Do you have any idea

Do you Trumptards have any idea what you're in for with this debate?

Seems like some people here have never even listened to Sanders, they're too lost in their Trump worlds.

Prepare to get rekt.

Other urls found in this thread:

What's he gonna do? Wag his finger so hard it's finally gonna fall off?

Wow OP you've really convinced me! I am now a #Bernmissile!

>Seems like some people here have never even listened to Sanders
I have. He's a doddering old buffoon who capitulated to a couple of BLM reps.

He's a pathetic pushover who won't even attack the candidate he's running against on legitimate issues that would otherwise allow him to secure a commanding lead over her.

He's been a pushover this entire election cycle and that's why he's not going to get the DNC nomination.

His supporters have also been in denial about the power of Super Delegates since December.

>Sup Forums memes heard during a child's formative years: the post

Not an arguement

I figured you'd respond with Sup Forums's next favorite meme, and I am also sure the irony of that is lost on you. The argument of course if that the examples you gave ("hurr durr this random BLM protest from 5+ months ago", "he's a pushover") are not arguments either, just empty/irrelevant statements.

Not that it matters either way, and neither does the debate. Trumplets would think that trump "won" the debate even if trump embarrassed himself more than usual, because they dont need content, just empty assurances from their surrogate/homoerotic daddy-figure.

Get a job you worthless parasite.

Um Sanders literally has less than a 5% chance of attaining the Democratic nomination at this point according to numerous prediction markets ( + cnn prediction market).

Please point out the last time Sanders owned anyone in a debate. He's been treating Hillary with Kid gloves since the beginning.

Bernie will get rekt desu. He is shit at debates. The only thing he can do is talk about muh billionaires even at the most unrelated questions. When he has to stray from that he fucking breaks down, leading to full retard moments like 'white people dont know what it is like to be poor' and him claiming that climate change causes terrorism.

Anyone who Trump has attacked at debates has fallen like a brick

It will be Hell Toupee

>the examples you gave ("hurr durr this random BLM protest from 5+ months ago", "he's a pushover") are not arguments either
They are direct examples that support the assertion that he is a pushover.

Ergo they are an argument.

> Trumplets would think that trump "won" the debate

How many debates has Trump won in the past year?

How many has Sanders won in the past year?

Look at those numbers and come back to reassert that Sanders has a better track record.

so lets get this straight..

sanders donates 10 million to trumps charity

they do a debate where trump calls him crazy, interupts him, basically destroys the man on live tv

and somehow all of this is a sanders victory?

gee I can now see why you bernie boys are total cucks..


They could put a tomato next to Bernie and it would still win. Trump will probably troll the dumb commie faggot so hard his heart will give out.

Sanders isn't a strong debater since he just repeats his stump speeches. He doesn't understand economics or foreign policy well enough to have an in depth discussion.

This is a genius move for Trump because he's just going to use the time to attack Hillary and Bernie will probably end up joining him. He's going to turn the old cuck into his own personal attack dog against Hillary on national TV.

Still not an argument


Here's Bernie walking out of a slightly combative interview where instead of answering the question he just launches into a route stump speech.

>telling others to get a job

>thinking you can take down the Teflon Don

The only one that is damaged by this debate is Hillary


Trump beating an old jew with his own shoes.

Mfw Bernie asks his supporters for 10 million dollars and it goes to Trump's charity of choice.

I think Trump is going to use this opportunity to test debating with more substantial policy and idea's. I don't see why he would accept at all if he's going to use the same tactics as the republican primary debates.


>capitulates to two BLM niggers

You dumbasses don't even understand what's happening, do you? Trump will have a direct platform to speaking to the bernouts directly. Not through the Huffpost/Salon/Reddit perspective.

>get a job

The closet commie cuck sandman will go down in US HISTORY as the 1st man to lose to a woman, the same woman who was the 1st to lose to an african american.

