Dubs decides what I use for lube trips decides what I stick up my ass with that lube

Dubs decides what I use for lube trips decides what I stick up my ass with that lube.

Wasabi for lube.....chillis is what your shovling

hot sawze

Andy Sixx's log of shit

Mustard for lube. Butter knife for dildo

Ketchup with flashlight up your ass

lube - pizza sauce
ass candy - hamster


Lube: Hot Sauce
Dildo: Razor Blades.

Icy hot for lube and you're pushin a table leg up your ass

shit filled toilet water for lube, protractor in ass


Mayo and barbique sauce
And carrot

pine cone


Icy hot tube in your ass, cap off

boiling salt
your leg

White Dog shit in the shitter

Mad Dog Plutonium #9 hot sauce

Frozen water bottle

An omlet

With a black dick

A pair of your mother's dirty underwear soaked in lube.

Lube:- Sunflower oil
Shoving:- Aerosol can

Rolling for this, lube=milk

Rolling for:
Lube: Blood
Dildo: Cheese Grater



Roll.. Gravel.... rolling pin

>regular lube
fucking boring

roll for melted aluminum

too late man lube was already chosen

New a guy who told a story of a desperate college hookup that ended up using MAYONNAISE as lube.

your dad

gasoline for lube

3 needles as ass candy

Raw chicken leg up ass

well played

habanero sauce and a pineapple