his project aims to establish a viable European oriented state in Namibia as a failsafe in case of the fall of Western Civilization during the next 50 years.

We buy up the land and settle communities.

The project has been ongoing for sometime, gathering hundreds of supporters and members as well as thousands of dollars in donations from wealthy backers, however it has gone underground for now due to overexposure from the media.

Currently we are relaunching the project to the public.

This includes certain requirements to become citizens of this state. Namely:

>IQ average must be 100+

>If your IQ is ~just~ under 100 you can still qualify if you are ~exceptionally~ strong/athletic.

>No major heredity diseases, no birth deformities

>All faiths allowed except Judaism, Islam and "New Age"

>If you’re a like 1/8 Jew by blood only you might still be considered.

>May not be obese or anorexic. If not fit, get fit.

>First language must be Indo-European, Uralic/other European

>No transgenderism, paedophilia, furries or feminism.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Is it whites only?

For citizenship yes. We won’t be answering each “is X white?” question. If you adhere to all of these points but aren’t white we can still use your help as you still get access to the country, just no political power. But no outright Blacks or Arabs.

>Why Namibia?

1. It has the lowest population density of any nation other than Mongolia.
2. It uses English as its primary mode of communication.
3. The population of 2m is overwhelmingly concentrated on the Northern border, and there are 4.5 million whites in South Africa that want their own nation and can’t all afford to emigrate like less than 300k Rhodesians did.
4. We are sick of getting cucked in the west, and want to make a nation with our own rules from the ground up the right way.
5. Siper Cheap desert land that can be artificially irrigated with modern technology. Namibian Dollar is shit, 16x less than USD.
6. A lot of undeveloped mines and offshore energy sources.

>What about the Namibian army?
Literally a meme; a handful of wwii tanks that they aren’t sure are operational and 2 attack helicopters.

>This isn’t possible
Israel did it and in a heavily populated and disputed area. The difficulty is scaled down 1000x here.

>Why not X white area/country?

Cucked governments would never allow this and it isn’t as cheap. Also, vast untapped resources in Namibia.

>Won’t this be a sausage fest?

Red pilled Afrikaner and German Namibian girls.

>This can’t be real?

We got in the news boi. vice.com/read/white-colony-in-namibia-773

>UN would fuck your shit up

This is completely legal and beneficial to Namibia overall.

>What kind of people are you looking for?

STEM field colonists and experts on manufacturing and infrastructure construction. Willing farmers and builders also needed.

>How can I join/observe?

We’re using Kikebook ~temporarily~ until we can get the website finished.

We need website designers, wealthy donors and supporters.


Everyone who participates in building this country, either with money or labour, shall be rewarded some sort of "aristocracy" title. This title would be automatically given to all your legitimate sons, as long as they meet the requirements set initially. Your family can at any point become aristocracy, as long they have been a great help to this country. The requirements are:
* Must be white (to be decided what is white)
* Must have at least an IQ of 100+
* Must be born healthy
The idea of this is to keep the white race pure and, by breeding with smart women only, to eventually end up smarter and breed out disease. Women you marry with will be tested on whether they requirement as well. Marrying outsiders will be encouraged to avoid inbreeding. Wanna marry a negress, fine. Will you lose your title? No, will your children inherit it? No.

Now what's the use of this aristocracy title, and why are families so important?
The oldest of each family will be on a council (unless you deem yourself too old and forward it to your eldest son). This council decides what we as a country do, and can ask the help of citizens through referenda. During referenda the aristocrat families will have a stronger vote.

In this system, doing something for your country is greatly rewarded not only for you but for your entire family.