Trump has won the GOP nomination in a landslide, politically assassinating all 17 of his opponents - who were colluding against him - has built a multi-billion dollar country and will rebuild America's industry.. making the country great again.

At least the sandman will have a comfy retirement with your reddicvck bux now won't he? I don't agree with a lot of things, but I respect the jew for robbing plebbit blind ;)

Bernie is done for, what will Trump gain by doing this shitty debate?


>Bernie is done for, what will Trump gain by doing this shitty debate?
Talking directly to the Bernie voters and securing a larger percentage of their vote in order to prevent them from potentially voting Hillary.

Having a trial-run before the General Election.

A great opportunity to attack Hillary without her being around.

Money going to charity.

More publicity.

I've listened to both. trump doesn't know what he's talking about on so many issues it'll be a joke

what did kek mean by this?

>what will Trump gain by doing this shitty debate?

Bernie's supporters. Trump will be the one who showed up to a debate that Hillary was supposed to attend, but backed out of. All Trump has to do is take it easy on Sanders and make sure to agrees with a few of Bernie's issues on Wallstreet and corruption in politics. Trump can't lose in this debate unless he goes full attack mode and tries to do to Bernie what he did to Rubio or Jeb, then it'll backfire.

Honestly as a non-partisan political viewpoint, Bernie is going to win this debate hands down because he hits with facts and trump hits with insults. The reason republicans all lost against trump because they used the same insult ammo and trump just did it better than them.

Trump has no idea what's about to hit him.

Who cares? This debate makes Hillary continue to look worse, Bern still isn't the candidate and will eventually endorse Hillary, leaving all you Reddit SJW shits crying in your pillows.

What do these Berniebros expect to happen? Everyone knows what Bernie will do. He will go into a long diatribe about corrupt billionaires buying the government and fleecing the people, he will talk about Trump's bankruptcies, Trump's treatment of women, Mexicans, Muslims, etc.

Everyone, including Trump, knows he will do that. You think Trump's just going to sit there and take it? What in his entire history has given you reason to think that? Trump is going to right for this guy's throat and he's going to tear it out.

Like he always does.


here is what is going to happen

due to confirmation bias bern victims will think he won and trumpets will think that he stumped

>Talking directly to the Bernie voters and securing a larger percentage of their vote in order to prevent them from potentially voting Hillary.
so Trump won't go all out against bernie? Too bad.. I want Trump to rekt him so hard.

It's a shame there aren't cross-party debates until after the field is reduced to the candidates.

Somebody tell the Party Jews that they have utterly failed to monetize an amazing entertainment opportunity.

>Bernie Babies
>this delusional

man it's always so hard to believe how stupid they are, then they just up the ante

yeah, bernie supporters will go, oh the guy that doesn't know what he's talking about is pretty good too. maybe racism and ignorance isn't that bad

You're wrong about Trump. He will respectfully find common ground with Bernie. As you said yourself, Bernie is extremely predictable so it will be very easy for Trump to prepare.

global warming

Sidestep by emphasizing his own support for clean coal and nuclear. Next.

trump has flip flopped so many times

i thought wingnuts didn't like that?

This. It's all about Trump having a platform to talk to Bernie's voters and bash Hillary without her being there to defend herself. He can also play the narrative that she was too weak/corrupt to attend.

This isn't about Bernie directly since he won't be the nominee. It's about grabbing some Bernie voters and attacking Hillary. The fact that Bernie is allowing himself to be used like this really shows his cuck nature.

When will Canada pay for its global warming oil and fire crimes?

Finding common ground and going easy on Bernie are not mutually exclusive. Trump will avoid policy debate by essentially agreeing on select issues, and then steering to attacks. Like when he says, "Bernie and I want the same thing, except he can't bring jobs back, he doesn't know how. I will bring the jobs back." He says shit like this all the time. He's not going to sit there and passively nod his head to Bernie. He's going to stake claim on similar positions, and then pivot to higher ground maneuvers to distinguish himself again.

