If you are 5'7" or under you are a filthy manlet and likely an agent of the jew.
Post ITT if you're not a manlet and thus not degenerate/low testosterone.
5'9" here. Feels good.
If you are 5'7" or under you are a filthy manlet and likely an agent of the jew.
Post ITT if you're not a manlet and thus not degenerate/low testosterone.
5'9" here. Feels good.
What if I'm a jew?
Is this a joke?
I'm 5'8"
As per my understanding baiting with muh height is the same as bragging about muh dick online or offline
Since when has any thread like this been anything less than full tilt shitposting
But you're not 6' or over so you're still a manlet, cuckboi.
>under six feet
lololol manlet. Move to Greece.
>tfw 6'4"
>wish I was at least 6'8"
>still completely happy that im not sub-6 like the rest of my terrible family
feels pretty good.
>mfw 5'6"
>literally everything is made for my size
>everyone below me is a manlet
>everyone above me is a lanklet
If you're not 5'8'' just kill yourself, freak.
im greek and 6 foot.
around jew, troubles a-brew.
5'9' isnt degenerate
>pic related
5'9 xD you are still a manlet
thats whats degenerate
>mfw just barely 6'
Except people can instantly tell what your height is.
>tfw 5' 8"
>husband is 6'4"
no complaints!
I'm fed up with being a manlet, which is why I have decided to become a #Cruzmissle.
5'9'' is King of Manlets
188 cm masterrace reporting
Any man under 180 cm is confirmed manlet
>5'9" here. Feels good.
>He thinks he isn't one of the manlets
>tfw 5'8" manletmasterrace
>tfw gf is 5'10"
>tfw it's like going out with a giraffe
I'm 6'2 and I tell manlets that I'm 5'11 so they question their height
6'4" master rasse reporting in
That guy may be short but she looks like a tranny. Nasty unfeminie hands.
How's that gay marriage going?
I'm 5 ft 11. That's 2 inches above the average in my country. Am I a manlet still? I'm considering getting elevation shoes just add a few extra inches.
Another 5'9" bro here, but it's average height here in Britbongland apparently.
Although I suspect there's a lot of lying going on, I seem to be taller than most men. I've had loads of people call me tall too, so the manlet memes just don't add up.
you are king manlet
>163.3 cm average
You are not 6'2 ;-)
If you are under 6 foot please hang yourself. We dont need manlets tainting the gene pool any longer.
only vapid whores or small dicked men care about this stuff.
>elevation shoes
Topkek gonna look unproportionate as fuck
5'7'' is not tall. Even in Brazil it's considered short, and this is a manlet country
anything below 5.10 is manlet dude lmfao
even 5.10 is pretty bad haha 6.0 or higher is man status you fucking dwarf, you strut around thinking you're not a manlet while girls laugh behind your back hahahahahahhaH HAHAHAHHA
I am a lovely 6'
and none of you can stop me
Implying women over 5'8" are any less degenerate. Who wants to date a wookie?
184cm here, just shy of 6'1", feels badman
6' happy medium master race rejoice
Oh hey, /fit/ is leaking. Don't you degenerates have half naked men to fantasize about sucking off?
>Friend is 6'4"
>I'm 5'8"
>always tells me how being tall sucks
>always tell him how being short sucks
life just sucks bros
How do you know? My doctor measured my height several times
Good genetics though.
You do not want to marry a womanlet and have short childs want?
Lol mate, us tall people just play along with manlets so you don't commit suicide.
>Not a manlet
6'1 here
I'm 6'4" and I feel short. Some people at my work are very tall…
Yeah, 5'8" is the perfect height in the real world.
I'm 5'7" and have a 5'10" gf. Never understood the manlet meme.
I'm constantly on anti-depressants though, might be the reason girls think I'm so attractive.
6'1 perfection reporting in
British rape baby
I'm 5'11 and a half. I should kill myself
6'3'' here
>puerto rico
Because since the average in Malaysia is 163.3, saying that you are 5'11 would not do anything as that is considered tall there.
>Be BR
>eat prozac 3 meals a day
>have hot gf with phat ass
>play F2P games all day
>visit the christo redentor then take a shit
sounds like the life
wtf is up with manlets and highly symmetrical faces. Jesus I'd sculpt that dwarves face if I could.
How it feels having to look to the Sky when talking o someone?
5'7 reporting in, working on advancing artificial womb technology then pulling a supreme gentleman
>tfw 6 foot even
>will always be the king of manlets
Pretty good when you are high out of your mind lol.
How'd you figure that out? I'm actually pretty surprised, I'm anglo indian
5'9 is manlet
anything below 6'3 is manlet
193cm here, feels good man. most of my friends are slightly taller than me oddly enough, didn't even play bball in school
Get down on your knees and say that to my face faggot, and see what happens!
im 5'2 and petite build, good thing i choosed to be a trap, better being cute little trap than a manlet
I don't tell manlets that I'm 6'2, I just mock them
LOL, I'm 5'9 and I'm almost always the 2nd or 3rd shortest man in the room. The shortest is always some shitskin between 5'2-5'6.
>Used to be 5'11 (181 cm) at 20
>Prayed to all the known gods, travelled across the world's temples
>Sacrificed a baby lamb and only ate bread water and boiled eggs for 3 months
>Swore to name my first born Zarathustra
>Tfw when 183 cm at 22 y.o.
6 ft on the nose.
tfw 180cm
mfw drivers licenses says 183 cm
6ft fags btfo
>tfw 5'11''
anything below 5'10'' is manlet status, stop deluding yourselves
Whatever dude
shit skins are almost always manlets
which is why race war will be so hilarious
I'm 5'11, but I just tell people i'm 6 feet tall because I am with shoes on. And the 6 makes a big difference.
You think like a women. Reducing people to her looks and physical appearance makes you more degenerate than everyone else.
I'm 5'9ft and I have no problem with manlets.
If being a manlet us degenerate, does that mean that women with small tits and small arses are degenerate not! Nope. They just miss out on extra points.
Most women I know hardly give a puddle if dogs piss about a man's height unless he's literally a dwarf.
Women would rather a 5'5ft man who happens to be based and alpha, over a 6'2ft man who happens to be a boring beta
So? You're still bragging for some cm in difference can't you see how you're compensating for being a subhuman?
Exactly the same, I wish i was 6'1-6'2, I'm a juicy 104kg lean but just not tall enough to seem like a behemoth, feels bad
>5'7" or under
More like 5'10" or under xDDDDDD thats the meme isnt it?
hahaha yoooooooooooo manlet
Especially in this country.
> short people calling others SUBhuman
>not quite 6ft
If only I was 6ft, then i'd be a ripped billionaire fucking a different model every night on my private yacht, right guys ???
>tfw 185cm
>tfw metric system
190cm here
not joking
Pretty much. You're basically a nigger thus not human.
people with very high amounts of testosterone are generally not very tall, and very tall people tend to produce more estrogen than the average
Are girls really super tall there?
Will they look down on me for being 6'?
Or are they giantesses craving the BAC?
>he unironically only knows 1 system of measurement
6" here
post ass
> italians calling ANYone niggers
give me my sides back Mario
6'2" Irish American weighing 15 stone.
I am what happens when the English can't keep my people from eating meat with our potatoes anymote.
6'4 master race here
You're not supposed to add the height of the fence.
Not really, she would skip the manlet until she finds a funny hunky lunky
what does being short have to do with being an agent of jews?
>t. tall jewish