>Explain to me how this bullshit works.
Explain to me how this bullshit works
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It's simple economics son, I don't understand any of it.
we're fucked aren't we
A pyramid scheme where a parasitic generation in the 60s didn't abide by their responsibility of breeding and hogged all the capital.
no one will actually say it, but nobody understands economics. if it were understandable, at some point in history someone would have had a stable and predictable currency. the fact that one or two morons on wall street or tokyo or london can panic and everybody else proceeds to panic is proof that it's all a big fucking joke.
the usa has done a decent job since the great depression, so everyone tolerates whatever we do.
The horizontal axis measures time, and the vertical axis measures US national debt as a function of time
No it's still less than our GDP
biggest military force in the world and no morals allows you to pull any shit you could possibly imagine
hahahh how is debt real nigga just print more money nigga
>no one will actually say it, but nobody understands economics.
Those who begin to understand it, abuse it to their advantage for as long as they can until it crashes down.
>>Explain to me how this bullshit works.
Live the high life and let your Grand-kids pay your debts.
You have a big army, you can have all the debt you want.
Its more
So you could pay it back if the government seized 100% of all private profits for a full year
It's magic where you point a gun on whoever disagrees with it.
No no, it's not about beginning to understand it. It's about convincing others you understand it.
Le inflation and economy growth will make it all aproximately 0 over 1000 years so we can borrow as much as we want!
Dumbest meme ever.
It's rare to see a fellow time traveler. How goes your journey?
Do any of the candidates have some sort of plan to cut spending and introduce some kind of tax plan to get this shit paid off?
its not about producing or having some values anymore, its all emptytalks-o-nomic.
What if you burned all your moneys till you have like 5 dollars left, then pay like 3.50 for the debt because money is worth alot more now and after you payed off all the debt you make the monies again?
apparently this orange guy said something about trade deals
I wonder...
I love how this shows how various generation think
gdp is based on revenues not profits, and you can slowly repay it back by just having a budget surplus
The thing is that economics is like politics in that it has various forms based mostly on ideology and theory. Which is why when you hear autism like over 100 economists support Sanders policies. I wonder what sort of economics theory they go by because it sure as fuck isn't the most sound one
Budget deficits, deficit spending and colossal debt fueled by living beyond means.
it doesn't take into account the fact value of dollar changed
US debt was 113% of their GDP after WW2
kike magic designed to put every one in debt slavery.
Chipping, permanent negative interest rates and universal income soon to come.
That's a very open ended question.
What do you not understand?
pick one
I mean cmon ... Its just a meaningless number that doesnt mean anything lmfao
Alexander Hamilton being the badass slum nigga that he was had all banks nationalized, then two pole smoking faggots called Andrew Jackson and Aaron Burr along with my British counterparts used British-space Jew magic 80 years later all their banks are private, hopefully these dumb yanks don't nationalize the federal reserve then my Jewish space magic will be useless.
if you notice the years in which the debt was amassed. you would see that most of the debt was amassed during republican presidential terms.
>t. I am Greek
Its a goverment addicted to money,
created a monster economy on stimulus
Im going to enjoy seeing it all fall this year from my comfy chair
Debt is just another way to finance, bros.
>How can debt be real is money isn't real
You are right, the only real thing here is how much of a moron you are
it's simple, we print the money and of course the fed is never going to be audited for that very reason
Usury and interest
Nigger the national debt gone from trillion under Obama.
Literally never happened before.
> what are monthly interest payments
explain how the debt is nothing to the police and the court.
It doesn't, nobody has a fucking clue what is going on and anybody that says they do is either lying or delusional. Buy gold.
how the fuck are you supposed to pay for two wars during the bush term, Jamal?
Clinton and Trump each have "don't rock the boat, leave it basically like it is now" plans and Bernie's is just "Know what's cooler than a $20 trillion debt? A $100 TRILLION DEBT"
Who is the printing press?
You know we are just going to make minimum payments until inflation saves us right?
Why isnt debt paid off? The only reason i see is that each man in power wants to set a mark on history and paying off debt isnt what looks cool...
By printing more money. The point is that you are a fucking retard that said something that was false.
is that graph adjusted for inflation?
this desu
Or the 3 wars under Obama?
Not sure if you're memeing, but Obama has actually started more wars than bush did
Isn't this about the US Treasury issuing government bonds to the Federal Reserve, in order to have more money to stimulate the economy or buy out toxic securities from banks?
Because nobody can physically pay the debt.
There has to be deficit spending just to maintain the current system.
Because they can still pay for it. Seriously, this is nothing tragic.
As I said US debt was 113% of their GDP in 1945. Now it's 76%.
Dollar value has changed.
Problem with Americans is that Americans are retarded. Seriously.
Their welfare programs are incredibly inefficient because they are a product of butchering by various interest groups.
Their military spending (some 20% of government spending including veteran benefits) could be easily reduced but they love (read: lobbies) wasting billions on it.
Alternative way is government-owned military industry.
Anyway, when Americans tell you ''at least we don't have socialism'', Americans are dumb retards, because they do have socialism, only it's terrible.
>mfw netherlands thinks US debt is high
Yes, but if that stimulus doesn't actually produce real economic growth, which it isn't doing, then there is still a problem. The only question is whether you pay the debt back with taxes or with inflation.
>Or the 3 wars under Obama?
>Not sure if you're memeing, but Obama has actually started more wars than bush did
But.. but... but,,, The Europeans gave him the Nobel PEACE prize... how can this be...
How could the Europeans give the Nobel Peace prize to a man who has kept his nation at war throughout his ENTIRE presidency?
