So nationalism and generally right wing politics are on the rise in America and Europe, lots of people are reporting about it but how substantial is the growth? Is it lasting?
Besides the rise of Trump in America, the rise of the right could be seen as simply a reaction to immigration - seeing as its core issue is immigration. Is there more substance behind the modern growing right's changing beliefs besides immigration?
It won't be lasting, but it will hold for at least a decade. The only question I really want an answer to is if it will be like in 1930 or like 1960.
Nicholas Gray
>Is there more substance behind the modern growing right's changing beliefs besides immigration?
I think so. People seem to grow more and more unhappy in the direction western society is going with all the gender crazyness, globalism, nihilism and corporate dominance.
Wyatt Bennett
The 2020's are going to be like the 1930's.
Michael Gonzalez
Nathan Ramirez
Joseph Flores
I love fascist era architecture, so powerful and majestic
Parker Cox
Young people are overwhelmingly left-wing, as they're largely university/college educated. Most higher educated people end up being left-wing.
The right has 10-20 years to make something happen in the west. Or it's over.
Alexander Nelson
Why do you think it won't be lasting?
Right, but without clear vision there won't be any movement, just reaction. Would you say Europe's new right has any kind of vision it can stick to?
Thomas Sanders
The best case scenario is the God-Emperor manages to kick off a wave of nationalism across Europe and manages to uncuck the West completely. But that is a very tall order, even for the Donald. So I guess we'll see what happens.
Jason Gomez
Don't think so, desu. Europeans are only looking to the "far-right" because they see Achmeds bullrushing their borders and destroying their culture. Trannies and feminists could technically wear lederhosens, eat sausage, and drink beer. Muslims won't. The "far-right" is just seen as a refuge from cultural annihilation, as it should be.
Jaxon Miller
My nigga. I'll be posting a variety though.
Asher Ross
Blake Lewis
In America there's a 50:50 tie and I think with time progressives will become the majority
Also the form of nationalism is important. Because if it's only a stupid cult of power and money as it is with Trump, it will compromise itself
Sebastian Wilson
The rise is simultanious. Trump may appear to trigger it but in reality It's just because Us elections are Huge and take very long.
Caleb Lee
That would bring about at least anti-immigration and anti-EU sentiment but is there more to it? Protectionism, maybe?
Ian Rogers
Could you go into more detail of what you mean in your last comment?
Josiah Ortiz
Policy doesn't matter. None of that matters. What matters is that nationalist SENTIMENT grows. The idea of putting the nation first, of exalting your own culture, of being distrustful of the foreign.
The exact policy is chaff, it doesn't matter at all. What matters is that multiculturalism and diversity starts to give the average man a bad taste in his mouth. We have to make it where any politician who openly supports these things, under any name, cannot get elected. Trump needed to successively rebrand nationalism for the modern age, while simultaneously smearing leftism.
Juan Rogers
Trump isn't liked in Europe, not even by much the right. It's not a bad thing, European nations have to do it on their own, or it won't last.
Brody King
Hitler expelled several shitty architects, one being a bloke that made several of the local university buildings. The tour guide said it like it was a matter of pride.
Hitler should have gassed the bugger.
David Murphy
A ton of European politicians disagree with you. They're terrified that a Trump presidency will grant something more important than policy to the various Right Wing groups.
Legitimacy. If the President of the United States is agreeing with you, it makes your movement seem far more like a legitimate political expression, not a fringe regression. In effect, it lets us start CURRENT YEAR-ing the liberals.
Blake Perry
No, look at the polls. Many of the people voting for the "far-"right parties in Europe don't like Trump.
The pull to the right in long Europe predates Trump coming into the picture. It started in the late 90s.
Lincoln Lopez
That's a solid position. Very good point. Thank you for sharing.
I'm curious now: What are the European Right's issues with Trump? I'm aware the window of politics is different between America and parts of Europe.
Henry Stewart
I think the European view of Trump is a mixture of the smug righteousness that our politics is about issues and not personality. We can scoff at Trump because he is loud and 'American.' Our European sensibilities tell us we would never be seduced by someone promising us the world and the stars. So we see Trump as a fool taking in those dumb Americans. The European right does not was to be seen to be like Trump because a key facet of conservatism is stability and sensibility. They cannot advertise this if they endorse Trump.
The British media and commentators will claim that UKIP's rise is on their anti-EU policy and not Farage's personality while others will dismiss him as a bloke who will never win so can say what he likes. Personally I think that immigration is a concern but our globalised society demands the movement of labour to keep profits up and wages low. This is why the centre-right in Europe has such a love affair with the EU.
The rise of nationalism is also not enough. Nationalism breeds conflict and will only breed internal conflict. Which is the correct nationalism, Irish or British, Catalan/Basque or Spanish? These conflicts can be boiled down to left/right but I do not think that modern Europe can be reverted back to a model of indepedent states doing what is in their own interests. Nationalism comes and goes in both the left and right variants. Europe's move to the right now will probably be followed by a move to the left in the future.
Josiah Murphy
Education and the media shilling white guilt is contributing as much as immigration. Enduring 16 years of shaming of your culture and ancestors, when it is objectively superior to those we're accommodating; it's infuriating.
In spite of the concessions we make, humoring their petty imagined grievances, it's never satisfactory for them.
Inmigration just reinforces our opposition. Personally, I despise the self loathing cucks more than the immigrants looking for free money.
SJW's are a better recruiting tool for the right than the immigrants themselves; at least in America where the immigrants aren't mudslimes.
Thomas Nelson
This is an OK idea and an OK statement, but reality is, once there are enough aliens in a country, combined with female voters who always vote to cuck us and the females vote in favor of shitskin immigration, we will lose the vote and be drowned in a multicultural dark sea.