>Delegates Trump: 1,229 (CNN Soft Count)

SGOPET: (Different Delegate Count)


>Trump in Anaheim, CA 5/25/16
>Stephen Miller Reads from “Clinton Cash” book LIVE on stage in NM
>Trump Mocks Hillary Attack Ad on Housing at NM Rally
>Trump in Albuquerque, NM 5/24/16

>Eric Trump w/ Bartiromo 5/25/16
>Roger Stone on Infowars 5/24/16
>Gingrich on Kelly File 5/24/16
>Don, Jr. on Greta 5/24/16

>Trump – Everybody Hurts
>America Needs Trump – Now or Never
>THEY’RE BRINGING CRIME: Anti-Trump Protest turns violent in NM
>YUGE Turnout at New Mexico rally
>DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING: Idiots Blame Hillary hate on “Misogyny,” not her track record
>Current Year Man vs. Donald Trump

Official /Trump/ Playlist





Other urls found in this thread:



Trump vs Bernie
Nationalism debates Socialism

Whoever wins, Hillary loses.

6 million more

H-Hill? Where are m-my pills?

Dat awoo doe. Haven't seen many that are anything but cute.

Sherrod left not only for that but because he also invited Schultz onto his podcast to vent about being fired from fox.

A fucking leaf!


>California Debate
>Bernie and Trump start off rocky
>They end up agreeing that Bernie will run as an independent to stop the establishment


I had an incredible dream last night. I guess is was some pics event, and Donald was announcing his run for president. But it was outdoors, not in the place where he actually did it. It was incredible, even if it wasn't real. I can only imagine that's sort of what a rally is like. Burger bros please make the effort to go to one, it must be an incredible opportunity.


Garbage meme

>[guttural gurgling]

Hi shill.
Remember, if you had fun you won!

>if we spread this around enough
>somewhere out there some dumb nigger will read it and believe it

Wait wait, so the debate is actually happening?

What can Trump gain from this? Why would he debate Bernie?

Also, what are the chances of protestors shutting down the debate with them going apeshit, just because Trump is there.

And wont that mean that you will have Trump supporters and Bernie supporters in one place, under one roof?

>being this new

a wew lad

Trump and Sanders combined is National Socialism.

Will Hillary use it against them?

>I don't remember where I put your pills, Bill.
>I think you look better without them anyways!

Who gives a shit what Hillary does, shes a goner.

When you think about it Bernie is holding the rest of the white male voters.

Trump is pretty fucking close to the 1933-1939 version of National Socialism all by himself, bro. Bernie doesn't add shit.

where will you be when Trump made clinton when the democrat nomination and made bernie overtake clinton in pledged delegates?

>shillary only needs 78 delegates
>bernie down 271 pledged delegates
>california is worth 475


No matter who wins, Hillary loses.

A lot. It showd clinton as weak and Trump as strong. He will gain in California and already is which is something that hasnt happened before

>What can Trump gain from this? Why would he debate Bernie?

Trump has everything to gain. Speak directly to Bernouts, make Bernie look good to split the DNC more.

A better question is what Bernie has to gain from it

Some of that fresh Trump OC for you senpai.

>Bill goes to speak, but instead, his head slowly rips off from his neck and falls to the floor with a splat

Yeah but Sherrod went on some more after that I thought. I think I dl'd that episode of their podcast, the first and only time, and never even listened. His "race wars" podmate is pretty insufferable as well, he always goes on redeye and acts like a big SJW so I think Sherrod is just butthurt Tom got "his" gig, since he always used to to the #RedEyeArmy thing and LIIIIIIGHTNING ROUND and all, just a hunch. Poor Bill, what is HE up to now... his 90% unfunny little brother still goes on once a month too.

>1933-1939 version of National Socialism


I don't think that was Trump's plan
He wants to run against shiilldozer

Did you ever make that one image of Hillary in a basement with the Correct the Record™ shills?

>those digits
Praise Kek, I hope Hillary and Bill burn in Hellfire.

Bernie wants to be Trump's VP

I want a gif of this so bad



Don't make me beat you to death, Australia.

i've done a couple, but zombie bill is lame. the clinton meme's better kick into high gear when she locks the damn things down for sure

Bill writes for several magazines, and I think does those street interviews. He's alright.

so I meant to ask, if you listened, what did Bill say happened... contract dispute?

I keep hearing Megyn Kelly fucked herself thinking she was top shit and then her special bombed ratings-wise right before contract negotiations.

Bet she still fucks off to CNN.

California and New York are in play.


What are your favorite election moments? Here are some that come to mind for me, not in any specific order.

>skipping the debate
>Narco demise
>Cruz demise and becoming the presumptive nominee
>Muslim ban policy
>Canadian Cruz
>first debate
>grain silos
>New York values
>Chicago rally
>Trump/Sanders debate (?)
>Jeb demise
>Jeb bullying in general
>Krispy's Narco takedown

Closest I have.

Hes a triggered nigger

dont flatter yourself, that would require you to have a brain

Give me a detailed description of what you want, Ill make it out right now for you.
I don't feel like drawing so its gonna be made in photoshop. Hope thats okay?

It's just getting lame because everyone keeps posting shopped versions.

This is the original.

>implying the memes have even started yet

Jeb Bush takedown
Clintons are next

Oh wait, wasn't there supposed to be a Bernie vs Hillary debate that hillary basically declined?