Didn't get a serious reply a few threads back, reposting this.
Okay, putting up a small summary of my (short) life. Would I be eligible to join?
I'll start with the cons:
>Had asthma until I was 14
>Was allergic to dogs and horses
>Easily get sunburns
>Not that strong
>Existential Nihilist (Not the depressed kind though, and not a fedora tipper either. Wished I could be religious for a long time)

Now for the pros:
>IQ is ought to be between 135-145
>Currently studying WO biotech on the Wageningen University
>Pureblood Germanic, Mostly dutch, some northern Swiss and a tiny speck of central Prussian.
>Blue eyes blond hair
>Fluent in Dutch (very close to Afrikaans) and English, able to completely understand and speak some German, able to understand some french.
>Know all about grape growing and wine making because of father's vineyard

You're good to go m8. There will also be a lot of boers there with many cultural similarities to you.

ok ill bite since trump just won the nom and it feels like theres going to be millions of white fucks dead in the next decade maybe this is a good idea after all.

who got the money to do this shit

your south africathread got banned now you changed proxy , fuck you shills

I'm full white and graduated from a top law school. I could help with the legal system.

wage slave here
24 y/o Carpenter, locksmith, machinery and plant leader (Food and Plastic, recycling Industry) and a ton of other knowledge

im speaking German, English, Polish and Spanish

and i always dreamd about my own farm, wish i could make it happen

Yeah thats what got me thinking. This isnt a bad idea.

if you read the FAQ, the land is cheap in this particular part of the country, the currency goes very far.

what are you talking about? what south africa thread?

Mathematician reporting in. Half venezuelan but nobody would notice.

How do you get women there? Would only settle for a smart qt aryan gf.

Any idea on fertility? Isn't half of namibia like a desert? If the land were fertile there would probably be a lot of african/boer farmers there.

Why are you always in these threads?

They will come once we get the ball rolling
There are already plenty there in the existing namibian population as well as some boer ex pat qts who will immigrate

>they think a bunch of niggers will allow some autists take their land
you will be culturally enriched sooner or later

Its all a matter of irrigation. We have researched techniques, such as the one in Israel and so on.

Was wondering the same. What crops can we grow without too much irrigation/fertilizer? I bet it would be great for grapes, since the less fertile the ground the better they are, but I don't know how cold it gets at night.

I know a filipino who was born in namibia.

I was like "The fuck, where is that?"

I never knew it was an african country, and he's filthy rich.

Have fun with your sausage-fest. Also, can't wait for the lefties to destroy your country in 100 years time.

>hate nigger
>move to nigger continent
Genius move OP.

Does this project have any afilitation or correspondence with the Suidlanders?

Or for that matter other alt-right groups of South Africa or Namibia?

at least we can preserve some of you pale shitposters that still carry the will of the redpill before the big kill comes.

namibia sounds like a good idea but try to be friends with the locals(but no diversity bullshit), make your little encampment look like a village of wise men or something that contains journals and videos of jew tricks and nigs nogging.

Thats what this is bro. We've stepped upon a goldmine

I'd tell you to bring your girlfriend if you had one

Guess might as well do this too

IQ is between 124-134
Currently pursuing medicine in uni
A good cook
Fluent in english
Moderately strong I guess
Dunno if this counts but grandfather was a poultry farmer, used to help him out back when I was a child
Again not sure if this counts but I'm good at playing the piano and guitar, I can sing, I''m also good at poetry

Thats about it

How do you plan to arm yourselves? Can you legally purchase firearms there?

Yes, several amongst our ranks are afrikaners and from the western cape. We have been trying to make contact with people in namibia but to no avail

How does that work exactly?

I'm half white half spic and I can get fit gathering resources
I'm also smarter than average :3c

Yes, we see western civilization in peril and we need to preserve our way of life.

24 y/o Ruskie
184 cm and fairly strong
Work as an engineer
Don't have any major diseases and my IQ is around 120-130. Totally straight. Can I join you?

I'd imagine even if it was illegal you could smuggle arms in illegally pretty easily.

But it˙s for whites only

Join our facebook page to find out more. Link is in first reply as Sup Forums doesnt allow kikebook links

This is a strictly whites only project

welcome aboard

they move to our continent and they hate us :^)


i read that later, my bad

Well yeah and risk being thrown in African jail? No thanks

>only whites
But user that makes us no better than liberals who want a 100% nigger society


Yes it does, 100% white society is objectively better than a 100% nigger society and thus wanting only whites is better than what liberals want.

