I'm Ian Thomson with the BBC and I would like to set up an interview with you regarding the sites dangerous extremist...

I'm Ian Thomson with the BBC and I would like to set up an interview with you regarding the sites dangerous extremist believes for an article on our website

Ok let's do it.



I love the BBC!

I will fuck your cunting whore mother to death with a serrated knife smeared in nigger shit

Kill yourself



Credentials faggot

Fuck the BBC. They are establishment supporting pigs who continually show my senpai Corbyn in a bad light. Man just wants to take pictures of Manhole covers, while you lot support that transvestite May.
She’s a fucking infertile roastie

If you can stop this hostile behaviour and give me some real material

Sticks and stones will break my bones but your words will never harm me

damn bro

>mfw this could be real
Probably not tho.

Prove it then

trips check out...
was thinking that too, and if that's the case hi bbc.

Kek is trying to tell us something

Hey BBC, write an article about ETH. It's price is going to moooooon soon

Taxation is theft.

No victim no crime.

Just google the name with 'BBC' and you'll see the joke


All I’m getting is a dead fisherman
user are you all right

"I told him when a woman says no it means no, but Thomson said: 'I'll decide.'"

I'm Z, the leader of this little rag tag band of misfits called Anonymous, and I'm humbled that the BBC have wisely decided to learn more about the operations that we do. From such small beginning as "we had to buy a dog", we're now a global force that even your most powerful nations can't enslave. As the leader, I decide what targets we attack, and how our political alignment falls. I welcome your questions.

thinking kikes should be gassed is not an extremist belief
its natural to human nature