How could he even imagine recovering from this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit tier bait you fucking leaf

Fucking shit dudes its over
kill me now

Into the trash it goes.

i am now a hillmissile

It's nice to see Buck Angel supports Hillary Clinton.

gayest haircut on this earth

That guy looks "man enough" to take a cock up his ass but not much else.

no i prefer dicks in my butt and Trumps for my president

Is this real?

It's over I'm #RubioTorpedo

>some dyel hipster faggot
>""""""""""man enough""""""""""""""""

No definition in those arms, that faggot doesn't lift

Looks like hipster trash anyways

Sup Forums is duped once again. Butthurt faggots are soooo eager to have the pain in their butts confirmed. This picture is shopped from another article:
Enjoy your retardation, anons.

>they shit on masculinity every way they can
>come up with this bullshit
why numales still exist?

funny thing is that the average male who looks like that (and most of those are not really "nu-males") would vote for trump instead of shillary

Voting for a women just because she is a woman sounds sexist.
Goddamn patriarchy at it again.

I keked

Who is this faggot?

Really makes you think...

As a cisgengered white male with a beard I am thoroughly triggered by this.

imperium when?

Now I'm a #Hillbilly.

>massively sexist appeal to masculinity in order to further leftist idealism that overtly hates masculinity

When will the left stop doing this?

Either way, the people who feel that a bearded, tattood hipster represents their masculinity are nu-males without a shred of it left, anyway. Any real man does not feel threatened by accusatory posters telling them they can only be real men by stepping in line.

Looks like he has been to hipster prison.

Depends who the woman is.

And quite frankly, the woman who's running for USA president is a lying, backstabbing, reptilian, evil shill.

So in other words.

American men who aren't voting for Hillary, aren't cucked and thick enough to vote for her.

degenerate hipsters aren't men

this is what i dont get about feminism. how is using the macho angle going to work when you have destroyed gender roles in younger generations

maybe this add by itself pushed millenials over to trump. maybe its as bad if not worse than anything liberals think trump said is bad. 36 point shift in trumps favor

I bet that hipster waxes his chest hair. Fucking fag. I'm not even surprised.

I would vote for a woman as well. Just not Hillary.



Lol his upper arms are the same size as his forearms. DOES HE EVEN LIFT LOL?


I wish you hadnt posted that article. Now i found out theres a creature worse than hipsters.

>Hillarious Clitoris literally showing how she is being voted just because she is a woman

Literally who

You're welcome, user.


people have fun replying just as much as people enjoy baiting for replies.

Yours is really the only one here that reeks of faggot

Are you man enough to homovote though?

Notice how he is slightly hunched over... that is because of the HUGE butt plug his "woman" makes him wear. He is also the lead spokesman for "Cucks of America".

This like is the 'stronk independent womyn' that demands we 'man up' and marry an entitled landwhale so she can safely leech off us until she's bored and has plenty of gibmedats.

I'm surprised Hilary even stooped this dumb and predictable. Meme-tier shit this is telling nu-males to 'man up'.

Some women are perfectly acceptable to vote for

>man enough

ugh.. this is like so problematic. What does that even mean? Does it mean im less of a man because I enjoy my girlfriends strapon? Its 2016, we need to step away from this kind of toxic masculinity.

>slave to fashion
>arms of a 10 year old
That thing is girly enough to vote for a girl at best.

Do you even have a funny bone?

I had a funny bone.
But I lost somewhere inside yer mum.

do you?

They were smart enough to make him remove his horn rim glasses and to take off his flannel shirt, and cut the picture off from his waist so it doesnt show his skinny jeans crushing his scrotum at a nearly constant rate.

They are getting smarter about this.

Colossal fuck-up of a campaign

Why are all of hillary's campaign things just "i'm a women vote for me" or "i'm not donald trump vote for me"

does she not have any actual policies?

Any time someone or something tells you that you aren't a man if you don't do ___, they are faggots.

A real man does what he wants and is only influenced by people he respects and loves.

>hipster faggot
>man enough

Fucking kek


>those twig arms

lol no