What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

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I don't know man. Having goals and doing the things you like. I always feel that life makes no sense if I set myself no goals.

It's just a sandbox, meng. Bullshit early release garbage still doesn't have quests yet, so I'm just playing fan-mods

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women

And then what?

It is the only thing that unites all life.

there is no meaning. just enjoy the ride

ponder the futility of existence in the cold void of this illusory universe, and ting.

to satisfy our needs

life happens, you bring the meaning

To find peace in oneself and to help others to the same.

think of yourself as a wayfarer or traveller. Youre just stopping by in this Earth before you get to heaven. (basically this life is a test to determine if you go Hell or heaven in the afterlife)

t. Muslim


What if I'm not a religious person?

Life is a hell. That's why you see a limitless ocean of garbage and suffering, anguish and sin across this expanse. To work away your tears, drown your feelings, and toil your till your soul will ponder no longer is the only way to cope with such an existence.

well thats the thing. This is what i believe regardless of you believing or not. I believe this to be the truth. whether you believe or not is entirely up to you. Only thing I can do is explain and try to convince you.


Traps aren't gay


Dominion over as much as you can manage and to spread your family name as well as your individual genetics to as may children as you possibly can (mostly boys, daughters can carry on your legacy or name and seldom ever want to.)

For women, the meaning is fulfillment by means of both overcoming the world as well as themselves.

Should I become emotionally numb? Is that part of the answer?

life is fucking pointless, i can't wait to die honestly, even if nothing happens and i just cease to exist, that's better than being alive


give a shit about it and life it

What makes them so different from men? (Besides the obvious anatomical differences?)

We're all just a bunch of emergent properties from emotionless molecules anyway, so I'll act that way and get my job done.

Flesh is prison.

Nutting in bitches


The meaning of life cannot be told, it must be understood, practice Buddhism

Such a shame we lost Chuck,music has never been the same after his departing


It should be obvious
Every life form has "the meaning of life" imprinted on its DNA
Even plants without brains know the meaning of life
Life itself is the meaning
Spread your life
Build space ships
Make life on new worlds
Imagine if we had not created religion but instead focused on academics
We could be living on the moon and mars

To emote for emotion eating organisms

yeah the middle ages buttfucked science a little too hard..

sex, food, war, learning to eliminate emotion, procreation, good music, knowledge, destruction, creation and hope

to treat yoself, only yoself first

"and life it--- RETARD alert!!!!

That explanation would make life more simple: eat, shit, repdoduce, die.

How I write it right?

Friedrich Nietzsche characterized life with God as nihilistic--emptying the world, and especially human existence, of meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, and essential value; succinctly, nihilism is the process of "the devaluing of the highest values".

Friedrich Nietzsche characterized life WITHOUT God as nihilistic

don't pretend, newfag... life it? no spooderman hurr

To get dubs

A woman's test in life is temptation, a man's test is a woman.
Everything we do is by extension to please, attract, or keep a woman because women are what make us completely happy.
Everything a woman does is to find her own happiness outside of looking for it in another person. Women have to work themselves out of their own way because they've been conditioned to behave certain ways or believe in certain things since they were younger while at the same time trying to decipher the outside world's bullshit and see it for what it is.
>men want their last portion to the puzzle that women are born with; someone willing to love you.
>women want the rest of the puzzle to fit around their portion

Sorry, no newfag, but English is not my first language.. sorry

Fuck shit up

Whatever you do, success or failure, rich or poor, you must remember one thing:

keep the black man down


Watch this

To control as much as you can, no matter who tries to stop you.

Nice quote. Arnie approves.

Humans are not yet at the intellectual capability to understand the meaning of our own creation. Maybe we never will be.

seems like dedfag ISIS speek

If women are a side note in your conquest as a man and your "enemies" is your primary concern
then uhh...
>son you gay