Opinions on Fugazi?

Opinions on Fugazi?

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I like Glassjaw better.

slightly overrated

their name perfectly describes them

Not as much as Minor Threat.

more like fugayzi hahaha

great band

Is that not how its normally pronounced

MacKaye is a butthead but they're a great band

you'r right indeed

fagazi sounds better, apply yourself
also this, but they also never made it big, so it kinda balances out

What are some good albums by them except The Argument and Repeater? Those are the only ones I listened to.

one of the best bands ever

Pretty much every other album by them.

Steady Diet of Nothing

all of them, Red Medicine is their "experimental" album but it still has some of their best tracks like Do You Like Me and Bed For the Scraping
my top 3 is The Argument, Steady Diet of Nothing and End Hits

more like poogazi!!!!!!!!!

Hot band.

Post your top 5 by them, for me it's
>And the Same
>Dear Justice Letter
>Smallpox Champion
>By You

return the screw
full disclosure
recap modotti
do you like me

I get the appeal but they just don't work for me. I like Waiting Room, I like the first few tracks on Repeater a bit too. But that's about it.

Shit. Now stop listening to them because they're not great

DIY as fuck, but goddamn if they're not great.

I liked the Wugazi mix

One of the most consistent band's of all time. Spent a little over a decade working consistently and then went out on top of their game. Can't think of a band with more integrity, both artistically and in the way they conducted themselves.

Big Black

Nah, it's Foo-gah-zee, MacKaye himself said it.

The most indie successful band by having total artistic and ethical integrity.
i like glassjaw better too but fugazi was consistently good while glassjaw kept getting better every release, up until they just stopped releasing music.


that's why flags are such ugly things

god tier bassist

fugg.. azi XDDDDdd

One of the few bands with a near perfect discography. No album is boring and almost every song brings at least one original idea, be it melody rhythm or lyrics.

No surprise
Last chance for a slow dance
Life and limb
Rend it


>Joe #1
>Latin Roots
>Public Witness Program

Repeater is a 10/10