

number 1 is what most people dislike about them and it's a certain psychological/emotional issue with a personality disorder. number 2 is bizarre and just unfortunate. i've personally seen them do ridiculous dangerous or destructive things because they think they're being clever or crafty. it's truly crazy. examples include destroying a brand new barbecue and refusing all advice just because they're proud and ruining one's own bathroom to look for a leak like something out of "the conversation" (1974). two different guys.

their spastic urges they act on are not caused by "the devil" but because they find it happening so much, they believe in any religion that tries to explain it and forgives it; hence their love of christianity. the black humanoid animal has the same problem.

pretty sure a simple google search that would take you 10 seconds would prove that to not be true

Hispanic isn't a race. You can have white hispanic, black hispanics, asian hispanics. It's an ethnicity. You're just a bigot with nothing better to do than to pretend he's better than other people, but in reality, you're just as shitty.

The language of a 3rd world, drug war torn, shit hole isn't going to offer a lot of enlightenment.

Because I have to share my community, my every day life, with these filthy mongrels who are absolutely revolting in every way. They are ruining the economy in California. There’s that immigration is such a prevalent issue. They’ll do a $10 job for $1. They drink all day and are actually really lazy and cut every corner possible, not hard working and industrious like they try to make themselves out to be. They don’t pay taxes but get all of the benefits of being in this country. They are criminals and drug dealers.

You’re clearly in denial about your place on earth shitting on a whole race of people you know nothing about. I almost feel sorry for you.

What you just described is called machismo.

It's literally just being so fuckign arrogant that you don't care if it kills you.

Really with what he's said he doesn't sounds half as bigoted as the people he's bitching about.

Different user. I think you just proved his point about being an ignorant.

Pretty sure you're a mongrel.

I get that. It's true the Mexicans that cross the border aren't A+++ people. Those people stay in Mexico and are rich.

No, you're the same fag.
And you're not even sure because nothing of value from speaking spanish comes to mind for you.

So you're out of a job because of some wetback? Maybe you're a failure, have you considered that?

Just because you have a high opinion of yourself doesn’t make it so.

That’s part of the problem with you people. You think you’re deserving of extra recognition for being as smart or capable as a normal person. Taking an imaginary moral high road in two languages on Sup Forums just makes you an even bigger pretentious faggot. Eat a dick you dumb dirty spic.

i did, my guy. im wondering if you did the same lmao. america is fat as fuk boii

Those dubs support my love of tamales

> complains about mexicans being lazy
> he can only get a $10 job

> complains about California's economy
> California has the highest GDP of all states

Wow, you just went full retard, amigo.

Speaking English doesn't make you "smarter", bro. I do too; most of us do, and we're not sucking our own dicks over it.

One exception doesn’t negate the statement. They were exterminated. Armies of a few hundred Spanish soldiers routinely obliterated armies of thousands of stone wielding natives.


Accusing someone of being arrogant while at the same time being a racist fuck is sort of a contradiction, user.

No one loses their job to one mexican.
They lose their job to 3 mexicans who will work for less then the pay of one citizen combined.

the US isn't even in the top 10, he said it is the fattest, meaning number 1

Way to screw your trolling.

Bacon cheese burger titts *DING* PICKIDDUP!

Well, we will never agree, there are good people and disgusting shits like you everywhere, good night.

Only the Mexican food they sell in the states.

It was actually disease that Europeans had immunity to such as measles, and small pox. that wiped out over 80% of the native population. Jared Diamond has a great book and documentary called Guns, Germs, and Steel that shows you how all of these facts came into play in the conquering of the Americas.

Actually, the North-American natives were the ones almost exterminated. The Central and South-American ones were mostly assimilated and bred with the conquerors, resulting in modern day half-breed wetbacks.

OP here. As someone with roots that go back to before this great nation’s inception, just like an my dirty spic here, I also speak fluent French.

If any number of uncultured wetbacks can take your job, maybe you're a useless waste of a person. Probably have no college education, huh? Well, most "Americans" don't, so why am I surprised? College education is more common in South America, believe it or not, because here, education (and health), is mostly free.

Yeah that's great an all. but considering that's not even close to being enough to support all their bullshit spending it's not really something to brag about.

Lol "wetback"

> first to arrive to the continent on boats, dying of scurvy.

> ricketsAF.jpeg

OP can only work $10 jobs and has demonstrated shocking ignorance. I'm not sure if he's worth our time. And that's saying something for Sup Forums.


Lol, yeah. I'd like OP to tell us what's his job. And if he has any degree of higher education. Probably not.

How white people remain at the top
>pit minorities against each other

Kindly die in a fire

Pretty faggy tbh, user...

Now you make no sense. Care to rephrase? For someone whose native language is English you do a very bad job of writing in it.

While I agree that us Spics have less physical capabilities than niggers, we have a stronger sense of family and over all higher IQ, Which is why Spics dont live in dirt huts like those filthy niggers.

Sounds like a paradise. And not bullshit at all.
I guess that's why so many Americans illegally cross the border to live there.

I’ve been to Mexico, it’s even worse there. Absolute garbage.

Most of latinoamérica people can speak english, and just some english speakers are capable of speaking more than english.

I'd rather have more Hispanics than niggers though

Nice bate. Latin Americans are a high tier race. it would be my second pick

Sure, keep telling yourself that.

oecd doesn't include even close to every country in the world, and the WHO is a much more trustworthy source than usnews

Still not answering the question about whether or not you have college education. Odd. I'm not speaking about Mexico, America is bigger than just Mexico. There are other countries, like Brasil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, for example. In any of these, education and health care is free. Even if you get cancer, absolutely 100% free. You don't have to sell your soul to get a degree, or to avoid dying.