Trump will not show any weakness, and he will ridicule Bernie. Personal insult wounds heal over time. He doesn't need Bernie supporters today, he needs them in November. They'll get over it by then.

Well, obviously the brain damaged die hard liberals like yourself will never go over to Trump, but people who haven't completely lost their ability to think for themselves might take something away from that debate and start to research what is actually behind all those claims of racism etc instead of just parroting what John Oliver told them to think.

>people actually think like OP and are glad to face trump in a debate

this is some funny shit

how much you wanna bet sanders will do everything he can to avoid economic or budget points and just whine about racism and immigrants

trump is an amateur


He couldn't even win a debate against Shillary, and you think he'll be able to stand up to Trump?

>so Trump won't go all out against bernie? Too bad.. I want Trump to rekt him so hard.
That would be fun, but it would also be fun to see Trump attack Hillary in ways that Bernie was never willing to WHILE STANDING ON STAGE WITH BERNIE.

Doing that will make Bernie look ineffective in ways that simply attacking Bernie would not be.

There are multiple ways to approach this.

Trump will probably ignore Bernie for the most part and just use this as a platform to speak to the voters directly and attack Hillary.

Bernie will either join him in attacking Hillary or look pathetic by attacking a guy who is ignoring him. Trump will also be given far more speaking time.


for sure this time

problem is, wingnuts don't think for themselves
and they aren't going to start now

Beautiful, isn't it?

We're going to start having to charging interest on this debt.

This debate, if it happens, will not be a heated battle. It will just be a platform for them to both get their ideas to the public. All of the hype will ensure man many people watch it. They will play more or less nice with each other. Then, when Bernie doesn't get the nom a good chunk of his supporters will remember that they actually had a lot in common and jump to Trump. More importantly though is the fact that Hillary's campaign knows this and she just might have another stroke when her numbers go into freefall.

Quality post

Yes I know what I'm in for.

Outcome #1. Trump wins the debate. He looks a little better in the eyes of everybody, yea yea whatever. Higher chance of winning the general election.

Outcome #2. Sanders destroys Trump. Sanders campaign goes into full steam afterwards, draining all their resources. They STILL lose the nomination because delegates and math. And a huge divide is caused within the dem party. Hillary gets slammed by both the Don and Sanders, and she loses all favoribility despite being the democratic nominee. After that, it's a fucking 1984 Reagan Landslide all over again.

>Trump takes down 17 experienced politicians with hundreds of years of political experience between them, Vermont commie who can't beat Clinton will win the debate.
Top kek

>Sanders can't even answer a yes or no question

sure you are

also, there's nothing factual in this commies campaign, he's literally tumblr the candidate, if he used facts he wouldn't have the millennial support

>they raise taxes and they spend money
top jew

Stop it man, you're making us look bad. You can't try this hard when you're shitposting.

Nobody is going to get rekt dumb dumb

Trump is going to come out and be really nice to bernie, talk about how he and his voters are being fucked by the democratic party and Hillary in order to win over the bernie bros

Sanders is a lightweight, if he does try attack Trump it'll be nothing he hasn't seen before. And when Trump starts treating him nicely, sanders will back off. Not a good look to attack someone who's being civil and complimenting you.

I predict it will be as civilized as the early democratic debates

This pretty much, the whole debate is a win win for Trump, he gets to help derail Clinton's campaign and he appeals to Bernie's voters, the only way for him to screw it up would be to attack Bernie.

>Get a job you worthless parasite

>Facts beat emotive responses
Oh you sweet summer child, you have a lot to learn

is that what an anarchist looks like in the wild? what a fucknut.

"can we permit citizens to go around shooting each other?"

"if you say no, then why can police go around shooting people"

"wahhh wahhh wahh my momie said you are mean"

it's probably true that he doesn't think about sanders at all

that's why he's screwed

>Get a job you worthless parasite.