The only thing i'm afraid off is that it will simply be one person attacks the other thing. Causing a bigger gap between the two voter groups and Trump wont get any bernie supporters to go to his side. That or a full chimp-out. Which is fun in theory. I would love to see how Bernie handles protesters. Would probably say something stupid like "let them express themselves, Donald".

What are the chances of it being fully a "lets agree to disagree, but our enemy is hillary for now"?

This had me laughing for a good while

laugh my ass off what in the fuck is happening in this image

Dude how can that be Bill when this picture was taken at Hill's rally today?

Canada is the new Austria. Trump and Sanders' Nazi party will annex us first.

Basically, Greg was given the chance to jump more towards days after the success of the five. He left Bill to die because Fox had always wanted a woman (Joanne) on the panel. They had Joanne on as a guest for a few months to prepare her, and there was always tension between her and Bill.

Hillary Clinton's evil vagina is eating the life from Bill and all that follow her.

Cruz's meltdown the morning of Indiana will always be a favorite.


Damn he's looking bad these days. Is he sick?

He got into a 30 min debate with a Bernmissile today

People pretending Bernout could win this primary only to realize the south is full of dumb as shit niggers

Is Greg's new show any good?

remember not to meme his fucking DEATH too hard -- we need him alive until november

Where is the OC of Milo getting cuck stomped by nigs at de paul. Milo was chimping out

He'll be fine....

How was the second rally yesterday pals? High energy?

about what?

>voting in SC
>"There it is!"
>"He's a pussy"
>Skipping Iowa debate
>"She should be running"
>The collective ass fracturing of political pundits after every primary win
>pic related

Will Trump come back to Texas to campaign after getting the nomination?


You don't understand how badly I want to use my hispanic race card against protesters.

i don't think you quite understand what im saying

bernie can win more pledged delegates and have fewer actual votes and less delegates overall.

if bernie has more pledged delegates, than bernouts have a legitimate complaint on top of all their made up bullshit.

Trump gives bernouts a legitimate grievance with superdelegates, and they give him chaotic Democrat convention and maybe an independent bid from sanders.

giving sanders a boost at this point, can only help Trump.

Hepatitis, hell of a way to go.

Not to me. He's better on it than he is on The Five, but I still don't like him much these days, and I can't stand Timpf

It's okay

I posted it many moons ago. It was Hillary yelling at a bunch of adults on computers with confused or angered looks on their faces. She is holding two pennies in her fingers dangling it above one of them saying something like "You want this don't you? WELL GET BACK TO WORK" This can be changed to something else if you can think of something better.

The room should be plastered with Hillary posters and the like, as if it were a campaign office.

Today in Santa Fe, New Mexico, President Clinton made a pit stop at an authentic Mexican restaurant just along the Santa Fe plaza. While greeting patrons he came across Bernie Sanders supporter, Josh Brody, 24.

A 30-minute debate ensued as Brody questioned the former president’s record and argued that many federal departments have shrunk as a result of his administration. President Clinton listened intently. Then, Brody accused the president of disinvesting in education.

“I doubled education,” said Clinton. “You have cherry-picked facts which contradict the truth.”

President Clinton was repeatedly egged on by staffers to move on to other tables and encouraged to conclude his conversation with Brody, but like many times before, the president continued to listen and engage with the Sanders supporter.

“If you never have to make a decision, then you can go back to the past and cherry-pick everything [for a] narrative that is blatantly false,” said Clinton. “What you’re saying is false.”

Is there a Trump daily news roundup?

Trump Nightly News where are you?

The delicious Ted memes will always be my favorite.

Dahnald, I really mean it this time. Give me back my delegates...

are you talking about those two drug affected event disruptors?


Hello, does anyone have a list of videos showing Trump at his best? I checked the playlist in the OP, but it's just music.

You guys chose the rat. Maybe you don't deserve his presence.

When I went back and watched the 2012 Obama/Romney debates I saw that they shook hands before beginning. I wonder if Clinton and Trump will have it in them to do the same, there's so much enmity that wasn't there in 2012.

Regardless, Clinton will have to be in the same room as Trump for two hours, and I greatly look forward to that.

i liked the sleepy ben carson memes

Trump really is playing 5 dimensional chess while the rest of these chucklefucks are still playing ball in cup game

Your enthusiasm in defending a plan for Trump to help Bernie denounces you as a Bernie victim, can you notice?

Real Trump supporters don't give a rat's ass to what is happenning in the other side of the aisle, we just assume Hillary be their candidate and, considering his recent behaviour, so does Trump.

Everyone deserves a chance at atonement user.

Okay, I might actually draw that, sounds fun.

Does Bill have dementia or something? Did he not realize 30 minutes had gone by of him rambling?

don't worry

I made sure to yell at protesters last time.
>It's great being legal!
>Hispanics for Trump!
they didn't really like that, especially since my friend was also Hispanic.

My state my have failed him, but I will not fail Trump.

>that wasn't there in 2012.
Because Romney was a cuck for Obama

I had jebcore playing before I ever saw this post

so I'm gonna give that a shoutout

Did it not happen? He ran to the dean hahahahahah

What I meant was that 2016 seems personal, and 2012 didn't.

>Ted aims down the barrel, sighting in the delegate from afar. He takes a deep breath; as he pulls the trigger, he thinks to himself how this could have all been avoided if Donald just stayed out of it.