I dunno, spics can be fucking nasty. Nigs stick around their turf - hispanics go drive around and look for trouble. At least they do in my area.

Sorry hector it doesn't get anymore clear than that.

Your example of economic success is a state that is hemorrhaging money.

Spending more than you make is bad.
Spending less than you make is good.
Do you fucking follow yet or do you need me to draw it on a fucking burrito for you?

sorry, was only limited to a 10 second search :/ merica still fat as fuk boi

Nigger, it's likely the ONLY language you speak.

Enjoy getting roasted by vietgals while getting your haircut.

Even though you are right, what's the point of speaking anything besides the one and only international language? I'm also from South America, but let's not kid ourselves by thinking that our bilingualism is something out or the ordinary, or even useful.

Yea but you don't see Hispanics Lives Matter on television. Niggers always doing some stupid shit. I dont have many of either in my area, which is the country

Wow, your level of economics is abysmal. You should study some more. Then maybe you wouldn't be stuck in the low-end of the job market with all those Mexicans.

And BTW, Hector is an ancient Greek name. Has nothing to do with spics.

There are fat people every friendo. I'm from the US and my BMI is 17, just like there are fat people everywhere, there are underweight people everywhere too.


No, no es el único lenguaje que hablo. But as I said just now, speaking 2 languages doesn't make your dick bigger. It's a nice perk to have, yeah, but you're not smarter for it, and it isn't particularly useful... You would get by by only speaking English. Mexinarco tenías que ser.

If you feel the need to post a picture of an abnormally obese man to prove your point, then you are already hinting at a self-defeating argument.

>Hispanics are the inferior race
>the natives of Latin America were conquered with ease

Hispanics are the bloodline of those Europeans.

Currently, the obesity rate among Americans and Mexicans is just about the same. Coming in at around 40% since I last checked.

"Inferiority" is a tricky subject. From a "collective perspective", bees can be a pretty efficient species. In as much as they have an order about it. And order comparative to that of society. The U.S. and European countries are indeed more civilized than South American countries.

However, from a biological perspective, comfort breeds weakness. And regardless of all the action movies and Nordic Viking fantasies that you might have, the average suburban or urban dwelling Anglo Saxon is a domesticated animal. Humans are animals.

Regardless of the moral or idealistic qualms, you might have regarding Hispanics, they tend to be happier. I will agree that they tend to be less educated, less civilized, and maybe even less aesthetic in their appearance, but they tend to be happier and more physically capable of defending themselves on an individual 1 on 1 basis.

Again, there are your exceptions, there are your military crazed anglo saxons- you know the type, the ones that claim gun rights and have MMA training classes- but for the most part, Anglo Saxon social life revolves around school and jobs. School and jobs. Not much else. Hispanic life, NOW, not centuries ago during the time of the Aztecs, NOW, revolves around surviving extreme brutality not only in Mexico but in other South American countries, family life, celebrations, and traditional home values. It is well known that Caucasian American families
are often emotionally dettached.

Well you weren't asking me a question. You were insulting someone else. Tell me what value your South American shit hole degree would have in the American job market vs. the value and American degree would have in yours.

Some Mexican TV series are actually great. You may be missing out user.

can somebody post hispanic man with tatoo kinda crime and he's fatty like op pic, but also have eyes poiting apart, looks a bit idiot,

Well, you should research about Argentinian doctorates around the world, to say one example, I'm sure the other countries are doing well also. Okay then, now I'm asking: do you have any kind of college degree?

English isn't going to mean shit since China's economy is growing faggot.

If you were a Californian, you’d understand. I remember when a kid used to be able to earn extra money by mowing lawns. When a a high schooler could buy his first car washing windows. I remember when a man could support his family doing construction. These days are over where I live. Mexicans have taken part of American away from future generations. I remember when some neighborhoods were safe, but now they’re not, because they’re Mexican neighborhoods. My point is that we don’t need you, we don’t want you, you don’t contribute anything. Op is doing just fine with or without you (if anything you make my life easier as so am guilty of paying spics to scrub my toilets) but you’re disgusting, like a pest, that’s the issue.

Well, its useful if you live here, and i mean, knowing more languages isn't going to be bad, you get to know more people.

Most foreign high-education degrees are recognized in the US. Many Mexicans and South Americans every year travel to the US to work on their doctorates, because Americans are too dumb for research and science.

Of course I consume culture from my own country and other Spanish speaking countries. But I mean, we don't speak Finnish, for example, and we are still able to lead happy lives, right? Even though I'm sure Scandinavian culture is great. It would be the same if we didn't know any Spanish.

like this but fatty

Some image search results for Hector

An inferior race does not invent tacos.


I live in México, can you please tell me one example?

Wait. You miss mowing lawns? What kind of shitty uneducated life do you live man? Learn a trade ffs.

Doesn't look to fucking greek to me.

Why do you hate us so? We are not all mixed, you only see the mixed dark Hispanics because only they need to emigrate due tk poverty, the "mythical" or non existent "white" Hispanic has no need to move because we are ruling class, or at least middle to upper class, and the natives died mostly due to disease, and the whole small Spanish army conquering 6 gorillion Aztecs is a meme, the Spanish turned the Aztec vassals and client states against the Aztecs, brilliant move tbh, and they were very effective shock troops too, then as the natives died off from disease and hunger due to collapse of society in general they were assimilated and mixed the survivors. Also, what the fuck does a burger know about Europe, let alone Spain. You want the shittiest Europeans look at the Balkans. Well, I cant expect a mongrel Amerilard with Africa tier education and nigger genes to know shit about history, go get a heart attack or something.