Why don't the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark) unite?

Why don't the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark) unite?

- Would easily be one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
- Can easily understand each other due to almost identical languages.
- Very similar culture and mutual history.

Fuck off, all this talk of a union is just a pathetic way for Denmark and Sweden to steal our fish.

>Would easily be one of the most powerful countries in Europe.

>- Would easily be one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
No, they would still be irrelevant. UK, Germany, France and maybe even Italy oculd BTFO this guys easily
>- Can easily understand each other due to almost identical languages.
Maybe norwegians and Danes, but swedish is a bit more different

Agreed, the viking brotherhood should protect the Swedish native minority-to-be from themselves.

>Maybe norwegians and Danes, but swedish is a bit more different

Wtf are you talking about nigger? Norwegians and swedes understand each other the best since articulation is pretty much non-existent in danish.


The pronunciation is more similar between Norweian and Swedish.
But the actual language (written) is a lot more similar between Danish and Norwegian.

rollin boys

fuck i got aborted,rerolling


Germany, Austria and Switzerland should unite too
I mean, they all speak German, right?

We already tried with the Kalmar union, but the Swedes behaved like children, as usual.


Constitutionally forbidden d:^)

pay back debnts

it would be the most cucked place in the universe
it would be funny and sad to watch

>- Very similar culture and mutual history.
Isn't this pretty much true in any close geographical area? It's not unique to scandinavia.

for abortion

It can't get worse


>Why don't the Lowland countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) unite?
>- Would easily be one of the most NON- countries in Europe.
>- Can hardly understand each other due to FUCKING FR*NCH FROGS REEE.
>- Very similar culture and mutual history.

I feel an abortion coming on

At least I will be living in the may-be next White-ish kingdom of Africa

Integrate the Muslims, you fucking failure countries. All these rapes and shitting in the pool are insulting to the real white countries.

FACT: Scandinavians are the most powerful race on earth

take me back to the motherland

for a friend

Gud faan hjälpe mig den dag som danskjävlarnas skithåla till land slås ihop med Sverige

Ta tillbaka skåne förresten

>Can easily understand each other due to almost identical languages.

Arabic is a lot different than Norwegian and Danish.

What's wrong with that?

Gif Jemtland og Herjedalen

>Maybe norwegians and Danes, but swedish is a bit more different
Hva faen. Get out, you dumb nigger.

No fucking way unless Sweden sorts its shit out, which is not gonna happen. Denmark could work out okay though, too bad about their horrible "language"

I'll have you know that derailing threads with rolls is against the rules

>also gimme dat Israel, i don't wanna be a goy anymore

I think written Danish looks almost exactly the same as Swedish, its just I can't really make out everything when Danes go apeshit

Well, at least you got a Jewish country.

Lmao, my thoughts exactly

what the hell

rollin for a better country

wrong with what?

>Gif Jemtland og Herjedalen

We tried that already.

Didn't go so well.

Because then the leftist scum would be able to ruin all Scandinavia in one fell swoop. Stay separate and sovereign.

>dat .webm
Every fucking time. Fuck sakes we've lost plenty of times and don't cry like this, holy shit Brazzers, get it together lad.

Fuck my life.

>Isn't this pretty much true in any close geographical area
like French and Germans?

This, we've seen the dangers of unions and how different thinking people work together.

They don't work together, they end up trying to kill each other in the end.

It doesn't work, stop trying to make it work, if you want it to work you need to annex the entire land and kill them all and leave no one alive to spark hate or cling onto old identity.

Then it can work.


>Fuck sakes we've lost plenty of times and don't cry like this
It's because football is literally all they have

Al salaam, Mustafa.

At least you get to be on the winning side this time

Historically, Swedish and Danish both descended from Old East Norse, whereas Norwegian, Icelandic and Faroese descended from Old West Norse.
Obviously there's been a lot of other influences between the languages since then though.

Oh I don't know, maybe more in places like balkans, turkish areas, middle east, whole total of africa, and several others. You fuckwad.

based country, rollin


Oh I just thought you were phrasing your greentext in a sarcastic way

Just making fun of the BENELUX m8

>Would easily be one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
not really

>- Would easily be one of the most powerful countries in Europe.

20 million people

Right behind:
Russia (140)
Germany (82)France (66)
United Kingdom (62)
Italy (59)
Spain (47)
Ukraine (45)
Poland (38)


GDP 1200 mUSD (nominal)

Right behind:
Germany 3,874,437
United Kingdom 2,950,039
France 2,833,687
Italy 2,147,744
Russia 1,860,598
Spain 1,406,538

>tfw no one czech's your digits



Nah, Sweden is too pozzed at this point.
It is unsalvageable.

I choose Iceland regards haraldur haraldursson

There are too many Swedes, they will have more rights in the democracy, and they would just fill up Denmark with more muslim immigrants.

Just look Skaane, Blekinge and Halland. They took this rich land and gave it to muslims.

shut the fuck up don't you dare talk about my moms friend

It's quite common knowledge that Denmark and Norway wouldn't mind teaming up like in the old days, but Sweden can fuck off.

whelp thye all look pretty shit

abortion get


Shut the f*ck up dude...

Rollin rollin

I almost got Norway.

Rollan for Britain

What if we sorted our shit out?
t. half dane

please be switzerland


Rolling bois

Rollan for aborded

>similar culture
yeah no thanks i dont like getting cucked

>with Sweden


I would like that. Leave EU and gang up with the old gang again. Finland too of course.Throw out all immigrants also.

He's right you nignogs.

Norwegian and Swedish is like a singing conversation, they have that in common.
In literature, Danish and Norwegian is 90% identical, with the exception of funny stuff like hytte-på-hytte-på-hytte.

I don't' think the younger generation is very good at reading each others literature.
It's the older generation who are good at this.
The writen language is too different.

Denmark gave us to Sweden and we fought to not be with em. We cant stand the cucks in the east. No fighting when we were with danes tho. Danebros and norgies must unite.

let go

All nations should exit only upon ethnolinguistic lines.

They dont speak arabic.

if its africa or middle east I will be immortal

Anything but Sweden desu, fuck those cucks.

Jämtland är vårt jävla fiskätare

Härjedalen kan ni ta

Dam dude, you were 2 numbers away from being reborn Swede.

Wouldn't work unless some serious change happened.
>All three countries abandon EU completely
>Throw out rapefugees (You too, Sweden)
>One unified language, preferably Norwegian.
>Economics needs to be sorted
>Taxes and import/export needs to be sorted (Huge problem when talking about Norway)
I'd like to see it happen if these things are changed, but it's highly unlikely.

On the other hand a union with swedes and norwegians probably works better than a union with everything from spain to poland to britain.

I can't imagine why Norway and Denmark would want to team up with Sweden. Its like a 35 year old male that was kinda of a beta in high school but is now fit and successful getting together with the overweight former cheerleader that has been plowed by the entire is football team and contracted multiple STD's and accumulated hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit card debt.

Sweden in this case is the cheerleader.

But i would mind a military take over, as long as they don't give any voting rights to former Swedish citizens for at least 60 years.


>But i wouldn't mind a military take over*

[spoiler]not spam[/spoiler]

North Korea get

The EU was basically invented to steal honest northern countries' fisheries.


>Merge with Sweden

Danes are cool but Sven is too degenerate.