I still don't understand how we were able to lower our debt last year
Yes, but saying debt is not an issue until it hits 100% of gdp is just an arbitrary point
‘Massive Bailout’ Needed in China, Banking Analyst Chu Says
But you can't finance the government with debt indefinitely. Either the economy has to grow, taxes have to be raised, spending has to be cut, the government has to default or the currency has to hyper inflate. You can't magic money out of nothing.
deficit is more important that total debt. if you have a surplus and a big debt you are slowly repaying the debt so its going to get lower eventually, USA has constant deficit which make the debt bigger and bigger
this is literally the opposite of your last plan, I love it.
>Debt as % of GDP 99.05%
We're getting closer.
Bernies actual plan : Raise taxes taxes to our necks. Spend it on new hospitals bridges highways, communist housing projects and SUPA TRAINS. Need more money to pay for upkeep on all this new shit. Raise taxes to eyeballs. Deficit doesnt go up and neither does debt. But it doesnt get any smaller. When asked by reporter about dept starts muttering about capitalism under his breath until everyone leaves.
Hillary + Trumps plan : We cant spend because this crazy debt lmao! We cant cut anything because these crazy voters Lmao! Ok ok ok how about ......... another war? I mean tax cuts! A NEW WAR AND TAX CUTS! GOD BLESS THIS COUNTRY!
as bad as OP's chart looks, here's another way to look at it. however, not everyone agrees that debt vs. GDP is the best measure of economic health.
the point is, that the us is by far not the worst offender, and in the same ballpark as many other nations.
it's all a charade, anyway, as I stated earlier.
But we aren't a so-called superpower.
Yes, a better chart would be debt in relation to debt over time.
Our debt to GDP is actually 68%
Compared to the 80s, the debt in contrast to GDP has risen by over 70%.
we put a nigger in the whitehouse thinking it would be a good idea
and your neighbor belgium is at 106. would you say that their economic health is tremendously worse than yours, or somewhat similar?
Americans have advantage here because, well, they're superpower and dollar.
I noticed none of your candidates ever offer real fucking detailed plans about what to do with government spending.
How exactly to reform SS, Medicare and military spending. It's all few sentences and powerful slogans.
So is national debt actually means something or not? Like, who the fuck can demand something from USA? Let alone force it to pay?
They can't even build roads
It's all the fault of the walloons
We are swampjews and so are the Flemish people
Their economy could be good if they split off
Or all things remain the same and we have the same effective dept 100 years from now with more 0s at the end.
The only reason why you think it cant be in dept indefinitely is because you are trying to apply personal finance to a non human.
Government can be in dept from now til doomsday. As long as the creditors think they will keep making payments. Its not like the government is going to die before it finishes paying.
We just print more money, and other countries hold trillions in dollars in their banks as reserve currency. That's why no major inflation. As long as we pay the interest it keeps working, but eventually we won't be able to afford that.
It's the hot potato game. And baby boomers won.
the US debt doesnt mean anything per se
yes you have debts, but who is going to make the US pay them back?
the people holding the debt can just wait until they will get paid by the US gov and if not, what are they gonna do, sue the US?
the US will and can not ever default, you really think china will just demand that money and if they wont get it invade and seize assets? no
the only thing the US debt might do is hurt your image and maybe your credit score, but even then i doubt that would ever happen
>no one will actually say it, but nobody understands economics.
Scariest shit Ive read ever
because it literally is a zero sum game.
there is only a finite amount of stuff, and therefore only a finite amount of money to represent that stuff.
The idea of Fiat Currency is to cheat the system, because the base of a fiat currency is confidence, and confidence is unlimited, as it is a human property of mind.
The fundamental problem of Economics is limited resources and unlimited wants, modern economics tries to solve this by paying wants for wants.
It doesn't work.
For someone to make profit, someone else has to be making a loss. If the goverment makes a profit the rest of the economy makes a loss, as the government is siphoning money from the economy without reinvesting it.
Also we are the only mainland Euro country that produces gas
That helps
>military spending
>being reduced
You could get shot for saying that in america. Every year the military asks for LESS money and MORE flexibility with what it can spend it on. Every year we tell them no.
Voters love military spending. Lobbyists love military spending on their bullshit planes. Politicians love lobbyist money and love votes.
Its in the constitution or something.
>For someone to make profit, someone else has to be making a loss.
milton friedmann is spinning in his grave
That list only shows liabilities, not assets. Singapore, for example, is a creditor country, actually.
Actually this vid tells it all
This is wrong on so many levels. Adding zeros to the end is hyperinflation and it destroys economies. I didn't say it couldn't be in debt indefinitely, I said it couldn't keep spending by issuing new debt.
Its actually more
>16.77 trillion dollar GDP
>19 trillion dollar debt
This is unsettling
The problem is actually much more complex. US debt bonds are the main reserve asset for banks, foreign reserves to other nations and collateral for the derivatives markets. If the foreign support for US bonds and dollars stops, the debt and dollars will fall pretty hard.
I want to fuck your women
In a mass debt situation is it good to hold on to dollars? Or will they become worthless.
Many countries have defaulted on their debt and nobody asked them to pay back, but the moment people doubted their intentions to pay back their economies simply plummeted.
You don't need to invade something, when private investors run from your country, you will suffer without a single bullet being shot.
The dollar isn't backed by anything. Need more money? Call Shlomo at the Fed and tell him to fire up the printers.
>Haha (Insert country), you guys are so cucked ROFL xP
>Ignorant to own demise
>finite amount of stuff
>limited resources
>you be a basic bitch nigga cant even high technology yo punk ass
I think 1975 was were everyone got rid of their gold backed currency and started using the fiat jew money.