Just another day in France.


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Again a high possibility of riots. Get /comfy/ lads

Get in here guys. The riots can start any minute now!


Okay it's starting!

how likely is this to favour FN?

I really don't now. Frogs on Sup Forums seem to be divided as well. FN is economically leftist, but these strikes are organized by a communist union led by Philippe Martinez




Fuck this will go bad. They are coming from both side and the cops are surrounded


Yuroshit cops are weaklings, fucking bash their heads in.

can you give me a rundown of the reforms that were set in place?

And also didn't a socialist government get voted in because they shared a coalition government with the PCF?

They are shouting 'anticapitalista' now



>Sup Forums says whites will revolt and start a race war
>whites revolt
>muh socialism, muh migrants, muh fuck the cops

the white race is officially fucked

God damn it the cops can't be retreating for ever.

I agree with everything except migrants

These are the same fucking coppers that will arrest us for saying something "mean" online

que des lycéens, des punks a chien, des étudiants

eh bah ca recule devant ça


Time to make a brew and get comfy

Flemish cops are all very nationalist and right wing for all I know. But yeah you might be right for France and Britain. The cops will only choose a side once their wage goes down

>Non country

No thank you

Good. Burn down Paris. France cannot be redeemed from the masonic jew-cocksuckers with democratic elections or peaceful protests.

These protestors look like the ultimate trash. Typical college commie faggots


How are things going in the No-go zones in France? Isn't this a pretty good chance for sharia to expand its area of influence?

there is a euro2016 in 2 weeks in france, will protest ends till euro ?

I think so yes

>Protesters can`t even set petrol alight

I think France should hire mimes as their barricade
Next line of force should be french bread

They're leftist retards, not boy scouts.


i dont think so, the people is butt-mad.

Also massive strikes in here, 1/3 of services stations out of fuel, massive wainting lines everywhere else. Officials started using "strategic" fuel stocks, which will not last forever, and can't be spent all for defense reasons. There are 8 refineries in France, 7 are on strike, meaning no or deeply slowed production.

Also strikes announced in the nuclear power plants, which means risks of power outage (70% of french electricity is nuclear)

Same strikes in public transportation, air controllers, and so on.

The euro will be impacted, no doubt.

This is Brazil-tier shit my nigga.

wow add to this terrorism alert and euro is done fuck

How are you prepping for this?

From abroad FN seems to be a meme party comfy enough to get third place and scarecrow to solidify the french two party system.
Anyone can give more inputs?

hat is it about that French architecture buildings that I love so much?

France would be great if it wasnt for the boundless amounts of gommies living there.

How do you know? If I wanted to push my shit, i'd double down in largs presence of foreign press


Euro is too important

No they will win the first round of the presidential elections. But they will go down in the second because all the leftists will vote for the LR candidate just like they did in 2002

FN is de facto the biggest French party now




ouais reste par terre connasse

They start turning on each other once thei utopian system depletes their resources

The left always devours itself. Eventually these protestors will start fighting each other because some aren't "radical" enough. The left lost the Spanish Civil War because of infighting between the various factions


>French think Le Penn is the ultimate evil
>completely ignore the wolf at their door

Get fucked frogs. You deserve every single bit of this.

see pic sempai

This, and i would add that the governement really gone the hard way to handle this, they refused the parliment the right to discuss the law, amend it etc, that means a group ou 20 non elected peoples just make the law, this shit make people mad.
Then they refused negociating with the unions, they do not really cared about what important peoples want, they just made the law, and partially cutting some parts that were not ok, but that is minimal adaptation, the law has to be reveiwed in every words, thats whats the parliment is for. They squeezed it, because the parliment will vote against it.
PM and former president said clearly on air "There will be no revocation, no negociations, the law will pass no matter what."

According to polls 70 to 75% of the people is againt this law, so for the govt that's a long shot, i think they can seriously fall brazil style if they go on like this.

Drinking is degenerate.

>government imports niggers
>niggers murder your countrymen
>government wants to make you work 5 minutes more

They need someone to clean up that mess.

we need to arm Moderate French Rebels

mdr ces petits cocus

Go back to your containment general please.

why commit a blatant act against the people?

are they just obeying Brussels or something?

Classicism is a god tier architectural movement

it won't favour them at all

They're playing fucking drums now.

Who will you join in the inevitable collapse?

How long until we will be flooded with "french" refugees? We all know the dindus will turn this place into a complete shithole and then they'll move somewhere else. Like locusts.


its dead. putin be playing US games now which sucks

Do I hear someone asking for some helicopter rides and rentals?

I would settle for a German Catholic gf desu best ally (I'm white and Catholic myself)

The Based Pepe of Commie removal.

Amen. Hot beverages are the work of Satan.

What do you mean?

Whoever will start purging weebs and Disney furries with me

Bitte achten sie darauf das sie kein Deutsch lernen werden. Guckmal wass passiert ist in Brüssel

Russia playing same diplomatic bullshitas US. it only strengthen the moderate beheaders as we saw for now

>>government imports niggers

There used to be african generals in the french army since 18th century, lol.

It's the only way to remove them. Communists are either morons or monsters.

can any frogfags greentext why they are protestings, and who is protesting?


They're assaulting the RT cameraman!!!!

>why they are protestings, and who is protesting?

camera getting mugged

the french are less dindus than dondus
as in don't do nuthins


The dictatorship of minorities continues.

Blacks, arabs, communists and antifas should all be deported to Madagascar

French civil war soon.

The cameraman is clearly afraid of these welfareniggers

Yes, Madagascar.

They are at Boulevard Diderot/Rue de Picpus right now.

Well i don't like the banlieusards but at this point there is only white people at this riots

Fucking communist and antifas are white

>Spanishfags want to work
>don't find work
>Frenchfags have work
>refuse to work, light up garbage containers instead
Such is Europe.

You can see the antifa cameramen and agitators with their googles and gas masks.

This crowd looks kinda white. Is 'France is already arablack' just another ruse?

>tfw middle of the country and nothing ever happens
>gotta bike ten miles to get groceries if the fuel runs out

>feet, legs, and more feet
The last RT guy they hired was a better cameraman.

how is it going my fellow frog neighbor?

No, creating a no-go zone is the exclusive priviliege of the French state.

What is this even about?

On the bright side, you could try a career in professional road cycling when that happens.

He's getting threatened by the antifa-fascists.

Just kill all jews and niggers when the system collapse, the Turner Diaries is the prophecy.

It's quite exaggerated, but if you go to Paris or Marseille you will see nothing but sandniggers.
But that would be like saying Detroit or Chicago are representative of all America.

the leftists think the EU is some right wing conspiracy, not even joking

It's only a chimpout if blacks are involved, this is just a commie protest.