Facebook is monitored like no other social media - I wouldn't like my employee to see that i joined your group. is there any other more secure way to apply?

because its a slide or honeypot thread you fucking faggot

its never going to happen and all the important questions are never answered just

>rate my falg
>im mexican spanish can i come
>muh women
>muh guns


Dubs of truth.

Create a fake account and join

Sick diss, Paddy.

So Pakistan, Ubekistan, Kazahstan are white now? Because that is what Russkies are mixed with.

Very few russians are actually white

I guess I'll participate for the hell of it:
>24 y.o. male
>Fit, but a manlet (like 5'9" or some shit, when will I learn)
>Work as a cop, so I guess my skills would be somewhat applicable

If Trump pulls through, I'll definitely stay in America, but, if not, I guess this is an interesting project to monitor, assuming the white colony idea actually takes off for once.

exact reply from yesterdays thread , copy and paste or is this a bot thread >

we are working on a webiste, facebook is temporary. Either make your account private or make a bullshit account

your society should be more free, this is why we are leaving for namibia.

Are you white or are you 60% white?

Huehue hue

Two questions.

How expensive is the land there?

And why are you cowards fleeing instead of fighting?

you replied with the same monitoring pic but different iguana 2 days ago

dafuq is this shit going on on pol

What is the minimal amount of money needed to join you? I only have around 15.000$

That is true but we should also have parts where we have educated spics chinks and other races while maintaining a decent white majority

Srsly last time some his tried this there were no women. Isn't there already some Afrikaner strongholds elsewhere?

you are a shill. get out this doesnt concern you.

the keffirs are already ruining those

Wait, really? Screencap where it said that in the last thread because if that actually happened its pretty remarkable.

That white Namibia population kek, actually increasing every year

Fuck off pajeet. Your shit genes are not welcome.
Lol yeah sure.

Most of us are saving up for another two years. Just laying down the groundwork now. you should have enough money by then.

I'm mostly Italian, from various parts of Italy from north to south, so I'm not white according to our d&c friends.

>not understanding the "monitor" pun
The lizard is called a monitor, and I am watching (or monitoring) this thread. That wasn't me two days ago or whatever. I haven't posted in one of these colony threads in months. Don't be an imbecile.

mate it said whites only
you're not invited either

There are trees they have in Australia, they used to change the desert landscape. The same might be able to be used in the Calahari.

Who's there?
>Zanu PF

I can tell you're not serious about this because you allow gays. You can't possibly think you can preserve western family units and values that way.

This is doomed to failure you can't grow a healthy society founded on acceptance of homosexuality.

Hey why not.
>white (scottish and Scandinavian ancestors)
>electrical engineering major w/ military science minor
>125-135 iq
>work with satellites for the military
Don't want to leave America and would prefer to try and fix it rather than abandon it, but it can't hurt to have a backup plan. Also, it's a dream of mine to own a farm

If i create a bullshit account they could still track my IP and identify me

Namibia is actually pretty based, Most whites who are being kicked out move there and become farmers. Hell Namibia welcomed them, I think it's hilarious that African countries kick out whites and then other African countries are like "oh shit nows our chance to advance," so they invite them

Is there any sort of plan I can read up on how the community is going to be set up, how finances are going to be handled and what how basically this is going to work?

Dubs say there's a 100% chance this will drift off and fail miserably. Singles says there's a 0.01% chance this could work somehow.

Seriously though, your attempt to take the cowards way out by abandoning your countries for shits and giggles is going to fade away with the last hopes of our dead race. A combination of shitty land, autistically authoritarian entry requirements, and the fact that you'll get a max population of 50 (all of which will be men) even if you get to Namibia in the first place, will render this little project null before it's even off the ground.

However, quints say this will succeed and you'll be the most prosperous nation on Earth.