>Implying it would be that kind of a debate
I think both sides are fully aware that it is a anti-Hillary event than an all out Bernie vs Trump

>I want free healthcare
>I want free education
>I want "my money" back from the rich that "stole" it
>not a parasite

True, Bernie fans have been desperate to see him attack hillary and he won't do it, if they see Trump doing it he might win some fans over

If Bernie wasn't even able to beat Hillary with his facts, how on earth do you think he's going to beat Trump? Hillary Clinton is literally the personification of corrupt Wallstreet politics, which was the main issue of Sander's entire campaign and he still couldn't defeat her. That's as if Trump went up against an opponend who was a convicted mexican rapist and murderer who came to America illegally and somehow lost the debates.

That's a lot of text with no substance

>eems like some people here have never even listened to Sanders
Whenever I see him at one of his rallies he's always repeating his talking points and jabbing his finger into the air. What am I missing?

Yeah but Hillary is also "business as usual", whereas Sanders is "literally Mao" and Trump is "literally Hitler".

Is Sanders 100% out though? Couldn't this go bad if it's outcome #2 AND Sanders gets the nomination.

>a lot of texts
why would we even give you free college when you have the attention span of a gnat? I swear the requirements for being a bonnie sanduhs supporter are getting a lobotomy

The only way Sanders can win this shit if he wins 99-100% of Super Tuesday's delegates.
With the current superdelegates Clinton has, she needs less than 20% of California's delegates to be nominated.

Trump is going to crush Sanders' balls and smash his teeth out one at a time over the course of two hours. This geriatric Socialist weasel can't even keep up with Hillary Clinton, and you expect him to take on high energy Trump? It's going to be a one-sided massacre.

I really hope all you Commie thieves watch this, hoping against hope that you will be allowed to take other peoples' money. You won't. You will get nothing. You will be left to starve in the holes you dug for yourselves, and you will NEVER EVER run this country.

Kill yourselves now, thief. I get that you're jealous that I have more money than you. I understand. But you cannot have any of my money.

>giving gawker clicks

Fucking faggot

As if it is hard to debate Socialism.

what terrible logic and immense capacity to miss the point.

someone going around shooting people would be exactly what he was talking about, initiating violence against those that have not encroached. this meme that (actual) anarchists have no moral compass is getting stale, they simply feel that the state has proven inept at enforcing whatever that is, and in actuality has has been an advocate of the inverse of morality. you could never prove me wrong there.

The old west was probably the closest society has ever been to "anarchy". Despite hollywood's representation, violent crime was as low as it could be. Sure, it still existed, it always will, but in that society the worthless weeded themselves out, and those that chose to encroach generally had to answer directly to the people they were trespassing upon. Do you know how stupid you would have to be to draw your weapon in an establishment full of armed patrons? Those people ceased to exist.

"I want to take 20% more of your money every month to pay for nigger welfare."
lol okay.

Totally going to go over well, dude. Trump's supporters would sooner die than give Sanders the time of day. Sanderfags are just losers who are jealous of more successful people, they'll be drawn to strength naturally.

>can't even get the nomination
>wants to debate the other party's nominee
That's just downright pathetic

>be party nominee
>accept to debate a guy who isn't even going to run against you
That's just downright moronic. I know he hopes to woo Bernie supporters but seriously, his main supporters are college aged white people aka SJWs. You're not getting them.

>"Get a job you worthless parasite."
>From a bernout


it's already at 30%, not including things like property and sales and vehicles taxes.

He walks away and threatens the guy over a single question. Sanders is a joke.

What do you mean "we"? You mean taxpayers, I presume, which I am confident that you are not. I make six figures writing software, I would be paying for *you* to have free college.

P.S. I never went to college because I couldn't afford it and didn't want to go into debt.

> 20% more
> more
> 20%
> more

SOCIALISM is below mental retardation.

>Milton Friedman Speaks: Is Capitalism Humane?

>I make six figures writing software
>P.S. I never went to college because I couldn't afford it and didn't want to go into debt.

Here you go whiner