Capitalists are scum. I hope Bernie wins.
Capitalists are scum. I hope Bernie wins
i love capitalism. degenerate scum like you aren't equal to me
I hate how all these stupid SJW'S think they are communist.
If Stalin would still be alive he'd show those degenerates the gulag or the Siberian coal mines.
Fuck off with this meme. Marxism has always been a degenerate subversie anti White kike cult
I'm sorry, thief, but you won't be stealing any of my money today. It fills me with immense pleasure to imagine you screaming impotently for more government handouts, and not receiving them.
>Forcing other people to give you their money is moral.
>Other people's parents and grandparents worked hard for their position and wealth
>"That's unfair! We're all equal"
>Continue wasting time at protests and online forums instead of getting a job
>implying that money is yours
oh you funny capitalists
>he pays taxes
>he thinks he hasn't already lost
Shitposting on the government's dime.
Curious pic you posted, OP. The background scenery below Socialism looks desolate. Why would anyone willfully embrace that while knowing that is the future they are choosing? Socialism requires people to believe the lie. Also, the solution suggested in Socialism is taking away the box from the tallest person and giving it to the shortest person. Questions. Did the tallest person do something to make the shortest person the shortest? If not, then why is the tallest person being punished by having his box taken away? And what has the shortest person done to justify the reward of an extra box? Is thievery expected in a Socialist society? Those three people are stealing from the baseball owner while the people in the stadium earned money to buy tickets. Where did those three people get the boxes from in the first place? Did they buy the boxes or did they steal them?
tl;dr - (because Socialists don't like reading) Equality is the lie Socialists tell.
true commies hate degenerate things, but they sent that shit to west countries for destroy them
like yuri said
in the end that younger "leftists" will be purged also
and also this:
You mean the generation of boomers who basically got everything handed to them on a silver platter?
Getting a job in todays economy is way harder than it was in the 40's - 60's and the wages and benefits are only fraction of what they used to be.
What they are leaving to us millennials is not their positions and wealth
but their debt and their problems.
Hahaha funny meme XDDD
it's worth voting for trump just to ensure that old commie jew doesn't win
and I hate reddit
hahahahahaha le ebin helicopter maymay muh communism le kek ebin wew lad funny meme XDDDDDD
>Let's blame the older generations because they got us into this mess!
You've completely missed my point. No doubt you're one of those people I just mocked. You create a generational divide, put yourself on one side and scream bloody murder at the other. Shut the fuck up and get a fucking job dickhead.
Strawman much?
No, I simply despise people who take their privilege for granted, especially so if they think they're somehow entitled to it and others are just being lazy.
I am actually working on my dream job and honestly I don't think I could have gotten it without our free education and exceptional social security services. I am more than happy to pay my taxes and fight to help our future generations to get the same benefits. So why don't you just go fuck yourself or a kangaroo.
Oy vey!
Can't wait for that social security system to collapse under the strain of hordes of unproductive dindus, you degenerate leftist
Does anyone else just laugh at this ridiculous world. I feel no anger right now. Is this the true redpill?
Thats plan of Jews
Once you stop being angry and start taking everything cyincal and funny they win.
That means you surrendered your power and wont fight
Everyone are equal at dirty streets and deteriorated buildings, hell yeah.
Can't wait for dollar to crash from all the money you keep printing and debt that keeps piling up.
Sure it'll probably bring down the whole world economy down, but when that happens we will be left up with secular, healthy, highly educated people to fix the shit up.
Can you post a picture of yourself?
I've always been curious as to what someone who comes here and does this looks like.
Red flags? May day?
There gotta be a better way.
How should it be
Capitalism : first,there is no wall.period.
scocialism: the wall is 10 feet higger .the short have 4 crates.the tall escaped .the medium is dead .
The funny thing is that capitalism and socialism in this picture would be identical, except that what they're looking at doesn't change.
Do socialists unironically believe that comissars and card carrying party members were treated equally as the rest of the proles?
baka at such stupidity.
>mfw I love capitalism
>oh you don't need these jobs or that social security, you're a PRIVILEGED class/demographic
>it's just like being tall enough to naturally see over the fence, really just accept that you don't deserve success
t. Socialists
Pity I'm a NEET and that attitude keeps me in NEEThood, bit hard to look over the fence when my legs have been sawn off, eh? Socialism is a moral hazard.
Thats a lot of cum, holy shit
Oy veyy 100% kosher