Zanu PF who?

Oh look it's a le Nazis go to Africa to escape niggers thread

This. Even if the Namibian army is a meme, what makes you think OP that the local population won't stand up against it? Unless you're providing jobs or resources to them I don't see how the locals can not see you as a threat.

Or are Namibians different?

There is one person who posted in these threads who seem to have the down to earth thinking that might get things moving correctly, he was in the last thread:

Land in Namibia is cheap because it's a godforsaken desert shithole?
Stay and fight for the lands your forefathers gave you, you fucking Eurofag pussies.

enjoy your green party president

Enjoy your homo weeb colony getting redpilled on reality by a pack of niggers

I fit all the criteria lets just say i would be interested what information would you need from me? How do you manage people that get sick? Taxes, police, education, food and goods, what is the responsibility of the average person, what political system, how would you deal with outside forces trying to fuck everything up? There are like a thousand questions in my mind right now.

What thus guy said.

It's a nice pipe dream but you'd be better off just buying land in South Africa and settling people there. Namibia is like death Valley the country

Zanu PF who are going to kill you if you don't leave in 24 hours.

Alright, I'm gonna summarize my life too to see if I'm eligible, cons first like the other guy:

> Had asthma until I was 13
> Allergic to penicillin
> I look skinny I guess
> 1/32 American Indian (something like that, nobody can tell)
> Only know one language
> No developed skills / trade

Alright here are my pros:

> I'm White
> 6'4 180 lbs
> Not a Faggot (furry, transgender, etc.)
> blue eyes
> Right Wing
> IQ somewhere around 140
> Mostly Anglo-Saxon partially Hungarian

>building churches
>implying this isn't what caused fall of Europe too many times
Just nuke them already, spare me the cuckinging and suffering.

Very little population. The problem is the desert.

>take the cowards way out
why would i fight for something when the majority want it? London will never be British again, no matter how hard you fight back. Whites will have colonies and barricade themselves off from everything

> police
Yeah, the Namibian police will come running as soon as you send them a smoke signal that a bunch of foreign colonialists are being culturally enriched

Wtf is with you people? Even with how cucked Europe is, it's massively more white than Namibia. It's not even 10% white. You'd do better concentrating in Eastern Europe or some shit.

You don't hear the same kind of shit from Namibia that you hear from South Africa, so how about not rustling the boat and fucking things up for the whites over there? You can expect ten million South African nogs pretty quickly if they think whiteys are colonizing again.

Until some nigger dictator comes and buldozes everything down, the international community expropiates your lands or niggers find out about your little paradise and start pillaging/mendicating all over the place.

Namibia has become increasingly anti foreigner as of late, and if you're thinking about invasion, you're gonna have SWAPO on your ass.

Once that happens all the other liberation parties in Africa will join in arms with SWAPO. All of a sudden you now have these liberation armies being resurrected from the dead

Still I think the local tribe leaders won't be quite happy with the evil white men degrading their sacred land.

I feel OP's intentions, but I think there's better ways of achieving it.

This isn't going to happen and it is incredibly hypocritical anyways. I hope Africans completely enrich all of your countries

People, please!
Dont pretend like this is something that can be casually dialogued.
Instead, when the time comes that something similar happens, you must only be ready to support it. Which im sure the legit amongst are, but talking about this online only hurts it in the future

My father is pure German but my mother is Jewish.
Would that exclude me?

>Mother jewish

that means you're a jew

No jews allowed

implying we wouldnt defend ourselves

Oh definitely. I agree with you. Even if it is sparsely populated, it is a barren wasteland. OP could easily move to like half of America. Tons of places here are still 95% White. Moving to Africa to get away from Africans sounds counterintuitive.

Buncha dipshit communists. what is there to be afraid of.

lol at all the retards who say their IQ is "between 120-30"

I used to score 125 while guessing a bunch of the answers to online IQ tests. On a real IQ test I'm 112. You're not that smart, faggots.

at least we have the balls to do something

jidf fuck off